Any Canadians Out There?
We have 2 gals from Canada who are going to play but I need more! Or is there anyone in Zone 1 who would not mind mailing to Canada? E-mail me personally if you do not mind!
[email protected]
[email protected]
444.5 / 430.2 / 408.2 / 299.8 / 244.5 / 249 / 225
Highest / 07-11-08 / 11-25-08 / 06-07-09 / 03-25-10 / 01-31-11 / STG
444.5 / 430.2 / 408.2 / 299.8 / 244.5 / 249 / 225
Highest / 07-11-08 / 11-25-08 / 06-07-09 / 03-25-10 / 01-31-11 / STG