G2GAWAY’s Posts

on 9/8/16 10:21 pm
Topic: RE: Some food questions

My doctor told me that the key was to get greek yogurt with low sugar.  Some of my favorites pre-surgery had 20+ grams of sugar.  Triple Oikos has 6 or 7 (if I recall correctly), so that is a good choice. I'm sure there are others with low sugar as well.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/8/16 9:57 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

Quick post in between meetings. Action packed day today. Two meetings I didn't know about this morning, that it would be "nice" if I attended.  Which translates to "you should be there."  And I have four interviews this afternoon in conjunction with another department looking for the same positions so we are interviewing together.  They scheduled them starting at noon with no breaks in between...and I have an 11-12 meeting.  Seriously?  Who does that?  I am going to blow off the 11 am meeting and go pick up a chicken salad at Wendy's. Uggh.  

QOTD:  Yes!  I have G2GAWAY which is a testament to my need to be on vacation or doing something, from the old AOL IM days, of G2G meaning "Got to Go" (or Get).  I also bought them for my kids.  They like to refer to it as the "Gift that keeps on giving" since there is an additional cost in their registration each year.  One daughter's is HICKAT  because she always thought she was so hip and cool, but I would catch her in the kitchen singing Dolly Parton songs.  I had to fight for the plate because the DMV said that hick can be derogatory, but in this context it means a country bumpkin.  I won and we got the plate.  My other daughter's plate is WINEER.  She is actually a winemaker, but figure she might not always be that, but she will likely always love wine. Some people tease her that she is a whiner.  Also, it may be a magnet for DUI checkpoints, but she shouldn't be driving while drinking anyway.  And, I just bought one for my husband because he was feeling left out.  His is N2PLYWD.  He is in the wood/laminating business and has been his whole life and has a little wood-related business on the side.  He just got it and put it on his truck.  He is very happy about it.  Can't think of the best one I have seen, but I like to read them and try to figure them out.

My menu is likely to be:  Premier Protein, Wendy's chicken salad for lunch, maybe a greek yogurt snack (I have one in the fridge at work-yay) since I will be starving after the interviews, gym tonight with trainer (otherwise I would surely cancel tonight), chickfila grilled nuggets and fruit cup.  I hate to have chicken twice in the same day, but it is what it is today.

Much to do. My 10 am meeting is starting in 4 minutes, so I will have to continue to read posts later.  Have a great day.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/7/16 9:11 am
Topic: RE: What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

Bask in the joy for now and sort of stabilize for a while.  I have taken a similar approach. I want to lose more too, but feel like I would be happy staying here if that is what works for me.  So, I am just staying on track, working out and seeing what happens.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/7/16 9:09 am
Topic: RE: What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

Hope the surgery goes well.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/7/16 9:08 am
Topic: RE: What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

I rode my bike to school in junior high and hated it.  We lived in an area that used to be dairies, so it was smelly and didn't have good roads. I lived just outside of the bus range in high school and I felt like it was a gazillion miles away from school, but I just google mapped it and it was 1.9 miles away.  I hoofed it and it went over a freeway which was a serious uphill trek.  I eventually drove my mo-ped once I turned 15-1/2 (so I was a junior).  I tried to take the bus for a while by just walking to the bus stop even though I was out of the area, but if I was late and missed the bus, then I had to walk all the way back to my house and start the regular walk.  Why didn't my parents drive me to school like I did for my kids?  Times were different then.

QOTD:  My wedding ring and the newer anniversary ring I used to wear all the time are both too big.  I have been thinking that now is the time to get it resized.  Can't imagine my fingers will get much smaller even if I manage to lose 10 more pounds. I am wearing a tanzanite and diamond ring that I love.  It is a little loose, but it works and I feel kind of naked without a ring on my left hand.  My fit bit, which is so unstylish, but seems to be accepted in the world now, and cheap silver hoop earrings.  The jewelry comes off the minute I get home. I can't sleep with it either.

I would love some banana bread right now. That sounds delicious.  

B:  Premier Protein

L:  Shrimp, probably salad

D:  Chicken lettuce wraps 

S:  Cheese wedge/crackers (I only have 4 crackers in my drawer-so that is portion control-I meant to pack some to leave here)

My protein forward meal on the fly that I can find at two take out places by my house are shrimp skewers and chicken lettuce wraps, P3 packs are always good in an emergency.

Working two jobs sounds pretty stressful.  Glad you like it.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/6/16 11:14 am, edited 9/6/16 1:56 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Tuesday Menu, RNYers?

Your dinner location sounds awesome. I think maintenance aka the rest of my life will be a struggle to find balance in eating like all of the other normal sized people in the world. Had a nice weekend. Spent it with my daughter at home (with her boyfriend-apparently a package deal now), visited some friends, BBQd steak and lobster, did some shopping (bad for the wallet), and just otherwise enjoyed 3 days off. But hell to pay at work this week now. Lots of deadlines this week with not enough time to get things done.

B: Premier protein

L: Grilled shrimp skewers, salad, vegies 

D: not sure  but probably chicken

S: Cheese wedge and 6 saltines

The support group that I don't normally go to because this group online is better is having a plastic surgeon, so I might go there tonight and check it out. I don't know when the right time is to have surgery, but I'm thinking I can't lose the stomach until I get rid of this skin (having twins and carrying an extra 100-150 pounds forever did some damage) and the boobs are like empty tube socks, but still 34DDD when I roll them up into a bra.

Edited to correct the damn typos and autocorrect issues from trying to post on my phone. I shouldn't do that.  On a good note, I stuck to my plan, except for I had 2 cheese wedges to tide me over until after the meeting ended at 8 pm. I had chicken and a small fruit cup from chick-fil-a. It's my go to quick meal on the go.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/6/16 9:06 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Tuesday Menu, RNYers?

I am thinking it may actually cost you money to work there.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/5/16 1:26 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Thanks for the tips. I looked for them at the store yesterday, but didn't find them (Kay's pretzels), so I am going to order some on Amazon. I will have to check out the other items.  I haven't seen them at my Costco.  I will have to order some stuff online.  

Thanks so much, I am feeling great too!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/5/16 1:23 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Thank you!  I feel great!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/5/16 1:23 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

We used to go out for Mexican food every week. We had to give it up because those chips are so tempting!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/5/16 1:22 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Thanks for the ideas. I haven't had jicama in a long time. That might be a good addition. Sadly, I don't like sushi or pork rinds. I made cheese chips once before early on. I should do it again, they were good. I looked for Kay's in the store, but couldn't find them, I may have to do an Amazon order.

Thanks again.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/5/16 12:36 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Labor Day menu RNY'ers

The scale is fickle. I hope it stays in onederland for you. I have been bobbing around losing half my body weight. I can't seem to make it stick though, up and down one to two pounds. Grrr.  I remember Service Merchandise.  Didn't you order stuff and it came down on a conveyor belt?  I think we bought a set of TV trays there when we first got married.

Great QOTD.  I love reading all of the stories. I met my husband at the local junior college. We actually went to the same high school for four years and graduated in the same year, but never met or had a class together.  I ran into his friend in college (who I knew), and my husband thought I liked his friend. I thought he (my hubby) wanted to ask me out, but he was taking too long, so I bought tickets to a Warren Miller ski movie and invited him. We were married a year later. We will celebrate 33 years in November.  We maintained the tradition of attending the Warren Miller movie every year since and broke our streak of 34 in a row last year. They don't play in as many locations any more and it has gotten harder and harder to get to them geographically and time wise. 

It is 12:30 in Cali and I haven't eaten anything yet. Weird. I need to eat something. We are barbequing some steaks and lobster with my daughter and her boyfriend today. So we are just hanging out and going fancy for labor day (we have had the lobster hanging in the freezer for a while from a Costco road show and I am happy to cook it with all of us here so that it doesn't get freezer burn since we don't cook that kind of stuff normally).  Looking forward to it, especially since my daughter is doing the cooking!  

So nice to have a 3 day weekend, sorry you had to work. I should have, but said, nope, I will just work later on Tuesday and Wednesday to meet my deadlines.

Have a good day.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/5/16 12:24 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Labor Day menu RNY'ers

45 years!  Wow.  That is a great story.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/4/16 9:46 am
Topic: RE: What's on your Sunday menu, RNYers?

I havw never been through anything other than earthquakes. Lots of earthquakes in Cali, but never suffered real damage from one. I had to postpone my daughters' baptisms because the church was damaged and people weren't allowed inside for months. Fire is really one of my fears.  I can't imagine living through that. But stuff is only stuff, so as long as the people and animals are safe, I imagine you can recover.

My weekend of puttering changed as my daughter decided to come home yesterday afternoon (with the boyfriend) so we also had her high school best friend here too. I did get a manicure and do some clothes shopping before they arrived and we went to dinner. Today is a Costco run for steaks to BBQ on Labor Day and going to go to Temecula to wine taste ansnhang out. I'm the DD so it's only tasting for me, not drinking. But we will visit, chit chat, and listen to some live music.

Menu is a bit up in the air, but protein shake for breakfast, cheese and crackers at one od the wineries we are a member at, we are maybe going to pick up picnic lunch atuff, and sea bass for dinner.

Have a great day.



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/4/16 9:35 am
Topic: RE: What's on your Sunday menu, RNYers?

That is my favorite yogurt--brand and flavor. I hope you like it.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/2/16 9:45 am
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

I am so excited.  I booked a kayaking excursion to the blowhole in La Bufadora, Mexico while we are on a 3-day cruise for Thanksgiving. Doing it in the ocean is a little intimidating, but I am looking forward to it.  Our house is even older than yours and needs lots of updates.  I hate spending money on house stuff.  It nearly killed me to spend $20,000 on a new roof because our shake roof was completely falling apart and you could see sky when you were in the attic.  Our kitchen is in desperate need of an update, but I want to expand it if I am going to spend any money, and that makes it really pricey when you start moving bearing walls.  So, I live with the weird wheat tiles and very old appliances.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/2/16 9:41 am
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

I want a zipline in my backyard.  Happy anniversary!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/2/16 9:19 am
Topic: RE: Hair loss & Nioxin

I did use the Nioxin products for about 6 months. My hairdresser recommended them.  There were three different steps to the process.  I feel that it helped some when things were getting thin, but *****ally knows?  I also took (and still do) Hair Skin and Nails gelcaps. I think we notice it thinning more than other people.  


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/2/16 9:14 am
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

QOTD:  Hi everyone.  I'm Cory and I am 53 years old, creeping up to senior citizen status and turning 54 next month, but hey there are discounts involved when I turn 55, and I feel better than ever so it's all good.  My husband and I will be married 33 years in November. We actually attended and graduated from the same high school in the same year, but never knew each other in high school.  I met him at the local junior college after I had moved away to Hawaii and returned home a year and a half later. We have 22 year old fraternal twin daughters (different as night and day in personalities and looks).  They both graduated from college last year and have landed full-time jobs and are self-supporting out on their own.  Yay!  I don't like that they don't live nearby, but we manage to see each other pretty frequently because they are both still in California.  We live in Norco, aka Horsetown USA, on a half-acre lot, but no longer have horses, just 2 cats, which is enough animals for me at this point in my life.  As my screen name implies, for all of us old AOL Instant Messenger users, I have Got to Go (or Get) Away.  I love to travel and go places.  I love to go to musicals and concerts, and basically any good live entertainment.  Even though I met my husband in college, I didn't finish college until many years later.  I worked in the private sector for years and had started back to college when my kids were in third grade, but I was fortunate enough to be able to stay home with my girls from fourth grade until they were juniors in high school and could drive themselves.  During that time I continued to go to school and got my Bachelor's and Master's in Public Administration. I am now a finance analyst for the County and am assigned to the hospital, so I spend a few days a week there and a couple of days a week at the County office.  It keeps things interesting and I really enjoy my job.

Menu:  Premier Protein, Shrimp for lunch, not sure about dinner as I am on my own because my husband is going on a hunting trip for dove season opening weekend and won't be home tonight. I will find something high protein to pick up.

I need crunchy thing ideas.  After avoiding the box of donuts in the office all day and not succumbing to their siren call, I fell hard into some pretzels last night.  Usually the chips and things my husband insists he needs in the house don't bother me, but pretzel sticks did me in last night.  What types of things (other than pork rinds) do you guys eat to get in the crunchy fix?  I have tried pork rinds and I don't like them.

Unbelievably, there is not a single meeting on my calendar today (well, there is a 15 minute huddle, but that is easy peasy).  So, I hope to get a lot of work done.  And then it is 3 days of pure bliss with nothing on the schedule, but puttering and doing whatever I want.  I already told my husband he is taking me out to Market Broiler one night.  I haven't been there in a long time and a nice piece of fish sounds good.  And my semi-local daughter just told us she might come home Sunday and stay until Monday, but it is still up in the air.  Have a great weekend everyone!

Here is a picture of me the week before my surgery.  It was the day before I had to go on my pre-op diet.  Here is a picture from a couple of weeks ago.  I only wish I had this surgery years ago.  



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/1/16 8:47 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

Well, you are good with scheduling all of your meds.  If I recall, you had to figure out how to fit in sleeping and eating with all the meds you were taking for a while.



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/1/16 8:44 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

I had a major score this weekend at Burlington Coat Factory.  I got 3 really nice blouses (2 good for work and 1 for casual wear) for $35, plus I had a $25 merchandise certificate for some sort of class action thing I signed up for when the emailed me, so I only paid $10 for 3 tops!  Score.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/1/16 8:42 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

I am sad that VS stopped sending out their free underwear coupons.  I got them for years when I couldn't wear their sizes and gave them all to my kids.  Now that I can wear them, no freebies. I did manage to get a few before the stopped though.

Hope the game was fun.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/1/16 8:40 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

Yeah, I really feel I need to stop taking it, but so far I have felt lousy and struggled with eating when I did stop.  I will see the doctor in a couple of weeks and check in.  Maybe I just have to deal with that weird feeling when I don't take it or maybe it will be better this time.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/1/16 9:56 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

You sound fierce today.  Red capris are very bold.  I was thinking of buying a pair recently, but haven't.  Now I think I should.

QOTD:  Generic multi-vitamin.  My doctor loved the stats in the ones I found.  I think I should be taking 2, but will have to ask at my appointment this month. I have only been taking one.  This was a change from the ones I was taking previously because they made me taste iron in my mouth all day, so I wasn't wanting to take them. A sublingual B12 every other day (Trader Joe's), hair skin and nails (I was going to stop them, but the doctor said there were some good things in them, so I will continue), 4 Costco calcium chews throughout the day (used to take 2 of them twice a day, but one of my test results last time led him to tell me to take them one at a time), and I am still taking Prilosec.  I have stopped a few times, but then get a gnawing feeling in my stomach and have a hard time eating, and I think it is related, so I start again.  I know there are long term effects of continuing Prilosec forever.  Does anyone have any experience with this or thoughts about it?

Since today is Thursday, it is my usual:  Protein shake, Grilled shrimp, salad, vegies, chick-fil-a grilled nuts, small fruit cup, cheese and crackers or balanced break for a snack, not sure what I have here in this refrigerator.  Personal training at gym tonight.  Not sure what we are working on---shoulders or chest I think.  As much as I say to him that I don't see why we spend so much time on these parts, since it is my butt, legs, and stomach that need work, I must admit I like the strong shoulders and other things that happen from it.  One day my daughter saw my back because the shirt was lower in the back and she commented on the muscles, so I guess it is all good.  Honestly, I don't think I have ever been this strong in my life, even as a young person.  I know that I will have to keep up with the trainer, even though it costs money, because I probably would bail and go home if I didn't have an appointment.  Luckily, my work pays for most of my gym membership ($324 a year out of $372 cost), so that helps a lot.

Happy that tomorrow is Friday and I have a 3 day weekend with no real plans, but to putter about the house and do whatever I want.

Don't forget you were going to do a Get to Know Everyone post (Did I miss it or were you saving it for Friday?)


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/30/16 11:44 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Tuesday Menu, RNYers?

I am stuck in a management retreat all day, which sounds lovely and peaceful, but it is on site at work and really just an all day meeting. I am sneaking and typing on my phone, which is strictly forbidden. I am a rebel.

QOTD: I love to travel and will fly anywhere anytime. I flew all the time while overweight, but it is much much easier now, that is for sure.  I have flown on helicopters without doors in Kauai and a 4 person plane that landed on a glacier in Alaska.

Yesterday's question made me realize that I have never been to out State Fair, but have gone to two local County Fairs many times. I will have to out that on my to do list.

B: Premier protein

L: unknown. They are serving us lunch. I will focus on protein and make it work.

D: shrimp skewers: cheese and crackers or a balances break 


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



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