Good IDEA?
Okay - Ive read a couple of posts or talked with people about how its hard to weed through all the posts... Do ya'll think it would be beneficial or easier to post maybe our pal's name, and State.... that way it draws attention to that specific post easily?
Secret Pal Name - State, City - or just STATE
I love the gift - thanks so much.
Thats what Ive been doing, and it seems to help draw my pals attention to her specific thank you, or hello.
Just a thought - lemme know what yall think.
Personally, I think that we should have a spot on the top, that never moves, and it could have a name like Feburary SP Gifts or something.. then everyone posts in that file that they got their gift, then when the end of the month comes, that one is changed from the top of the posts, and a March SP Gifts is put on the top until the end of that month... does that make sence? Then, you just look through one folder for your pal to see if they got their gifts....