Weekly Challenge

on 5/29/05 1:58 pm - Ironton, MO
I posted the other day about a weekly challenge. I think that weekly would be best for me, because I'm not able to scrap every day...even though I would love to. Here are the "rules" You don't HAVE to participate. No one is going to force you to take part. But it's here if you want to. It's also open to all experience levels...from beginner to expert. I am by no means an expert. I started scrapping in 97 and did about 30 pages or so, then I got interested again when I found out I was pregnant...and I've been collecting ever since. (Notice I said collecting...not scrapping hence the reason for this challenge.) I will be listing 3 challenges per week. (I will try to do them either late Saturday, or some time on Sunday. I actually meant to have it done earlier than this today, but kept procrastinating.) I figure by listing 3 a week, you can pick and choose which ones you want to do. You don't have to do all 3, but if you can...more power to you. Try to make it where you only do one challenge per layout. (A layout can be 1 or 2 pages...you choose) We have a site that Tonya set up for us over at Yahoo if you want to post your pages once you get them done. Again, posting is not a requirement...I don't have a scanner, but have taken pictures of my layouts. I do notice that on Yahoo, there is a limit to the amount of stuff you can have on there. If we're wanting to post layouts, we may think about getting an MSN page, or even having one hosted at angelfire...or someplace like that. *shrugs* just an idea. Here is the addy for the yahoo site. Yahoo site Okay on with the challenges. Reply to this thread to give me some sort of idea who is doing this. 1. Do a top ten list. Like David Letterman...I did the "reasons I love being a mommy" You could do reasons I love ________, or something like that. Use your imagination...and have fun. 2. Dangle something from the title. Tags, charms, buttons....whatever you have handy. 3. Do a totally me layout using your pictures of you doing your stuff. This would be a good All About Me or Book of Me page. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions...I would love to hear from you. Also, if anyone can think of anything to add, I would like to hear it. I'm new at this...so any feedback--good or bad would be appreciated. My email address is [email protected] Amanda
on 5/29/05 4:39 pm - Glendale, AZ
OMG! That is awesome!! I think I'll do the top 10 list. I'll do it this week and post it to the yahoo support group page. Thanks for getting this started!! How cute!! I love it!! Hugs, Trisha
Tonya M.
on 5/30/05 1:28 am - Citrus Heights, CA
Awesome! I will do this too! Tonya and here is the yahoo group: (take out the spaces... usually OH deletes straight links so.... they might star****ching this board more closely with it having mroe activity http:// groups.yahoo.com/group/ohscrapbookers/
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