Bi-Pap Machine
I am super frustrated - not actually with the machine itself but with the mask. I have a really high pressure setting 22/18 b/c I have severe sleep apnea.
I can fall asleep with the mask on and stay asleep until the mask starts leaking air. Usually in about 1.5-2 hours after going to sleep. And no matter how I adjust the mask - tighter, looser, take it off and off and put it back back on, ramp the pressure down, change positions in bed - I can't get the air to stop leaking!! So I get pissed and take it off. The next time I wake up in the night I will put it back on and try again - only to follow the exact same patter. So over the course of the night of 7-8 hours of attempted sleep I will have the mask on for no more than 4-5 hours - NOT for lack of trying. Granted this is new to me - I have had it about 2 weeks, but haven't been able to increase the mask time.
So I called the people that supplied the mask and machine to me to see about getting a different mask. Their solution is to call the doc and ask if they can temporarily decrease the pressure so that the mask stops leaking and then gradually increase the pressure to where it needs to be. Well THAT isn't the problem - that I can't tolerate the pressure! The mask is the issue. That was on Monday morning, and the still haven't gotten back to me! SO I have a call into my doc asking if she (her nurse) will call and talk to them about a new mask. Plus I don't think she is going to agree to lower the pressure b/c she was really pushing for the sleep study and then the machine!!
Did any of you have a lot of issues with your masks and how did you resolve them?
Thanks for all your help!
1. Start with all the straps loosened.
2. Looking in the mirror, tighten the straps around your forehead evenly so they are snug.
3. Attach the lower straps, making sure they are even on both sides until they are a little loose.
4. Turn on your machine and lay flat on your back. If there are leaks, tighten both lower straps evenly and just enough to stop the leak(s).
5. Once you have stopped all the leaks, roll on your side. If there are still leaks, again tighten the lower straps evenly just until the leaks stop.
The key to to this for me was adjusting the straps the same on both sides. Keep a pocket mirror near your bed so you can check this. Also don't overtighten the straps. Initially, I had leaks and was tightening the mask so much it became painful and I would just take it off. Give yourself at least a month to adjust. Remember, even if you are wearing just an hour a night, you are still cutting down all those risk factors that sleep apnea causes. Stick with it and don't be afraid to try different masks. Many of the websites, will sell you insurance for a few dollars so you can return the mask if it doesn't work out. It is worth it. It took me three tries to get the right mask. Good luck, I hope this helps. Sea
Last February I had a second study and was informed I needed a BI-PAP. Not a problem, at least I had insurance this time around to cover the cost of the machine this time (I had to pay cash for the CPAP). Everything has been smooth with the BI-PAP as well,... Until... I had my Duodenal Switch October 13th. At the time I weighed 570 lbs, I now weigh 365 lbs (a 205 lb loss). No congrats needed, if I was doing a great job I wouldn't have needed the surgery.
Anyway, to get to the point finally, since about Christmas I have started loosing sleep a little at a time. I averaged 7 1/2 to 8 1/2 hours of sleep, according to the 30 day average on my machine. Last week I checked and I am down to 4:12 min. to 5 hours a night. I too am having issues with a leaking mask but not for a while after I fall asleep. I fight with the damn thing on and off all night long. I WILL continue wearing it because with sleep apnea, you can simply not wake up. I said WITH SLEEP APNEA YOU CAN SIMPLY NOT WAKE UP! Please remember that when you get irritated in the middle of the night and take it off to go back to sleep.
I called and got an appointment with the sleep center at St. Francis in Peoria (where I always go) and I saw them Friday April 4th. I took the card and they said my mask was leaking about 43 minutes a night. That sounds about right, if it leaks 5 minutes every 30 minutes that would mess with anyone. they suggested I get a new mask and said due to my weight loss I needed to get retested, I go in April 22nd. My insurance will cover another mask April 20th so I guess I will just put up with it until then.
I cannot say it enough everyone, please do not discard your sleep apnea, see your Dr. and make them set you up with a Sleep specialist so you can be evaluated. Also, if you need a mask get one, I think with the amount my face has shrunk my mask is too large for my face now.
Good luck to everyone and I hope you all start getting some much deserved sleep

I've left a message for the Praxair salesman again, who told me to try adjusting some prongs or something on either side of the mask to fit against my face. I tried, but was again experiencing leakage last night. I've noticed that there are other kinds of masks I've never heard of mentioned on this post and forum. I need to ask my salesman if there are any other variations available from Praxair. I've asked him if there is a smaller lighter version of the mask, and if he knows of any pads to protect my nose from further damage.
Glad to be aboard!
Denise Phares/kitties4
I got my results form last weeks sleep study...
Feb 2008, 515 lbs pressure was 25-27
Oct 2008, 570 lbs pressure the same but wasn't retested (when I had my wl surgery)
Apr 2009, 360 lbs pressure is set at 8 now
I am so excited, 8, WOW no wonder my sleep has gone so far downhill since about Christmas.
I have to buy a new machine, I am no longer able to use bi-pap I get to drop down to a cpap. NICE!!! So everyone that is having issues post-op, MAKE SURE YOU GET RETESTED, as soon as you notice a change in your sleeping habits because I have had a lot of issues with lack of sleep, memory, concentration, etc...
I hope, i really hope losing another 100 lbs will get my off the machine all together, that would be cool.
I had another sleep study a couple months ago. I have no apnea's when sleeping on my side but still have 7.8 apnea's an hour when on my back. That is great considering a year ago I had 80 apnea's per hour.
Wile I still have to wear a mask it is set at 5, the pressure is 5, come on, is it even worth it to wear the darn thing... YES cause I am not going to die over not wearing a damn mask at night.
Good luck all, just thought I'd give an update.
I used to have high pressure on my CPAP machine and I used a high pressure mask. The trouble with high pressure is that it literally blows the mask off your face. The high pressure mask has what I called a bellows (or a pleat) built in that would expand for the high pressure and keep the mask fitting on your face. Talk to your supplier about this. I will see if I can find any of my old paperwork to see who makes the mask. I had tried many masks and this one was by far the best.