cpap question...
hi i am new here, to this forum, not the site.
my name is jill, i was diagnosed with sleep apnea about a month ago, and finally got my cpap a week ago, i am scheduled for surgery the 20th or july. my question is i know they say the cpap takes some getting used to, and i feel like my actual quality of sleep is better but im waking up a lot more in the middle of the night due to not being able to get too comfortable (i was always a stomach sleeper, cant do that with the cpap) but ive also noticed it seems to be taking a toll on my skin, where i wear the mask (i have a mouth and nose mask) i have been breaking out, getting oily skin, is this normal? will my skin ever get used to it?
Sleeping in the mask does take some getting used to. I would wake up and mine would be "just blowing" ON THE FLOOR!!! Yes, my skin also began to get very oily (already have oily skin) in the area around the mask. I changed headgear. I now have the "in the nose" type of mask. I really like it MUCH BETTER. I don't have the issues with my skin.

Michael A Thruman Sr
I started using a CPAP about 3 weeks now. I have been through 2 mask so far. first the nasal pillow I felt like my nose was stopped up all night. Second one a full face mask and it is braking my nose out. Did some research on the web and found on that is called a sleepweaver cloth nasal mask. I'm going to check with the company I get my supplies from and see if I can try it.
Love the CPAPI'm sleeping so much better but can't go around with a rash on my nose.
