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Topic: RE: I just love road trips!!!
I do loving driving trips and do as many as possible. Have met many friends that way too. Have gone as far north, south, east and west as I can drive. I have visited all but about 5 states. I love it. And the little stops by the side of the road are awesome too.
Topic: RE: Australia
You will have a wonderful time. I vacationed in Australia in 1997 for a month. You are going at the same time of year that I went (their summer!). Keep in mind that Australia is HUGE and you won't be able to "see it all". Just in the Brisbane area you could spend a year and not see it all. My all time favorite thing in Brisbane was the "Wool Shed". That is where I was able to hold a Koala Bear (one of my dreams) plus see lots of other neat things. Also in that area is the Sunshine Coast (the "Australian Riviera") and things like the "Big Pineapple (a Pineapple and Macadamia plantation that has a great tour).
For traveling within Australia, you have to consider the time factor as it seems to take a long time to get anywhere as they don't have nearly as many good freeways like we do in the USA. I found that the train was a great way to travel both far distances and within the cities (especially in Sidney).
Topic: ObesityHelp Magazine is waiting for you!
Our Own Magazine Has Arrived. We've been busy since January putting
together our first copy of our quarterly magazine and it's now available
for ordering. Click here to
order your subscription today. Proceeds from all subscriptions go
to the Association for Morbid Obesity Support. Make the investment in both
our community as well as your ongoing education in WLS. Recipes, hospital
reviews, surgeon scoring, humor, inspiring photos, quality articles, and
much more. All these are waiting to reach your door. Rather than produce
just a newsletter, we went all out and produced a 64 page magazine for
you. Spread the word, ObesityHelp Magazine is available for the

Jim K.
on 5/27/03 8:30 am - Mission Viejo, CA
on 5/27/03 8:30 am - Mission Viejo, CA
Topic: Australia
My wife and I are visiting Australia in Feb and would like to talk to anyone who knows anything about the "outback." Where is it? How best to see it? We are staying in the Brisbane area but can travel to wherever.
Topic: I just love road trips!!!
With being disabled, and being obese, my husband and I learned a long time ago, when we travel, to drive instead of using public transportation. It takes a lot of the fears away and you get to see more of where you are going!!! Now...if they would only work on enlarging those tiny bathrooms at the truck stops. LOL