Awaiting results from my home sleep study
Hi. I'm new to this board and OH, I am applying for approval for WLS and I just had a sleep study done 4/26. I was given a monitor to wear at home for a night and my doc's office will download the data and let me know the results within 3 weeks. I have suspected sleep apnea for a while now, but dismissed my excessive tiredness on having kids, but the more I thought about it the more I realize I felt really tired before kids and even once they were sleeping all night. Now it's gotten so bad I cannot remember things and have no energy to do anything anymore. I've asked my husband if he notices me snoring or stopping breathing or gasping, but he falls asleep so quickly, he's out before I would even start any of that lol. He says I snore when he happens to be up and can't sleep for some reason he does hear me. I catch myself waking up with a gasp frequently, especially when I am first falling asleep.
My fear is that the sleep study will come back normal (not that I WANT apnea) and I will have to feel this tired forever. I just want to feel like myself again. I also am waiting to submit my request for WLS since I need one more co-morbidity to qualify, this is my last shot at getting approved. Strangely I have great blood pressure and perfectly normal cholesterol levels and no other medical problems besides being overweight (BMI 40) and PCOS.
I had a home study done and it came back normal. But things did not get better so then they had me do a sleep study and sure enough I had it. I am still trying to get use to the machine. I take it off in the middle of the night when I am sleeping. My bmi is only 38 so this is what I needed for my wls.
Good Luck
Hmmm...that's interesting. All the sleep studies I've had, I had to get wired up at the hospital (took them about 90 min. to connect everything) and I slept at the hospital. They also monitored my blood pressure. If you have sleep apnea it'll show up in your BP when you're sleeping. As you stop breathig, your heart beats faster to try to get more oxygen to the body. In my case the bp escalated quite a bit.
So, if the home monitor test comes back negative, you may consider asking the doctor about a sleep study at the hospital. Good luck!
I got a call today that my results were in.........however I have to make an appointment with the pulmonologist to go over the results. They wouldn't tell me whether I have it or not! How frustrating. I'm guessing that if I didn't they would have just told me, not make me come in just to tell me everything was fine. So I have an appt May 21 to see what they say. I just wish they would have told me yes or no today
Hey Faith, I had 2 sleep studies at a center, took ambien and did not sleep either time. I did however request that the dr take everything into consideration for his report. I need this for insurnace also. The report says "suggests severe sleep apnea" my paperwork should be submitted by the end of the we will see if it works. emial me and let me know if you want any further info on this and I can tell you what I told the dr.
[email protected]
And I do have it...............barely. They consider you to have sleep apnea if you have more than 5 apnea episodes an hour, I had 5.4 lol. Anyway, I got my cpap machine today so we'll see how it goes. Good news is that this should get me qualified for gastric bypass! I'm sending in my application for WLS today