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on 6/1/09 1:41 am - League City, TX
Topic: RE: Scrapbooking in Houston/Galveston
I have lots of tools to share.  I never care much for what is in style; I just do my own things.  Sometimes it's a hit, and sometimes it's a miss.  I just accept what I did and move on to the next one.  Hobby Lobby is the cheapest place to find stuff.  Send me a PM with your number.  I looked in my address book and I don't have it.  We can set up a day and place to scrap, and maybe we can start collecting other people to join in:) I'll send a PM to you with my number too.
Amanda Roberson
on 5/31/09 9:26 pm - Houston, TX
Topic: RE: Scrapbooking in Houston/Galveston

I used to scrapbook every weekend with a group of people then we just let life get in the way and started doing it once a month, then before long we weren't getting together anymore. I would love to pick up this new hobby again if someone is willing to show me what is now in style -- that would require a scrapbooking shopping trip. :) The only thing that I have in abundance is pictures and paper!

151lbs lost since surgery.  36lbs pre-surgery !
Total today is = 187lbs lost !!!

on 5/31/09 3:42 am - League City, TX
Topic: Scrapbooking in Houston/Galveston
One of the great things about scrapbooking is that it is an interest outside of wls that you can do without food.  I used to scrapbook alot, but I never seem to be able to make the time for it unless I leave the house and go scrap with a group.  Is there anyone in the Houston/Galveston area interested in forming a scrapbooking group?
on 4/10/09 12:53 pm - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 05/12/09 with
Topic: RE: Need wls layout ideas!!
OH wow love Kristi's layout, just fabulous.
Looks like she's had a great recovery.
I love her ideas and concepts.

I'm also going to scrap my surgery, but I do it digitaly. It's less messy, lmaoooo

(deactivated member)
on 9/6/08 12:04 pm - NY
Topic: RE: What have you done lately?

   How is your scrapbooking room coming along? I just started the process of organizing everything in mine. I'm trying to purge out the unwanted or never will be used items.
My husband is going to have RNY (hopefully soon) and I want to do an album for him. I forgot you can imprint on the CM albums. Next year I will hopefully start one for myself as well  about my WLS journey. I absolutely love your quote!!!!!  Don't forget they are discontinuing the curreent size albums and pagesand when supplies run out you are out of luck. The new albums and pages are the " true" 12 x 12. Just to keep in mind so you have the pages you need for your beautiful album.
  Tressa Ü

Vickie J
on 3/21/08 2:26 pm - Tallahassee, FL
Topic: RE: What have you done lately?
Cyndi, I love the Flylady concept but was soooo overwhelmed by the number of e-mail messages that I just quit after a few weeks. I wish I could stick with it but I spent too much time on the computer reading the reminders that I didn't have time to get anything done! I'm still working in my craft room and guest room. I'm pretty much down to needing to put the sorted stickers in binders. I have 4 binders and I don't think it will be enough... Also think I'll run out of the binder pages before I run out of stickers. Did I mention I'm a sticker-holic as well as a paper-holic? I've got to get the guest room put back in order b/c I piled things in there while I was cleaning & sorting the craft room and haven't figured out where some of those things are going to "live" permanently. If at all possible, they are NOT going back in my craft room! I have our WLS support group meeting at my home tomorrow morning and I hope after everyone leaves after lunch I'll be able to get some more done. I'm in the mood to "pitch" so I'm filling the car with stuff going to Goodwill as I run across it in my cleaning/sorting. Good luck with your WLS journey & your WLS scrapbook. Happy Easter! Vickie J.
on 3/21/08 6:23 am - Pennsville, NJ
Topic: RE: What have you done lately?
Hi Vickie! Wow, you are so far ahead of me. LOL I'm STILL working on my craft room. I did get some papers for my WLS album. I started my intro/why I did it page. Since spring break started today, I'll have a little extra time to work on it. I'm pacing myself. I joined Flylady years ago and only just started to implement her 15-minute-rules. So, I've been working on the large closet in my office today. In 15 minutes I'm almost done! One more session and I'll be finished. I bought her decluttering kit and that's been wonderful to use in here. So, maybe before April 1st I'll be ready to really call this my office/scrap room. Happy Easter to you and yours! * Cyndi *
Vickie J
on 3/13/08 2:09 pm - Tallahassee, FL
Topic: What have you done lately?
What have you done lately is a rather broad question but it should provoke some thought. What have you done lately for yourself? What have you done lately to move towards your goals... weight loss goals, personal goals, family goals, scrapbooking goals? Think about it. What HAVE you done lately?? I've spent most of the past 2 weeks cleaning & sorting my craft room and supplies. I'm hoping to have everything sorted & stored/filed and ready to do some pages by the end of March 2008. I am putting this goal in writing so I will feel accountable. Ya'll check back with me on April 1 to see if I actually accomplished this goal. I've self-diagnosed, and the diagnosis was confirmed by a local scrapping buddy, that I have a severe case of "scrapbook supplies shopping-itis". If I see pretty paper I MUST buy it.... and I must buy entire packages of a single color or at the very least, I must buy it in many multiplies of 2 (like 8 or 10) but always in multiplies of 2 b/c I like to do 2 page spreads. I have not actually made a scrapbook page in amost 5 years but that has not stopped me from buying more supplies & piling them up on the work table & desk in my craft room. My WLS was 3 years ago but I have still not done the first page in my beautiful 12x12 album. This lovely lavender album was a gift from my mother's CM consultant. She was so excited about my wls journey and the positive changes she saw in my life that she even had the cover and spine imprinted with my "encouragment quote" and theme. The quote was a Bible verse I posted beside my computer. I read it every time I was discouraged or struggling with head hunger or just feeling a bit sorry for myself. "Do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 This is imprinted on the cover with a "clasped hands" graphic. The spine is imprinted with my theme, "I Choose Life", and my name. I am ashamed to admit that I have not worked on this scrapbook and even more ashamed to admit that I have fallen back into some old "bad" eating habits. I've regained some weight and need to lose about 30 lbs. to get back down to my goal weight. I am hoping that working on my WL scrapbook will help motivate me to begin eating better, get back to the gym, to take care of myself and to treat myself as well as I treat others. That's not too much to ask of a scrapbook is it? I think NOT! Anyone want to join me on my renewed, reinvigorated WLS journey? I'll be the chick huffing and puffing and complaining about my aching knees but exercising anyway!! Hugs & Happy Scrappin' Vickie J.
on 2/22/08 8:35 am - Pennsville, NJ
Topic: RE: Hello
I'm just not motivated. I have plenty of pictures to get started with. Every time I drag the scrap crap out I hear "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" and then I'm not in the mood to work on my book. Hubby leaves for Los Angeles in a few days. Maybe I'll get some *me* time while he's gone. * Cyndi *
Miss Thang
on 2/21/08 1:55 pm - Buffalo, NY
Topic: RE: Hello
im trying to get some pictures for mine too... i got them either hard copy or on my computer but gotta go get some new ink to print them.... there is a yahoo group too but no ones posting on it either...
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Scrapbooking in Houston/Galveston
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What have you done lately?
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Yahoo Scrapbook Group!
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