
Please help me adjust to the Cpap machine

Julia Mercer
on 9/7/09 3:55 pm - Windsor, Canada
Hi all,

I reallllllllllllllly need help getting adjusted to using the cpap machine, I cannot stand having anything anywhere near my nose, let alone having puffs of air up my nose. I totally FREAKED out at the sleep clinic when I was to test it, heck, they had me at  a high setting to begin with, and the fact that I wasn't even tired anymore, lol, but when I went back to try it out again, I got all tense for some reason, even when they were adjusting the mask, and it's the nasal pillows, geez, when I was getting the machine at VitalAire, I couldn't handle having it on for more than a few seconds, let alone all night. Heck, I couldn't stand having one that goes over my nose completely......

I don't want to miss out on a great opportunity for surgery by not using it, but I can't get comfortable AT ALL with it, any suggestions?



My angel is WildAngel, and my surgery date was Oct 20, 2009 with Dr Andre Nunn at Barix in Ypsilanti, Michigan, and I haven't felt this good in ages, thank you Dr Nunn for giving me my life back!
Denise Z.
on 9/9/09 1:27 am - Windsor, Canada
Hey Jules.....suck it up buttercup...it's all for the better...and within in weeks of your surgury you might not need it anymore.  I was just retested and my sleep ap is gone.  It does take time and it does work.  Keep your mouth closed and it works..
Good luck sweetie!!!!

Julia Mercer
on 9/9/09 12:10 pm - Windsor, Canada
I'm sure it works, lol, it's the fact that I get claustrophobic very easily having anything like that right on my face. I could handle the oxygen cannula just fine when I was first tested, even when I was awake it didn't bother me any, but having both the nose mask or the nasal pillows just set me into a state of claustrophobia for some reason.

Thanks for the sweet words Denise though, they are appreciated!
My angel is WildAngel, and my surgery date was Oct 20, 2009 with Dr Andre Nunn at Barix in Ypsilanti, Michigan, and I haven't felt this good in ages, thank you Dr Nunn for giving me my life back!
Diana L.
on 9/9/09 3:26 pm, edited 9/9/09 3:30 pm - Carrollton, TX

When I first received mine...I'd wear it for a while during the day increasing the time each day.  Wear it while you're doing something that will distract you.  Also proping myself up into a semi sitting position while I was trying to sleep helped....along with a prescription sleeping pill.  Take slow deep breaths like you're doing yoga breathing and it will help.  It will feel like a lot of air for a while...but once you start to use it consistently you will get to the point where you don't feel like any air is coming out and you're just there.  The difference the cpap makes is amazing.   I use the mask that covers my nose.  For some reason the nasal pillows made me feel more claustrophobic.

Highest Weight  - Current Weight - Goal Weight
   At Surgery       
         227           -          149         -       140

Julia Mercer
on 9/9/09 5:13 pm - Windsor, Canada
Funny thing is, BOTH of the masks make me feel claustrophobic, I'm sure the freak out by the pressurized air will go away in time, but I can't handle ANYTHING near my nose at night, I can't even stick my head under the covers when it's cold and to warm my face up, I don't know what it is, and I would love to get over this claustrophobic feeling somehow.
My angel is WildAngel, and my surgery date was Oct 20, 2009 with Dr Andre Nunn at Barix in Ypsilanti, Michigan, and I haven't felt this good in ages, thank you Dr Nunn for giving me my life back!
Julia Mercer
on 9/9/09 8:03 pm, edited 9/9/09 8:05 pm - Windsor, Canada
Update here, I took your advice Dieana, well partly, I'm just getting adjusted to the mask on its own, then will try it with the machine, just one step at a time for me, I have the mask on (the pillows, may try the other mask tomorrow just to see how it feels), and so far, no problems, feels a bit weird, but if I want this surgery, I have to use the machine! Will keep everyone updated

My angel is WildAngel, and my surgery date was Oct 20, 2009 with Dr Andre Nunn at Barix in Ypsilanti, Michigan, and I haven't felt this good in ages, thank you Dr Nunn for giving me my life back!
on 9/11/09 11:06 am - Penns Grove, NJ
hey Jules, I switched to a nasal pillow mask...1st nite didnt sleep but 2 hours,  had the mask on 4 hrs...
last nite  I sat in the recliner with it on from about 8-midnite....After working all day, I was completely exhausted.   I actually dozed off for about an hour! I took it back to bed and even though I did wake up a lot, I managed to keep it on til about 5am and needed a break....my nose was getting sore....we will see how tonight goes...we just have to keep at it!!!!
let me know how you are doing!
Good Luck!
big hugs,
on 9/11/09 1:21 am - Taylor, MS
Jules,  I have problems with claustrophobia as well so I totally understand where you're coming from.  I too had serious problems with the air pressure.  I felt like I was suffocating!  It was horrible! 

My doctor did two things:  1.  Put me on Trazadone which is an anti-anxiety medication and also a sleep aid, and 2. changed the pressure in my cpap so that it increases gradually during the first 10 minutes I have it on at night.  With the pressure increasing gradually, I don't even notice it and no longer get that feeling of suffocation.

And the difference the cpap has made in my life is AMAZING!  I never would have believed it.

Good luck!

Al P.
on 9/17/09 2:17 am - Warren, MI

My CPAP had an incline setting...it starts off at a low air pressure and slowly builds up, over a 20 minute period to the pressure that you require.  I used that to get used to my CPAP.  As far as sdjusting to the mask...it just takes time.
on 9/22/09 2:06 pm - Garner, NC
I hear you!  I was just determined that I NEEDED this machine and I tried very hard not to think about it.  I like to read before I go to sleep and I put the mask on while I read.  I find the first many minutes the most difficult - sometimes I have to open my mouth and let the breath out because I feel like I can't breathe out!  Reading takes my mind off of it.  Eventually, it seems the breaths are easier, and I get sleepy and go to sleep.

I also have a fan blowing in my face all night, this helps me not feel so claustrophobic.

Approved 8-1-11, Surgery 8-22-11  SW 231, Goal 140, CW 165


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