An Idea ???
It seems it'll be awhile before either Anissa or Amy can deal with this forum - we are all supposed to be adults aren't we ? Didn't we sign up to be a secret pal to someone and if we all can manage to stick to the outline we should be able to carry on until one or both of them return.... I will continue to send my gifts to the person I've been sending them to .... Her gift for June is late but on it's way finally as I'd been out of town. Now then let's all put our big girl panties on and behave as we know we should... we each agreed to the same terms , send a gift of $10.00 value before shipping or postage costs, send it out by the 15th of each month , the person should receive their gift by the end of the month and preferrably by the 25th ---- when you don't hear one peep from who ever has your name it feels horrid.... we're supposed to give friendship & support to our person and that includes being courteous & fulfilling your end of the bargain...... ok I'll step down from my soapbox now.
Joyce S.
I agree Joyce. I'm worried about both Annissa and Amy, but I am continuing to send my gifts and I've already heard from my pal that my gift should be on it's way. And as long as we adhear to what we agreed this should continue to run smoothly. All the new people wanting to be assigned a pal will need to wait until we have somebody to take care of things. Patience is a virtue.
I also agree with you, Joyce. We need to do what we vowed to do when we began. I send my package every month even though I don't always get a package. However, I did not join to get a package, although it is nice to receive a little something, but I enjoy so much sending my gift each month. Thank you for posting this. Have you heard from Anissa? I was concerned that something serious was wrong. Thanks again