Never without my CPAP
I have been wearing my CPAP since Feb. 2003, although I should have had it years and years before then. I have had sleep apnea since I was born. I was born very prematurely and had to have a version of a CPAP when my Mother brought me home.
Anyway...I didn't have the machine growing up and I snored so badly that nobody in my house slept much. You could hear me between walls and closed doors. Sad! When I finally had my sleep study and wore the mask for the first time that night, I thought I was in heaven. I can't sleep/nap without my CPAP now. But I no longer wake myself and everyone else around me up all night long. Good luck to you who have just started. The mask may take some getting used to but stick with it. You will reap the benefits!

Hey Dre,
I have to say a great big DITTO to ya sweety......I am the exact same way with my lil piece of Heaven
haha. That is the one thing that I will fight for on this planet is my CPAP Machine. I use a Remstar it is an old one and I have had it since 02 and loving it every day more and more haha......sounds like a real love affair dosent it? Well, it is cos it has saved my life many, many times. The times when I have to be admitted to the hospital, I always take it with me cos that is one thing that is like the American Express Card, as they say...........never leave home without it.......
Laying all the jokes aside, yes I was always a bad one to snore too and I even run off all my friends that would spend the night with me when I was a kid. I have even been told that I peel the paint off the walls when I did not have the machine. Most people laugh at the snores and how they sound but many dont stop to realize how dangerous that sound really is. My X once timed me for 3 minutes when I stopped breathing. Now that was a close call haha. I dont know if I will ever be able to ween myself from it. I hope so, cos really the mask is not the most sexy thing in the world is it?? Thanks for your mesg and for letting me chat some, have a great day.....and GOD BLESS YOU!!