Hello & Introduction
You make up a secret name. For example --- go to yahoo or hotmail and make up a name...SecretPal4Amy or YourSecretPal. Just make sure when it asks for your name you put in Secret Pal. If you put your real name it will show each time your person gets an e-mail. Hope this helps.
444.5 / 430.2 / 408.2 / 299.8 / 244.5 / 249 / 225
Highest / 07-11-08 / 11-25-08 / 06-07-09 / 03-25-10 / 01-31-11 / STG
444.5 / 430.2 / 408.2 / 299.8 / 244.5 / 249 / 225
Highest / 07-11-08 / 11-25-08 / 06-07-09 / 03-25-10 / 01-31-11 / STG