question regarding sleep apnea

erin o
on 9/30/04 1:07 pm - MOORPARK, CA
Okay my hubby has jumped out of bed twice gasping and choking and looking quite scared.I think it is sleep apnea he says no he choked???Please some of you with this give me your opinions. Thanks for your help, Erin
on 10/1/04 3:26 am - BOONVILLE, IN
I have history of this too, but I have acid reflux and sleep apnea I'd say its one of or both of these
on 10/6/04 10:45 pm - Effort, PA
Tell your husband to get a sleep test done. It can't hurt and if he has sleep apnea and get's a Cpap machine he'll sleep much better once he gets adjusted to his machine. I can't sleep without my machine now as I wake up gasping and I don't know if I'll ever adjust to sleeping without it even after I have my WLS. Donna
Irene M.
on 10/10/04 2:09 pm - Plano, TX
Your husband should be tested for sleep apnea. If he does not get tested and he is positive for sleep apnea, it could lead to other problems in the future.
Ewanda S.
on 10/19/04 3:03 pm - Baltimore, MD
Your husband should be tested asap. I have sleep apnea and find sleeping on my stomach easier than on my back. Besides gasping for air other symptoms are frequent urination during sleeping hours, waking several times a night and being exhausted the next day and also snoring. I also had lots of headaches because I was not recieving enough oxygen as I slept at night . The testing is over night for one night. They hook you up to about a million wires then expect you to sleep but it was worth it. no pain involved. One experience of falling asleep at the wheel made me get tested plus it started effecting my work because I was so tired in the morning. He definitely does not want to ignore this. Why should he when there is help for a good nights sleep.
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