Sleep study scheduled

madame yess
on 4/20/07 2:40 am - MI
Hello, I have a sleep study scheduled in May and it can't get here soon enough. I sometimes wake up during the night gasping or I will wake up and my heart is beating so fast that it feels as if it is vibrating. My Dr. feel that my heart and blood pressure is compensating for a lack of oxygen, hence the sleep study. Did anyone else have this experience prior to being dxd with Sleep Apnea?
Pearl Best
on 4/22/07 7:26 am - Randall, MN
Yep I had many of things going on. When I went in for the test I thought naw I dont have it. Well about 1am they came in and put the machine on me. I am still trying to get use to it. But I know that I need it. Good Luck
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