Sondra J Trammell????
I hope all is well with you. I have tried contacting you different ways and I have not heard from you over a month and a half. I know you recieved your package the first week of June I kniw it was late but I have never failed you since I started in January.
I just can't continue to send packages if I don't hear from you.
Again I hope all is well with you.
Hmm, I don't mean to sound cold...but you should continue to send your packages since you signed on to do so. Are you still receiving packages? I know its difficult when your pal doesn't acknowledge you (mine rarely does), but I still send them as promised.
Good luck, I hope she contacts you.
I'm going to DisneyWorld!! And you're all invited to join me!!

You know this whole secret pal thing has gone to well you know where. No one is in control everyone does whatever they want and so it would be nice if I send a package that I atleast get a quick email to tell me that she recieved it. I have tried contacting her in many different ways and nothing. I think that someone can take a little time to email someone and say hey I have been going through a lot and I have been busy, I just want to thank you for the package. It is common curtesy. I promised and I have kept my end of the bargain. if I don't send anymore packages don't worry I will tell the person that sends to me to not send me anymore either. I am not selfish like that.
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal