You are special and you are very special to God, dont let know one tell you any different, and I am with you, if God had not moved for me I would not have had the surgery over a year and half ago. Keep the Faith and let God move! My thoughts and Prayers are with you!
God Bless My Friend,
My friend is very supportive. she had the surgery a month and a half ago. she wanted to make me feel better to say that i wansn't special was in a good way meaning that God isn't going to single me out and have somethig happen to me during surgery she told me that if he bought you to it he will bring u through it!
thank you for the prayers
Kim you are special, and even more special to God. I have faith that He knows each of our needs. I had my surgery less than 2 weeks ago. I was so excited and my nerves didn't hit until right before surgery. I prayed, and then I woke up just fine a couple hours later. After a couple days of pain, I am doing great now. I have no pain, except when I lift my daughter. Please know that this is major surgery, but it is done successfully around the country many times a day. Please email me if you'd like and I'd give you my phone number to call for encouragement.
thank you amy. i know that i am special and just to clear it up a little bit my friend is one of the most supportive people that i know that is on my team. she made that comment to make me see that God didn't bring me this far to leave me now and that he isn't going to "single" me out to make somethig happen. thank you for the love and support