Having vsg surgery and wondering about using cpap
I had one doctor telll me NOT to use the machine for fear of it blowing open my new tummy. What have you all done/been told to do? It's dangerous for me not to use it as my apnea is severe yet so is developing a leak in my newly formed stomach. Thanks for any feed back. I know I will be asking my new surgeon about this, but everyone here is always so helpful.
Of course, you should always follow what your surgeon suggests....but mine told me to use my machine as usual. My apnea was severe too so I was worried about being told not to use it. But turns out, he said to continue on how I have been and not to worry about it. I recently went back to sleep lab to get re-evaluated because I felt like I was getting too much air. I still have apnea but it's nowhere near as bad as it was and has improved 100%. My settings came WAYYYY down and I sleep so much better. Good luck :-)
Hi my name is MsPrincess,
I have been using my cpap machine for about 2 years now. I brought my cpap machine with me to the hospital. My surgeon told me that he only lost one patient and it was not because of WLS.
It was because the woman went to sleep without her cpap machine and never woke up.
I had the sleeve done on June 18th of this year. I am going on six weeks postop now and have used my cpap everyday since surgery and had no problems. Thank you Father GOD!
The air goes in your lungs not in your stomach.
Starting Weight- 394
Weight as of July 12, 2010- 270