The quarter has just got started and there is already problems. We are suppost to all be adults! When everyone agreed to sign up for the program, you agreed to send your gift EVERY month. I am going to have to drop some from the program. If you are unsatisfied with how the program is going and you want out, CONTACT ME IMMEDIATELY!! I can not hold everyones hand and stand over their backs to make sure they sent out their gifts. I totally understand that some gifts have got lost in the mail and people are trying to make up for that. TRACKING NUMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For gosh sakes, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get a tracking number. I have not been very well in the past week and have fell behind on notifying people. I have Multiple Sclerosis and when it acts up, I have to take IV steroid therapy and it makes me even nuttier than I already am. I am back to par now and trying to get back on top of things. God bless those of you that have had trouble and have been patient with me. I dont send out emails to people for my health!!! If I contact you with an email, PLEASE, reply to me as soon as you can. If I email you with a problem and you dont reply to me in a day or two, I will call you to check on you if I have your telephone number. If I dont have your telephone number and you havent replied to me in a day or two, I will assume that you are not wanting to stay in the program and you WILL be terminated. I just cant believe how difficult some are making this program. If you are not going to abide by the rules, then why in the world did you even sign up for it? I have tried to be easy going but now I am forced to buck up and be the mean lady. As I have said many times before, if there is a problem with sending your gift, CONTACT ME! I will be more than glad to help out in any way I can.