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There is another software - a branch from SleepyHead - called OSCAR. Come over and have a read.

Though this post is old, I've become interested in it as my husband has recently faced a problem of sleep apnea. Thanks, I'll check the suggested source.
years ago i was diagnosed with apnea- went from cpap to bipap and finally ASV set up- i tried and tried to get used to it- have not been on it now for several months- i had lost 90 #'s ( weigh****chers) and still had the same symptoms. complex apnea- more on the central end. my body forgets* to breathe. it gets slower and slower- i don't have the 'gasping choking' typical with obstructive apnea. frustrating i had lost the wt. but still had the breathing issue. now my wt is climbed back with edema to boot- ckd/heart related. i would still wake up on the ASV- chest pain- having to constantly change positions during the night. spasticity / neurogenic bladder adds to the all night party :( prayers for all affected!
maybe i should try the ASV usage again and not expect it to relieve the chest discomfort/ wt gain etc ??
on 12/27/19 3:46 am
That's not good... I am having similar issues, and I know how it feels
I am just beginning my journey. I have my orientation next week. I have had a cpap machine for 2 years but I can't use it. I just can't sleep with something on my face, fighting with the hose etc. I have read that they will make me do another test and use my machine continually for 6 months to a year before moving forward. I am freaked out by this and very discouraged. I move in bed a lot due to chronic hip pain. I have tried different types of masks/nasal pillows etc--it doesn't matter. At times I feel like I can't breathe at all --claustraphobic-like. Has anyone had this issue and they didn't insist you do it anyway? My surgery is in Hamilton Ontario. I don't know if this site is primarily American or not so things will be different between how the 2 countries do things.
I had the lapband done in 2010 and have kept off 100 pounds. I have not been able to ditch my C-PAP however. The pressure is lower but I still need it. Actually I needed it at a lower weight than I am now so I really shouldn't be surprised! I had a skinny friend that needed a C-PAP so it's not always weight related. I'm sorry but you never know what may happen. If you need it you should still use it - please don't be like some and just quit using it. Your heart health depends on using it.
So ... I had the gastroscopy done last week and the anaesthesiologist said that I still have a 50/50 chance of having sleep apnea after the weight loss. Ughhh. He said that if I look in my mouth, I will notice that my tongue and my uvula do not have a lot of space in between ... thus sleep apnea. He said that after weight loss, the weight on my neck will decrease and help that ... but he gives me only 50/50 chance that it will cure my sleep apnea.
I'm a bit disappointed. Don't get me wrong ... I'm looking forward to the surgery and weight loss so that I am healthier but I was hoping to ditch the CPAP. Time will tell I guess.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Referral: Feb 14/17; Processed: Apr 28/17; Hamilton Orientation: July 24/17; Pre-Nutrition: Oct 27/17; Re-Do Hamilton Orientation: Apr 29/19; Pre-Nutrition: May 17/19; Nurse: May 29/19; Blood work: Aug 2/19; EKG: Aug 1/19; Allergist: Aug 15/19; Abdominal Ultrasound: Sep 4/19; Dietician: Sept 9/19; Internist Dr. Taboni: Oct 10/19; Social Work: Nov 06/19; Endoscopy Consult: Nov 08/19; Gastroscopy: Nov 21/19; Meet Dr. Gmora: Dec 4/19 Pre-Op and Surgery Class: Jan 09/20 Surgery: Jan 13/20 OMG they moved it up to Jan 06/20
I have sleep apnea and am looking forward to weight loss and not needing the CPAP machine.
I would say just keep using it, as is, until you get your sleep study done in January. You have no way of knowing if you are not breathing at night because you are "sleeping." I think the only true way of knowing is at a sleep study. And I wouldn't do it sooner because you will still be losing weight between now and the January appointment. You can use this time to lose more and maybe by the time the January appointment rolls around, they just might say you don't need it at all.
... just my two cents.
Good luck!
Referral: Feb 14/17; Processed: Apr 28/17; Hamilton Orientation: July 24/17; Pre-Nutrition: Oct 27/17; Re-Do Hamilton Orientation: Apr 29/19; Pre-Nutrition: May 17/19; Nurse: May 29/19; Blood work: Aug 2/19; EKG: Aug 1/19; Allergist: Aug 15/19; Abdominal Ultrasound: Sep 4/19; Dietician: Sept 9/19; Internist Dr. Taboni: Oct 10/19; Social Work: Nov 06/19; Endoscopy Consult: Nov 08/19; Gastroscopy: Nov 21/19; Meet Dr. Gmora: Dec 4/19 Pre-Op and Surgery Class: Jan 09/20 Surgery: Jan 13/20 OMG they moved it up to Jan 06/20