Important - READ!
*fingers crossed* that you get this all figured out. Don't have any real suggestions...other than to put what you have posted an email to all the people you have registered in the program. Then ask that we email you back with our username...and who we think we are supposed to be sending to...then you can check us off the list?
"I am too blessed to be stressed and too anointed to be disappointed...The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor " So When you are DOWN to nothing....
God is UP to something!
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible”
RNY 01.04.2007 249/192/130
Anissa, I am so sorry that things are not going well. You have done a wonderful job. I normally do not come to the board but maybe once or twice a week. I know that I should check it more often, and I have no excuse. However, I will go ahead and send the gift I had purchased for my pal. I enjoy this and I enjoy going out and purchasing a gift. Unless you tell us different, I will continue to send the gifts to my s/p. She seems so sweet and I get a kick out of doing this. I hope things get better and i hope you do not have to end this. I do appreciate you and all of your hard work. Carmen