i hate this machine!!!!
I went for a sleep study in December.. I have severe apnea..(stopped breathing 48 times in one hour) or, so I'm told.
They couldn't get a good reading as I kept ripping the darn mask off my face... So, now they lent me a machine that registers what setting I need.
Well,, after three weeks along with a presciption for Ambien so I could leave the mask on my face.. I am still ripping the God Forsaken thing off my face.
What next???!!!
Getting frustrated.
Vivian, you may need a different kind of mask. Please give it a try. Sleep Apnea is very serious. I went for years untreated after my initial diagnosis. I was diagnosed as mild with a titration of 7. I am currently severe with a titration of 16. I had to take it seriously after falling asleep behind the wheel and at work; after having years of poor job performance; and, after not being able to enjoy my husband and a social life due to fatigue. You may need a different mask. Keep working with your sleep specialist until you find what works for you. I have the Breeze mask and it is the most comfortable one I've had thus far. If you can stand the nasal pillows, it is less strappy and frees your face from irritation. Just don't give up on it. You owe it to yourself. It takes time to get used to it. You just have to decide how important it is to you. Feel free to email me if you want to discuss it further.
I'm still having some difficulty. I have also gained @ 10 lbs since my sleep study with titration. They are going to put me on one of those CPAPs that collects data so they can properly adjust my titration. I can't wait. I turn my humidifier all the way up. Does nothing for me at the lower settings. Glad all is working out for you. The only time I don't use it is if I have an upper respiratory infection. Other than that, I'm Darth Vader every night.
Ericka M.
Vivian, I'm glad to read that I'm not alone. Here it is 4am and I'm on the computer in order to justify not having my headgear on! I can handle it for about 3 hours and then I need a break. I use the nasal pillows which I thought at first was better than the nose mask. However the pillows kind of make my nostrils sore. I don't rip it off, I consciously turn it off and remove it. The only thing that keeps me going is I have a "spy card" that keeps track of the usage. I try my best to get at least 5 hours a night with it on. Ambien before bed helps, but I hate taking it every night. I AM getting more rest (wasn't getting any before) so I know it does work, but oh for a good night's sleep without this. Looking forward to getting enough weight off to not need the machine. Hang in there. It is important. Someone on line suggested a different type of nose piece. I looked it up and it looked much less confining. Don't remember what it was called. That's a lot of help isn't it? Hang in there, Karen
Vivian, I understand how frustrated you must be. I remember when I first got my CPAP and how hard it was to get used to using it. Now that I have, it is my lifeline! I sleep so much better than before, and the headaches and sleepiness are gone. It's wonderful! Keep trying, and talk to the doctor to see if he/she can help somehow.
I can sympathize. I was diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep apnea in November 2003. This was after losing 165 pounds. I have tried the CPAP for a year. I tried about 5 masks. I could not sleep at all with it. Either the air leaked out or I would take off in my sleep. Now I just got the dental device. Has a fancy name. Mandibular something. It goes over your teeth and pushed the jaw out. It is not bad at all . I have all caps and bridges and feel like they are getting loose. Now I have a upper respiratory thing going so can't use anything. I take Ambein also. I am so wiped out. To add to it, I also have Narcolepsy. I take Provigil for that. It also treats sleep apnea. I take Ritalin in the afternoon so I can stay awake for the drive home from work. Good luck with everything.