My "friend" and I are getting to know each other!
Last night as my 3nd night with my C-Flex machine. My setting is 13, the machine kinds of shifts down as I exhale to make it easier. The first night was miserable, the 2nd a bit better, last night was muchbetter. I have the "nasal pillows". I somehow managed to rearrange a hose wrong the 2nd night. Didn't have it set up right. Don't think I damaged myself or the machine, just didn't work right. Also, managed to get my little nose "thingeys" kind of turned inside out. Not really, but the little part that goes in the nostril got pushed in so they weren't even close to being airtight. They seemed quite noisy and I'm sure more air was escaping that going in. Got that straightened out last night too. I wore the mask from 10:30 to 5:30. Had it off briefly three times, but that was much better than the night before. I'll keep at it. I'm getting over the anxiety part of it as I get used to it and realize that I am not really under water scuba diving like I felt like during the study! Hitting the ramp button really does work! Karen
I tried the nasal pillows first, and could never make it through the whole night without taking them off! I traded for the small mask that goes over just my nose. It works much better! It is also easier for me to sleep in my side with it. AND it has a swivel on the mask so you don't worry so much about getting tangled up. I have no idea why they don't put that swivel thing on ALL of the masks! If you're not able to get through the night after a few weeks, I'd really look into trying a different mask. For me, it made the difference between hating and loving my c-pap!

I've had Darth Vader for about a week now with the nasal pillows (very comfortable for me), my setting is 11, keep the heat at 3 any higher than that and the hoses get condensation in them.
Did you get more than one set of pillows with yours, you might want to try a different size, mine came with 3 different sizes.
I've only woke up 2 times with my head gear in my hand I was told it wasn't a big deal as long as it didn't happen all the time, have not noticed a huge difference in how I feel, but I am sleeping through the night which is a big plus, and am a bit more alert. I only sleep around 6 hours a night anyway, even if I go to bed early.