auricular flutter, attrial fibrilattion & apnea

on 3/8/08 1:12 pm
Hi: I went thru 2 cardioversion and one heart radio frecuency ablation to my heart to cure an auricular flutter. Everything went fine with my ablation and the flutter was repaired. But suddenly after aproximately 3 months, i started to feel with headaches and tired in the early morning, till one morning i wake up excited because i lost my breath during sleep & again, the flutter came back. I think, this happened because of my apnea, nowadays i am taking, 1 cordarone 200mg daily, 1 coumadin, and using de cpap regularly and my pulse is normal. Could be the apnea, the cause of my flutter?. Is there any medical correlation between those?. Awaiting any comments. Regards Pedrof
on 12/31/08 9:56 pm
sorry soooo late response I just joined. Hello to you hoping you are still well. Sleep apnea can cause major damage to all of your vital organs do to the lack of oxygen and constant struggle to your muscle especially your heart. Your sleep apnea may not be under control. Go back to your sleep physician and let them know your symptoms. It could be something as simple as increasing your setting. Your cpap may not be high enough and still causing apnea. Speak with your heart doctor and especially your sleep physician.. Since this is a late reply it may not help you but hopefully help someone else who may be in the same situation.
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