
Not suppressing sleep apnea

on 4/28/09 6:17 am - Cleveland, OH
I have had a CPAP machine with a nasal mask for at least a couple of months now.  I had some problems, like leakage, using too high a temperature for the humidifier, which the salesman helped me iron out.  Now I have to wear four bandaids plus a strip on the top of the nasal mask to protect my nose, and everything is fitting fine and not leaking, but I noticed something that I find disturbing.

Somebody recently posted that any sleep position will activate the apnea, not just lying down.  I noticed that when I tried to meditate in a chair with a mantra, the sleep apnea kicked in.  And even more disturbing, I have the same symptoms of seeming to drop off to sleep, only to wake up a few seconds later, realizing that I wasn't breathing with the CPAP machine on!  Has anybody else had this problem?  Could it be that the machine isn't working right, or needs more pressure?

I left a message for the salesman and the respiratory therapist to call me back.  My husband seems to think I may just have started drifting off to sleep, but it's the exact same feeling I had with the sleep apnea - seeming to drift off, then waking up more and realizing that I didn't remember hearing myself breathe.

After all I've gone through adjusting to this machine, this is very discouraging.  And I've yet to feel great like I did using the CPAP with the nasal mask during the sleep study.  The nurse there assured me that it completely suppressed my sleep apnea, and I felt like it did the next morning.  I haven't had the same results with the home machine at all.  I needed to sleep at least 9 hours on the weekend to have any energy at all, and that doesn't seem right to me.

Denise Phares/kitties4
Jaime Breckenridge
on 4/28/09 4:54 pm - IL
I have had to use a machine, CPAP then to a BIPAP and now back to a CPAP (YAY!!!), anyway...
I've, as many others, been through the same issues you are having.  It took a little getting used to but I used it from day one.  I have woken up and gasped for breath because I 'felt' like I wasn't breathing.  I asked my sleep specialist about it and she explained that the pressure blowing in when you exhale can take some getting used to and people normally had issues with expelling air not inhaling or I could have hit the ramp button and it simply wasn't enough air.

I explained that it didn't happen shortly after I feel asleep and that I never use the ramp button anyway.  I was also confused about the inhale exhale thing, but she said I would get used to it, which I did but I still occasionally (maybe once a month or so) wake up and feel like I am gasping for air.

As far as having sleep apnea when you are awake, not possible.  Falling asleep at random times is called narcolepsy and you should be treated for that if you have it.  I doubt you have narcolepsy, I image what is happening is you are getting poor sleep at night, you are tired and fall asleep during your mantra sessions.

I did have some issues with the humidifier but I have that licked, I can set it from 0-5 and if it is humid or warm out then I set it at 0 (no heat).  If I am sick or the house is dry I set it at 5 (highest heat level) but I always keep water in it even if set on 0.

You might want to call the hospital and find out which mask they used and try to get that from the medical supplier you use.  I have used a multitude of masks over the years.  I now keep 2 on hand, the regular nightly mask and a full face mask that covers my nose and mouth for those times when I am sick and my nose is stuffy.

I would definitely talk to you doctor, i feel better after a few days of good sleep but now I have trouble falling asleep.  Plus my pressure was set at 25 last Feb. and my DS surgery was in October and last week I had another sleep study.  My pressure is down to 8, maybe another few pounds and I can get rid of the machine.  Watch, once I can get rid of it I will miss it, hehe.  BITTER SWEET... Naaaa.  I'd be glad to see it go, more room on my night stand and more money not spent on filters, masks, water, hoses, etc...

good luck and definitely talk to your sleep doctor.  Make an appointment and tell them about your issues if the medical supply company is no help, you need your sleep.

Oh, check out this post I found and posted just this evening, it is worth the read.
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/amos/3920590/40-sleep-fact s/


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