Hi Buddy Good Morning!!!!
I just wanted to tell you good morning and hope you had a great day!!!!
I also wanted to know a little more about you,
What is your favorite?
White, or gold necklaces, earrings?
Country, rap, blues, rock etc?
Movies, what kinds? please list some that you would like
Books, what kind, Do you like Nora Roberts, Danielle Steele, Murder mysteries, romance fiction non fictions?
What kind of lotions do you like?
Bath sets?
I know you like Turtles, white tigers and bulldogs, anything else?
What are the colors of your home?
Anything in particular that you'd like for your home?
how many dogs do you have?
Do you have children? if so how many and ages?
What would you like for your 1 year anniversary rebirth?
Are you married? if so when is your anniversary?
May I ask how old you are?
Do you NEED anything?
When you take your vitamins, what kind do you normally get?
do you like to take computer games? if so what kind?
what kind of perfume do you like?
do you wear makeup? colors?
Would you like anything for your car?
What theme is your kitchen?
What size are your jeans, shirt, shoes, socks?
Do you wear hair scrunchies, ties, clipies?
You said you like crosstitching and crocheting, are there any particular colors you like more than others?
If I can think of anymore questions I would like to know to get to know you better I'll ask them later, but please know I want you know that if any of the above questions are too personal then please do not answer them just leave them blank, only answer the ones you want to answer, I only ask these questions to get to know you better and to get the absolute best gifts for you!!!!
My dear