How do I get and become a secret pal?
I had gastric by-pass surgery in 2003 and lost 120 lbs. I had a baby in 2005 and did fantastic with my weight. Since 2008-9, I have put back on about 45 pounds. I am stressed out about this. I am over indulging for sure and can't seem to stop. Also, I work straight night shifts, am 49 yrs old having menapausal symptoms (hot flashes, no cycle for a year). I would like to exchange emails with someone who could offer suggestions, incouragement etc and I would be happy to do the same.

Hi Cynthia
I had mine in 2005 and have also put on about the same slowly creeping up starting in late 2009. I am 53 and this last year in particular with the perimenopause was the worst ever and I rarely feel like I sleep. This along with a stressfull job, long hours etc.. surely did me it... but I managed to get going late Sept and to date I have lost 32.6 lbs of the 48 gained. Feel free to email me I'd be happy to share what I am doing these last 3 mths to lose 10 lbs per month and get back on track.