self pay sleep study
I have not had wls surgery yet hopefully in the next few weeks. I had to have a sleep study done and I am a self pay . I have not recieved the bill yet and am very anxious they told me @2ooo.oo.
So far i have paid a bill for the Doctor 550. to review the test ( even though i didn't sleep during it).
I recieved another bill for 250. to go in to her (the dr)to get the results which were not good because i did not sleep. however. i do have apnea. So i am now the proud renter of an auto pap machine to the tune of 420. plus the head gear and mask which is another 200. The rent monthly is 159. oh and the origianl head gear did not work for me so i just today went and spent another 2oo, on face mask head gear and the old head gear which iwore for less than 16 hrs is not returnable so its like throwing 200. in the garbage ugh I am not rich and have to pay all this back i took out a loan I think this is highway robbery any suggestions