So I started reading this secret pal board, and dude this seems kinda cool. How do I get one? I feel like the kid who got picked last for kickball...
Blogging my way down from 694lbs! - my blog site
Blogging my way down from 694lbs! - my blog site
The secret pal program is open to everyone. I am the leader for your area. We will be assigning new pals for the second quarter the end of March to begin in April. Your pal is to receive at least a $10 gift each month. You are also expected to stay in contact via email or PM for support to your pal. If you want to be a part of this, let me know and I'll put you on the list for next quarter. Have a great day.
The secret pal program is open to everyone. I am the leader for your area. We will be assigning new pals for the second quarter the end of March to begin in April. Your pal is to receive at least a $10 gift each month. You are also expected to stay in contact via email or PM for support to your pal. If you want to be a part of this, let me know and I'll put you on the list for next quarter. Have a great day.
I will contact you in March and send you a list of questions about you and your likes, dislikes, etc. and then add you to those already in the program. I will them assign you a pal and give you to someone. I will let you know then what I need. If you need anything else in the meantime in the form of support or anything else I can help you with, let me know. I'll be your new friend if you want one. Good luck on your journey.
I still haven't heard back from you and I've sent you a couple of PM's. Add me as a friend if you want to participate in this next month. I will send you a questionnaire on the 15th along with everyone else if I have you on my friend's list. I send a group mailing that way. If you have changed your mind and don't want to participate, that's cool too.
I still haven't heard back from you and I've sent you a couple of PM's. Add me as a friend if you want to participate in this next month. I will send you a questionnaire on the 15th along with everyone else if I have you on my friend's list. I send a group mailing that way. If you have changed your mind and don't want to participate, that's cool too.