Moisturizers and CPAP Masks
I have decided I need to start wearing moisturizer at night and I have a nasal mask for my CPAP machine. Do any of you use moisturizer at night with your CPAP mask and if so did you encounter any problems like breaking out around the mask? I have oily skin but I am getting wrinkles LOL. Any insight/advice would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I have been on my CPAP for a week now. I hate it... but I have to use it to get surgical last clearance I'm waiting for before surgery. .. Any way I have the nasal pillow one. My straps have cloth covers on them, so the only plastic or silicone touching my skin is the nasal pillow. I have very sensitive skin and have not noticed any breakouts. I just turned 40 and use moisturizer every day. I have to use the Olay sensitive skin each morning, but have not needed any at night. If you have oily skin and getting wrinkles, maybe try a combination moisturizer? Sorry not much of help.
Good Luck