
Anyone have some tips?

(deactivated member)
on 3/17/15 7:07 am - Canada

I've been using a CPAP for about 8 months. I had RNY surgery on Feb 20/15. My problem is that I never wake up with the mask still on. At some point every night I remove it and turn the machine off. I don't remember doing this. LOL I have the humidity on my unit at it's max because I suffer from a very dry mouth and nose due to a medication I am on. I'm thinking that even with the humidity my mouth is drying out and maybe this is what is triggering me to take it off. I'm at a loss to know what to stop this. I can feel the difference in my energy level and know I need to figure this out. Any suggestions? Thanks Chris

(deactivated member)
on 3/20/15 12:11 pm
RNY on 05/04/15

Hi Chris, another CPAP user here. Did this start happening after your surgery, or has it always been the case? I had to try a TON of masks before I finally found one I could tolerate, but when I found the right one, I don't even notice it anymore. Also, if your CPAP machine is on a set pressure, it might be too high for you now that you've lost weight. You might need another sleep study to get your pressure checked. If your machine is auto-adjusting though, that's probably not it unless it's set to start at a high pressure. I'd recommend giving your DME company a call...unintentionally de-masking yourself is a really common CPAP problem, and they can suggest a different mask for you or let you know if they think you need to see your sleep doctor again. Good luck!

(deactivated member)
on 3/21/15 1:00 am - Canada

Thank you for your reply 4FurKids. I was removing it quite often even before my surgery. My machine has a little "Smiley face" icon on the front of it that is suppose to indicate that you have been wearing it an appropriate amount of time. Mine still shows that Smiley face so I was thinking that I was fine. I now do not believe the smiley face at all! lol. I have had to tighten my mask straps because I have lost weight from my face. (isn't that always the way?) and it helped a bit. I think I will contact the woman that sold me the unit and see what she has to say. I hope that it's something simple. I paid over $300 for the full mask that I have and I can't use one just on my nose because I sleep with my mouth open...I know...maybe I should just duct tape my mouth closed. Hahahaha! Thanks again. Chris

(deactivated member)
on 3/21/15 2:03 am
RNY on 05/04/15

Did anyone suggest trying a nasal mask with a chin strap? My husband can't wear a full face mask because they all leak terribly on his face, but he's had great luck for years with a nasal mask and a chin strap to help hold his mouth closed. It's probably a bit more comfortable than duct tape, lol.

(deactivated member)
on 3/25/15 1:26 am - Canada

My problem with the nasal mask is that I have a deviated septum and technically only breath through my right nostril. Add that to my dry mouth and it is almost impossible to get any sleep with the mask on. I will take your advice and make an appointment to see the respiratory therapist that helped me purchase my unit. It does have a chip in it so I will take it to my appointment and see what it reveals. LOL Still bought some duct tape just in case...Thanks for your help!

(deactivated member)
on 3/25/15 1:30 am
RNY on 05/04/15

Ah, gotcha, yeah, if you can't breathe well through your nose, you probably don't want to strap your mouth closed...that won't help you breathe and better at night, hahaha. Good luck with your appointment!  

on 8/18/15 7:47 am - Johnston, RI

I have not had my surgery yet, but I sometimes wake up without the mask on and the machine off so I'm confident that it didn't just come off and turn itself off, but was actually me. I've noticed that it's usually the nights that I've gotten up half-asleep to use the bathroom or sometimes when I wake up without it on and the machine off I can vaguely remember getting up and eating something, though I can't remember what or if it actually happened or not. I hate it though, because I can feel all the sleep apnea symptoms when that happens, the shortness of breath, racing heart, headache and extreme exhaustion in the morning. My tip is to make move your CPAP machine. Sometimes I put a tray on the floor and put the machine on the tray so that it's hard to reach and in an inconvenient spot for me to finagle while I'm half asleep. It usually works for me since my body knows exactly where to reach for it next to the bed, I think when it's on the floor my half-asleep personality is too lazy to bother finding the damn button lol.

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