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Patti K.
on 2/9/09 1:51 am - Kingston On, Canada
Hi all, This may become a wee bit long...sorry....3 1/2 years ago, I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea.  Previous, in Jan. 2002, I had my right lung removed, a carcinoid tumor.  I had severe migraines, that were very debilitating although struggling to work 9-5 m-f.  So 3 1/2 years ago, I opted to leave my job, and have my sleep study.  The end results were not good, thus having the diagonosis of severe sleep apnea.  So I started sleeping with my cpap machine and 02 every migraine headaches disappeared!!!  I can honestly say, that I was 98% cured!!  I was happy!!  Then I made the decision for my wls (I had 2 Drs. suggest to me, so over a period of 1 year, I researced, and read, read, read). Finally had my surgery last May 08.  I revisited my sleep apnea Dr. this past Nov. and because of the 75lbs lost, thot we could lower my pressure from 10 to 8.  I came home from that appt. with my cpap pressure lowered, and slept that night, to wake up Tuesday morning with a most severe headache!!  like I had pre-cpap days....I called the office back, and everyone thot my pressure should be upped back up to 10.  Thats were its been since then.  However, my headaches have returned with a vengence!!  At first, I thot that because my humidity reservior wasn't working, (its working fine now--got that problem fixed), I'm sleeping with an extra small full face mask.  I think I'm still getting leakage around my mask.  Since my lung was removed, I'm a side sleeper!! and since my wls. I've been trying to sleep on my right and left sides.  The good news is that my sleep Dr.'
s office is aware, and I think I may have to go back for another sleep study.   But these headaches have to go!!!  I'm so thankful that I'm not working, I just don't think I could be working and struggling with these headaches!!  I hope that I haven't bored anyone, but I just need some answers....Patti K.
on 2/10/09 2:46 pm - Richmond, IN
Sorry to hear about your HA's  I hope u find an answer soon.  I suffer from then and I know how bad they can be. Good Luck in finding an answer

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on 2/14/09 11:59 pm - OH
I've had severe migraines for years, starting when I was in my early 20s.  (I'm now 50.)  I was diagnosed as having sleep apnea when I was about 25, shortly after I finished graduate school.  At their most serious (going to grad school while helping to take care of an uncle who was dying of a brain tumor), I was taking four different meds AND having to periodically take a shot of Demerol which would put me to sleep for about 12 hours. 

I found that my migraines were caused, in large part, by food.  In my case, it was caffeine and foods containing nitrites (red wine, hard cheese, liver, and some others).  Of course, cutting out caffeine also helped my sleep apnea.  Anyway, after I finished grad school and changed my diet, my migraines cut back drastically.

Several months ago, I found that I was waking up with a migraine at least 3-4 mornings a week.  (Strangely enough, I never develop one during the day -- I always get them during the night.)  I was flummoxed as to why I was suddenly having an increase in my headaches, and then realized that I had resumed some of my former eating patterns.  For instance, my husband and I had developed a habit of sharing a glass of wine in the evening, and I really enjoy a good red wine.  So, again I've been concentrating on what I eat -- not for my weight, but for my headaches.  I have started drinking white wine, and don't eat chicken livers (which I love) or Swiss cheese (which I also love) in the evening.  My headaches have almost stopped altogether.

So, you might see if there's something else that's causing your headaches.  Good luck to you.
Bill I.
on 2/27/09 4:51 am - Ashton, IL
I've been on CPAP since 1994.  I also had 3-4 migraines a week for several years and my weight and job stresses gradually increased.   (I had to take 6 ibuprofen 200 mg tabs to relieve them each time)  The middle or end of the workday was always when I'd get them.

It turns out my headaches were caused by hypertension.  I am currently on 2 medications for blood pressure and the headaches only happen about once every other month now.

You may want to start checking your blood pressure at home.
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