New RNY & C-pap
I'm day 5 post-op Lap RNY
and having difficulty using my nasal mask c-pap!?
I seem to feel it pushing on my internal sutures - suppose that's possible? I wake up and have removed the mask... back to those weird short of breath dreams that I had before the c-pap - so I KNOW I need it! Dr. wants me to wear it - can't heal nearly as well when running short of oxygen...
I've had one or two occasions PRE-OP where I felt like I was swallowing air and was advised to use the chin strap to assure my mouth wasn't falling open. Keeping chin strap on was a real challenge too! I don't feel like I've swallowed air, really - no burping, but if anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear! I am dreading
going to bed every night
since I don't seem nearly as comforted by the c-pap as I was the first five months I wore it. I feel like this is a mental issue and hope someone else has "gone there before me" and can help me to deal with this issue!
Thanks for any
Angela in Oklahoma

I have not had my surgery yet, but last week I vistied with my surgeon and he said I could no longer use mine as it was dangerous with the air pushing on the staple line in my stomach. But others have told me that they just usually have theirs adjusted to a lower pressure setting and still use it until they lose enough weight to not need any longer. I don't know what I am going to do about not using it at all, as I know I have severe sleep apenea, and don't want to have the surgery to die from the sleep apenea. So I am seeing a pulmonologist next week to discuss. Good luck---Debbie