I got my CPAP today!!
Hi Lisa, I've been sleeping with a CPAP for the last 6 nights and I feel the difference already. No morning headaches,no stuffy nose, and I actually feel rested. I even wake up before the alarm goes off some mornings, I used to play the ol' snooze button boogie most days.
My only complaint is that I still haven't gotten used to the mask yet, fortunately I only use the mask that covers the nose only. I usually take a tylenol pm about an hour or so before bedtime and that seems to help. The tylenol pm is a plus for any muscle aches from work anyway.
I,too wonder why this forum is so inactive.
Best of luck with your CPAP, may you get the rest you deserve.
Take care,
James Lamb
I use a mask that just loops over your ears and then passes under your nose. I am really claustrophobic and couldn't wear a mask that has a headgear type of system. This resembles an oxygen line you would wear in the hospital. It is called a Nasal AIr. Works great for me, I can wear it while I read before I turn out the light . I hope CPAP works well for you, it really helps me!!

Hey Lisa,
I know what you mean I was the last post and that was a week ago. I was hoping to find good information here also. I'm the one who had the bad sleep test.
I found out I accidentally has Caffeine the day of the test and I'm allergic. I was not able to sleep. I called the center today to schedule a new test and the director walked buy while I was on the phone. She overhear the women I was talking to. She said she was writing the report for me at that moment and she actually might have enough information to do an evaluation.... So I have to wait till tomorrow to see.
I hope your CPAP works out. I'm hopping I get one. I really need the sleep. I am tired all the time. And the headaches....So let us know and post in a few days how it's been. I'll post my results, maybe we can get more people to post helpful information.
Good luck Liz
I've had my CPAP now for several years and am looking forward to not needing it, if my WLS helps eventually with sleep apnea. I understand it does in some instances. Either way, my CPAP helps me stay awake and more alert during the day, so it's well worth it!!
I use the nasal pillows, started with the full blown mask and just couldn't adjust well ...
I can tell a big difference after a couple of days of not using or just using short time during the night ... my mind goes back to sleep real easily, especially wnen I'm watching TV, reading or driving!! That one's scarey.
Best of luck to all new users and you should feel much better and more awake real soon!!
Karen Thompson
Open RNY 09-15-2004
WISH Center, Renton, WA

I've been using my CPAP for 2 weeks. The mask was really hurting the bridge of my nose and was impossible for me to sleep any way buy flat on my back. So today, at my 2 week check-up, they gave me a different mask. I tried it with a nap today, and it is soooo much easier to wear. Also the respiratory therapist explained that while most people are able to do away with the CPAP after WLS, not all are able to. I'm hoping I'll be one of the ones that gets to stop using it.
I also asked about the nasalair device, and he explained that out of the 10 people he has fitted with it, only 3 of them were happy with it. He said that the tubes that fit over the ears are uncomfortable when sleeping on your side, and that for some people, the nasal tubes either hurt or don't stay in very well. So I didn't get that one, even though I'd read good things about it.
My surgeon does require that I bring the CPAP with me to the hospital. (Don't have a date yet, but still waiting with my fingers crossed)
Hi Lisa,
The new mask is a Respironics Comfort Classic. The old one was a Respironics Comfort Select. The old one had a hard plastic device that was supposed to be adjustable for the top of the mask, but instead it pushed against my nose and hurt. The new one doesn't have that...it has a very small, soft foam pillow type of thing that rests against the forehead, and the opening for the nose is bigger and softer than the old one. There is more cushioning between the part that touches your face and the hard plastic of the mask.
What mask are you currently using?