I want to join,what ...
Contact Annissa and she will send you the questionnaire....
She will be able to help you.
By signing up for the OH Secret Pals program, you are committing yourself to an assigned Pal for the duration of 12 months, beginning January 1st, 2007. You are expected to send your assigned Pal a gift equaling $10.00 or more, before shipping, on or by the 15th of each month. If for any reason you find yourself in a situation where you can no longer participate in the program, please contact me immediately at: [email protected] and you will be removed, no questions asked. If cir****tances change and you wish to rejoin the program, providing you had held up your end of the commitment prior, you may be re-added to the program. All gifts should be received by the end of each month, regardless of location. If you have not received your package by the 1st of the following month, please contact me so that I can contact your sender. Please be patient and do not contact me UNTIL the 1st of the following month. If you have not sent out your gift by the 15th and have a valid reason for delay, you MUST contact me by the 15th so that your Pal can be made aware of the situation. If you have not contacted me, and your Pal has not received their package by the 1st of the following month, you will be removed, and a new Secret Pal will be assigned as soon as another is available. I understand that cir****tances arise and you may not be able to contact me, I will do my best to work with you once you return and are able to fulfill your commitment, however I can not promise you will continue with your originally assigned Pal. If you do not receive your package, this is NO reason for neglecting to send out your own Pal's gift. I absolutely will not accept this excuse, and will promptly remove you from the program. It is encouraged although not mandatory that you try to keep yourself a 'secret' until the year ends reveal. You can do this by simply registering a new 'secret' account on obesityhelp.com.
If you are interested in joining the program, please copy (ctrl-C) and paste (ctrl-V) the following questionnaire into a word document and email it to: [email protected] Please title the email: Secret Pal Questionnaire. Pals will be assigned in December, and gifts for your new Pal should be sent out by January 15th, 2007. This really is a great program, despite a few hiccups here and there but I will do my very best to keep things running smoothly. I look forward to spending the next year with all of you! - Anissa
Secret Pal Questionnaire
OH screen name:
Surgery Date:
City: State: Zip:
Birth Date:
Do you have any children?
Do you have any pets?
Do you have any allergies?
Your Hobbies:
Things you Collect:
Your Favorites...
Favorite Food:
Favorite Drink:
Favorite Snack:
Favorite Color:
Favorite Music:
Favorite Store:
Favorite Scent:
Favorite Movies:
Favorite Author:
Favorite Magazine:
Other Favorites:
Describe the decor/colors of your...
Living room:
Dining Room:
Patio/Outdoor Area:
Other Rooms:
Things you dislike? (Do not buy!)
Any other helpful information to make shopping for you easier?