dreading getting a cpap machine
Greetings all, TGIF!
I had 2 sleep studies, where I didnt sleep but maybe an hour or so....but it was enough to let my Dr. know that I have severe sleep apnea. So, I have to get the machine..my issue is...the only way I sleep is on my belly...cant stay on my side for too long, and never never never on my back.
I am curious as to how I am going to be able to sleep with an elephant trunk on my face in that positon.
Does anyone else have this problem? have others been successful in sleeping on your belly with this contraption on your face?
Thanks for your input!
I've seen many patients sleep on their stomach with all types of masks. It takes sometime to get used to though. Did you chose a nasal pillow type mask?
Lap band- Aug 2006 - 254lbs.
Lowest w/band 214lbs. .
Gained up to 271 due to the band
Got DS revision April 2010!! Current 145lbs
At 5'8 my goal was 160lbs but I surpassed that with the DS!!!!!!

Hi Betty,
I went through 3 masks in less then a month and finally got the Sleep Weaver cloth mask it is great for sleeping on your belly,side or back. There is no marks or redness on you face in the morning with it. Love Love me Sleep Weaver. It is Wonderful.
Good luck with your new machine and mask. You will feel so much better when you have a great night sleep.
Take care,
Haven't done well like I should, but I am going to try and just sit in the recliner with it on, even if I have to sleep there...

Wish me luck...I hate that damn machine!!!

Thanks to eveyone for your support and ideas!