A Little Frustrated!!!!!!
Good Afternoon Secret Pals---I am really frustrated right now. I have already had 4 people send me an email requesting to be dropped from the program...these people have only been enrolled in the Secret Pal Program for 1 month. Again, 1 month!!! I now have to juggle the pals who have dropped out and let their pals know that they have dropped out and reassign them...People, this is not an easy task to do.....So, if you THINK that you want to be a Secret Pal...PLEASE think hard and make sure that is something that you want to do....IF you say that you want to join, get assigned a pal and a pal gets you and then you decide that you no longer want to be in the program you are not only making double work for me, but you are making double work for the person that had you..(that person may have shopped ahead of time for your gifts). It is not fair to the person who had you or the person who you had.. That being said.....I will be juggle the pals around and getting these four people who decided to drop out taken off and getting the pal that had them reassigned and the pals that they had reassigned!!!!! AGAIN, please make sure that this is something you want to do before you send me a request to join!!!!!!!
I will try to get everyone updated by the end of this week...
I'm going to DisneyWorld!! And you're all invited to join me!!
The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!
I'm going to DisneyWorld!! And you're all invited to join me!!