Anybody into bookarts?
I make small handmade books. It ties in well with my scrapbooking and it's a great way to use up my smaller scrap paper leftovers.
I use recycled cereal boxes and other recycled materials for the covers and good scrapbooking glue and have made journals, haiku books, accordion (stretched-out) books and many other styles.
My friend/neighbor has been to some bookmaking classes this past month and has made some AWESOME books!!! Like autograph books and photo albums. I'm like WOW!! I'd LOVE to get into that!! I was just over there a few days ago and she showed me 4 of the books she's made recently and I'm like YOU made these? They look so professional and artsy. Doesn't look handmade at all. I'm like WOW!
There's a class on that I wrote - Small Handmade Books. It's class number 9366. I wonder if she is in that? People are really surprised what they can do with some paper and paste.
I save paper -- even bags from little gift stores can have interesting designs. Junk mail sometimes has little pieces I can use. And I recycle whatever I can and embellish with things like Oriental coins, tassels, etc.
I've had some little books at exhibits. It's really fun.
I like buying the small hard page books for little kids. I paint over them and then either decorate the painted pages, walnut ink them and then decorate or sometimes put paper on and then decorate. I've made a few books from scratch ... accordian and such. Any kind of paper art I find fascinating.