cpap is irritating my nose
I have switched from the nose mask to the cannula style and that seems better. However, I still can't get used to the mask. It bothers my nose and I fidget more in my sleep than I did before. I wake up and my mask is on the floor. I hate it. I'm having surgery on Jan 20 and my doctor wants the mask on me for at least two weeks. Hello that is from today forward. I need help in keeping this thing on me. Should I try something to help me have a deeper sleep so I wont take it off? Or will doing that cause a problem for surgery? Thanks for any advice. Amy
I had sleep apnea also. I started wearing a mask a month before the surgery. It kept me up at night. It took a long while to get use to it, but you will. I tried the nasal (two holes) mask but it was to much pressure to take and was also irritating. I also tried the fnacy good. I likef\d the plain resperonics (maker) mask its called "______light" (i forget the name) I can't remember the name, but it has a blue gel around the nose peice and this mask was the most comfortable for me. I sleep on my stomach so it took a while to gwt used to. I had to learn to sleep on my side or back. I am happy to say that after 7 moths after surgery and 120 pounds down. I don't have sleep apnea anymore and no longer use a cpap. I wish you the best.
I was diagnosed after losing 165 pounds. I'm 190 now and still need the machine. Mine is obstructive sleep apnea so my throat collapses. The weight makes it better but it is still bad. I had a horrible time getting use to it. I would wake up with the cord around my neck. It would be on the floor. It would be facing my husband with the air hitting him. I didn't even remember taking it off. The sleep Dr. had me see he sleep shink. That is what I call her. She did a mask fit with me. I tried about 5 different ones. She gave me a happy pill to take at night to relax me and help me get use to the machine. The pill upset my stomach so I had to stop. Now I take Ambein. It knocks me out and I don't notice the machine. I also stopped the machine and went to the dental device but I keep waking up. Good luck with the machine. Keep trying.
I'm a CPAP user and so is my husband and mother. I am all for taking a sleep aid. Prescription Xanax, or Benadryl, or natural Melatonin at the vitamin counter. All of these seem to make you sleepy. If you are so sleepy before bedtime, then you are likely to sleep sounder and not notice the mask so much. You may need to re-adjust the mask so the head gear fits tighter. My hair made my mask slip up off the back of my head so now I pull my hair through the back strap to hold it in place.
Best wishes.