Taking mask off in my sleep
I've had my cpap machine for a month now. It took me some time to get use to it, as I left for a business trip to London the day after I got it...just can't sleep in hotels. Anyway, to make a long story longer...now that I'm home and sleeping soundly, I find that I'll wake up in the middle of the night with the mask and headgear in my hand...having taken it off in my sleep.
Is anyone else experiencing this, and how have you combatted it?
I'm just a few days into using my machine. I wake up and consciously make the choice to remove it for about 30 minutes. I'm doing better. Went last night from 10pm to 5:20am with shutting it off two times. Doing better, but still not in love with the thing! I just want to be "free" for a little while every couple of hours. PS I want to go to London on a business trip (or any other way that I can get there)

Hi Joni, I've been using CPAP machine for five years now and I too, had a battle with taking it off without being aware of doing so. This first occurred until i got used to machine. (which took me about three months). After that I would experience that if I was congested. My ENT suggested use of a Nasal Emoulent which helped to keep nostrils moist even though the air was blowing.
Last year I also experienced this and it was resolved with changing the setting on the machine as I had gained weight. I have recently undergone Gastric ByPass and am again having the same problem with keeping it on. They are now toning down the pressure and I hope to eventually be off the machine altogether!
Good Luck! Hopefully you'll be sleeping
soundly real soon!