Help!! Stuffy nose
I have had my CPAP since Sept. I have a problem with a stuffy nose. When I get up for a litle while it goes away. Then when I go back to sleep I wake up in a couple of hours with my nose closed up again. Sudafed helps but for about 3 to 4 hours. I have a humidifier now for about a month but it does'n help much. What can I do? Anybody with this problem? Solution?
Hi I have a couple of suggestions.
One thing I learned from this breathing site
Blocked or runny nose? You can change it right now by changing your breathing
All you have to do is trap a little more carbon dioxide in. An easy way to do this is:
Take a normal, unforced breath in
Let a little bit of air out so you are not full
Then pinch your nose closed, and hold your breath. [Mouth closed!]
Hold only for about 5 seconds after your first desire to take a breath. Do not hold as long as you can, as this will make control of your breathing when you stop holding more difficult.
When you release your nose and start breathing again, breathe as little as possible. Keep very still. This will keep the carbon dioxide you have trapped in, so that it can open your nose.
If you are not sure if your nose is clearer, simply repeat this simple exercise a few times with about 15 seconds between each breath hold.
If you managed to make a change in how blocked your nose is, [or even cleared it completely] then you have just been more successful than years of drugs or surgery can be.
I do this often and it really helps.
Also I sometimes use a nasal spray. Ask your pharmacist which ones do not cause "rebound". some just make the problem worse.
Hope this helps.