We just got thru the first month and I cant believe how things have went. I have SEVERAL people that didnt receive a gift for May. A few of the gifts have been lost in the mail. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GET A TRACKING NUMBER FOR YOUR PACKAGE SO IT CAN BE TRACED IF THE PACKAGE GETS LOST. This also shows that you did send the gift and the effort was made. I am doing my best to email people and try to find out about Mays gifts but I am not getting any response at all from some people. I really hate to have to drop people this early in the quarter but its looking like that is what I am going to have to do. I have decided to ask all of you to email me a telephone number that I can reach you at. The number will be totally confidential and WILL NOT be given to ANYONE ELSE no matter what! The only time I would use a telephone number is if I have attempted to contact you thru your email and thru the OH website and unable to reach you. I understand that we all have computer problems sometimes or internet connection problems sometimes. This way I can contact you if I cant reach you on the computer. I know that some people may be hesitant about giving me your phone number and I can totally understand that. I am not making it manditory to give me a phone number. I am just trying to figure out ways to keep things fair for everyone. I know its frustrating to send out a gift every month and be faithful and not get one in return. Its happened to me before. I give all of you my word that your phone number WILL NOT be given to ANYONE. If you dont want to give me a phone number, just tell me that you would rather not give it out to me. I will be sending everyone an email out and asking for your phone number. If you dont feel comfortable giving me a number, simply reply to the email and tell me that you would rather not give it out to me. I try to check my email many times a day and always do my best to respond to anyone that has a question or problem as quickly as I can. I have spent many hours trying to figure things out and replying to emails. I honestly do not mind it. I have had the opportunity to correspond with some really awesome people. If this idea doesnt work out, I will have to resort to dropping a person immediately from the program at the first of the month if they have not sent out a gift. I really hate to do that. I want to give every person the benefit of the doubt and help anyone out that is having trouble or issues. I know that some people are frustrated right now because they didnt receive a gift but I am asking you to please bare with me. I am doing my best to address every issue. Dont give up! I will sort out the ones that is not sending gifts and remove them . I just want to give everybody a chance and the benefit of a doubt before I take them off of the program. This is an awesome program when everybody does their part. I am doing the best I can to keep track of everything. Just bare with me. If there is anyone that has ANY suggestions, please dont hesitate to contact me and give me ideas. All suggestions are welcomed!!!!