G2GAWAY’s Posts

on 9/26/16 2:37 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYers?

There is a 3 day country concert. Route 91. That's where I will be. Have fun!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/26/16 2:36 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYers?

Have fun at the conference.  I wish I was Going to be in town so we could have met up live and in peraon.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/26/16 2:25 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYers?

My husband never gets sick and I think he is now. I told him to stay far away from me and wash his hands frequently. We arr heading to Vegas for a 3 day concert on Friday and I do not want to be sick. 

I hope you feel better soon.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/26/16 2:23 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYers?

They are my go to meal two nights a week after the gym. Perfect for me. And I would likely want to grab something else that would not be the best choice.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/26/16 9:41 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYers?

I just got mine resized and picked it up last week too.  Happy to be wearing this ring again.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/26/16 9:40 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYers?

We missed you.  Glad you are back.  And I agree with Chassidy I missed your snark.  Hope all is well. Adulting is very hard.  We are all in a hurry to grow up, until we get there and realize, having naptime and someone to take care of everything wasn't such a bad gig. What did you miss?  Some of our topics included our favorite food (shrimp, duh), jury service (I have never been on one or even into the selection room), how has WLS changed me (healthier version of myself), are we left-brain or right brain (since I am an analyst, left, but I like to think I am somewhat balanced), and newbie advice (ask for what you want when you eat out.  You don't need pizza or pasta. Say "I don't eat that" vs. "I can't eat that).  I am sure there was more, but those were the highlights.  Oh yeah, and I am officially claiming that I lost half of my body weight.

B: Premier Protein

L:  Sadly, meetings are not allowing me to have my usual shrimp today, so probably a chicken salad at Wendy's.

D:  Chick-fil-a grilled nuggets (sorry they aren't in the other states), fruit cup

S:  Cheese wedge and crackers

Have a great day everyone.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/25/16 9:02 pm
Topic: RE: Agony

I hope it passes soon and you get some relief.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/23/16 11:03 am
Topic: RE: What's on your menu today (PHOTO FRIDAY) RNYers?

Whenever I have taken those tests to determine which I am, I come up pretty balanced.  But I would tend to say I am more left brained as I am a Budget Analyst.  However, I like crafty things and can be excitable and emotional.  The wedding this weekend sounds awesome.  I have another non-eventful, but busy weekend planned.  I have massage tonight after work and in desperate need of a manicure this weekend. Trying to get things wrapped up and business taken care of prior to my weekend in Vegas and vacation to Africa, so lots to do. And, now my plans are foiled by my daughter who just texted that she is going to come home on Saturday with the boyfriend until Sunday.  She just moved and needs to drop off a bed frame because she is renting a room in a house and there were logistical issues with using the existing bed frame vs. her bed frame. So, I am happy to get to see her, but need to rearrange my plans slightly.

So in looking for a picture to post I was scrolling through pics on my phone and ran across one of my Mom from a birthday party before she passed away. We were the best of friends and she made me who I am today for sure.  She was equally left and right brained.  She was a bookkeeper and loved to make cards and crafty.  She was sooooo organized and creative.  Anyway, that sent me down the rabbit hole today and I have been teary eyed quite a bit as I know she would be so happy for me and my weight loss.  It was something we both struggled with our whole lives.  I had my 16 month checkup with the surgeon yesterday and while he was quite pleased with my results and called me tiny and thin and said I was really at a good weight (and said well, you started at 305, that was a *****unky-which made me laugh), it is not the same as having your Mom say they are proud of you. There is nothing like the support of your Mom and I miss her every day (she passed away from cancer almost 6 years ago).  I am fortunate to have set the example of that relationship for my girls and we are very close too.  We will all be together next weekend in Vegas and I am very excited about that.  OK.  Have to get myself back together as I am sitting at my desk typing this with tears in my eyes and I have to go review Adopted Budget pages.

Menu:  It will be like my usual, protein forward.

Also, I am pretty adventurous, but I don't think I have ever held a toad before.  A tarantula, yes, but not a toad. Have a great weekend everyone.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/22/16 11:24 pm
Topic: RE: Tomorrow is the big day!

Good luck.  I hope all goes well for you.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/22/16 9:28 am, edited 9/22/16 2:28 am
Topic: RE: Whats on your Menu today (Thursday) RNYers?

I have never been on a jury. I have never even made it to the selection room. I have had to show up, call in daily, etc, but never made it further than that.  And I have always worked for an employer who would pay me full pay during jury duty.  One time I had to call in nightly for two weeks for some sort of federal trial, but never even had to show up for that one.  My husband just had jury duty last week and called every day, but did not have to go in. I hope Arun gets excused. 

Such deep questions.  Has it changed me?  I am sure it has, but I hope only in the best of ways.  I have always been able to do anything I set my mind to, but not this.  Losing the weight was the one thing I could never master (at least for the long-term, and I guess I still haven't done that yet, but feel very optimistic that I will this time).  I was always very busy and active in the sense that I love to do things and go places.  I wasn't a couch potato even when I was over 300 pounds.  The difference now is that my body can keep up with my mind much more easily.  I have always traveled and done adventurous things, but I can tell you it is soooooo much easier now.  When we were in Thailand in January, I had lost 100 pounds.  I kept telling my family that I know I would have probably done most of the same things, but it was sure a whole lot easier with less weight to carry around.  Fortunately, my family was always patient with me when we were hiking or adventuring, but I know it is easier for them to have me in better shape too.  Plus they don't have to give up part of their seat for me on busses and planes anymore.  My husband and I are going to Africa in 2 weeks and I CANNOT wait for this adventure.  I booked the trip a year ago on my birthday and am so excited that I was confident that I would be physically able to do something like this at this stage of my life.   I feel like the biggest change is that I am now able to be a healthier version of myself.  I was on the verge of going on insulin (and my brother is on an insulin pump so I knew I did not want that) and my knees and ankles were rebelling to carrying around so much extra weight.  My knees still give me a little grief, but my glucose levels are awesome!!!

My Thursday menu is the same as usual, which I find I kind of like not having to make choices (although I guess this is a choice too).

B:  Premier Protein

L:  Grilled shrimp, salad, carrots (I usually put vegies, but I never eat the broccoli they serve, just the carrots because I am too full)

D:  Chick-fil-a grilled nuggets kids meal (6 nuggets, small fruit cup)

S:  Cheese & crackers

One more thing....sorry for the long post, but today I weighed exactly one-half of my highest recorded weight.  I think I weighed at least 15 pounds more at one point, but had stopped weighing then, I just know my clothes were even a larger size at that point.  Anyway, I hit this number once before, but didn't snap a picture and it has been elusive ever since. I have fought for these last couple of pounds and will continue fighting for a few more.  Started at 305, and now weigh 152.5.  The lowest weight I can honestly recall being was 151 about 27 years ago when I hit goal at Weigh****chers.  I was at that weight for exactly one minute...haha, and then began the climb back up to the top.

I will have to read the posts late tonight as I have to get back to work



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/21/16 10:59 pm
Topic: RE: What is on your Tuesday Menu RNYers?

I just googled Canadian Smarties. I had no idea they were different. I didn't know the exchange rate also affected food 


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/21/16 10:56 pm
Topic: RE: Whats on your Menu Today (Wednesday) RNYers/VSGers

This group isn't limited to RNY and it seems to be one of the more active threads, so feel free to join in the fun over here.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/21/16 10:55 pm
Topic: RE: Whats on your Menu Today (Wednesday) RNYers/VSGers

Yeah, it is tough being on the West Coast and I am NOT a morning person. I sometimes scroll through a bit on my phone before I get out of bed, but can only manage to press the "like" button sometimes. Too hard to post from my phone. Thanks for your positive cheerful posts to all of us. Even though I can't post and respond like I would like to, I need to stay on this forum for support because I haven't felt very connected at the local support group.  Thanks everyone.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/21/16 10:44 pm
Topic: RE: Whats on your Menu Today (Wednesday) RNYers/VSGers

I hope the doctor's appointment went well and that you can get things back on track. You have worked so hard to get to this point. Hope the job search goes well. I think having a routine can be really helpful. I tend to do better with a bit more structure in my life.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/21/16 10:39 pm
Topic: RE: Whats on your Menu Today (Wednesday) RNYers/VSGers

I agree with the daily weighing, although I am not logging it. That might be a good plan. I do log it at the gym with the trainer every month or so. And of course, at my doctor appointments. There is a fine balance to weighing daily because you can't let it set you off if it goes up and cause one to go off the rails.  I think when I was gaining so much weight, I stopped weighing all together. I am not even sure of my actual highest weight because I wasn't weighing myself then. So, I will continue to weigh regularly. I'm nervous about a 2 week vacation coming up with no scale available. But I will be busy and active, so planning to stay on track.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/21/16 10:55 am
Topic: RE: Whats on your Menu Today (Wednesday) RNYers/VSGers

Congrats to your hubby on the baseball win.  I was never an athlete as a child/teen (although I ice skated until 6th grade), so can't imagine playing competitive sports at this point in my life.  That is a commitment.

QOTD: What would I tell the newbies?  I feel like I am still a newbie myself, but I guess I would say that now is the time to put yourself first, make yourself the priority for a change, and do NOT be afraid to ask for what you want/need to be successful.  I eat out frequently.  It is a part of my life, so I am determined to make sure it works for my long-term success.  I ask the server for help.  I tell them what I need (I don't tell them why), like I'm looking for just a side order of shrimp or fish without the carbs, etc.  They are typically so helpful at coming up with a plan that works for me. For example, I could just get a side of shrimp at BJ's for $5 and it was way more than I could eat at the beginning.  My daughter's college graduation meal had a set menu, but I just explained that I needed something like scallops (it was at a seafood restaurant and it was my first week of solids of any kind) and she had the kitchen make me a small skewer.  Also, I try not to look at a menu when I go out, because then everything sounds great.  I know what I can eat.  I don't need a menu. This is a major change in your life, ask for what you need.  My second piece of advice (yes, that was all one piece of advice) is DO NOT eat things that you know you should not be eating early on.  Stick to the plan.  High protein, low carb, low fat (although you do need some fats), low sugar.  It is a short window of time, everything will come eventually (albeit in smaller portions).  You don't need pizza or pasta.  I see some things people post about eating early out and I am shocked. Really, it is NOT worth it.  Change your thinking from "I can't eat that" to "I don't eat that."  That is what thin people do.  They choose not to eat that.  Every day is a choice to maintain your new lifestyle.  Having said all of this.  Maintaining is going to be the tricky part.  I think it will be a fine balance each and every day. 

B: Premier Protein

L:  Not exactly sure of my plans, but it will be protein. 

D: Ditto.  Depends on what I have for lunch so I can mix it up.  I am sure that there will be shrimp either for lunch or dinner.

S:  Cheese wedge and crackers. 

My cheese-os are arriving today, so that may be a snack later.  I received Kay's pretzels yesterday and ate one package.  It was OK, but it did satisfy my need for crunch.  There are in individual bags which is a good portion control thing. I like that they have lots of protein.

Have a good day everyone.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/20/16 11:21 pm
Topic: RE: What is on your Tuesday Menu RNYers?

You won't have energy for a while. I didn't start to feel somewhat back to normal until 6-1/2 weeks post-surgery.  Your body is recovering from major surgery and going through a lot of changes. The energy will come back slowly and all of a sudden one day, you will be surprised that you feel energetic again.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/20/16 11:13 pm
Topic: RE: What is on your Tuesday Menu RNYers?

I feel you on the difficulty on the favorite food now.  I'm interested in hearing about what you learned on the plastics consult. I am getting close to ready for it, but they recommend weight stable for 6 months, so I have to wait a bit. Could you send a private message to me if you have info that you want to share?  Thanks.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/20/16 10:45 pm
Topic: RE: What is on your Tuesday Menu RNYers?

I have a box of those (unopened so far) that I bought a while back. I'm afraid I will have the same experience. I don't think I will buy them again.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/20/16 9:44 pm
Topic: RE: What is on your Tuesday Menu RNYers?

Sadly, Smarties have 25 calories per little roll (I am assuming you are referring to those delicious little candy treats).  It just doesn't seem worth it to give up 100 calories for 4 rolls, but I could have eaten a whole lot more than 4 of them in the past.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/20/16 9:56 am
Topic: RE: What is on your Tuesday Menu RNYers?

I couldn't even manage to get on and post in the early part of the day yesterday, but I did scroll through the posts.  I am not sure what my favorite food is, but I guess shrimp. I am actually afraid that I may be eating too much in the seafood, shellfish department and need to eat more steak and chicken.  I did have some steak on Friday night though.  And chicken last night.  Favorite foods that I no longer eat are pasta and ice cream, maybe pizza.  I need some new favorites too.  I think I really tried to sort of divorce myself from the thought of food as a source of pleasure just before my surgery.  Don't get me wrong, I love to eat out and socialize around food, but the food isn't the important part (as demonstrated by the group getting together for dinner in New York).  I try to see food as fuel now.

I love your menu. I feel like I eat shrimp and fish a lot in the same day.

B: Premier protein

L:  Going out with a friend, not sure where, but it will probably be shrimp and some salad

D:  I was planning on shrimp, darn it.  I guess it is my favorite food. Maybe I will have chicken lettuce wraps instead, depending on what happens at lunch.

S:  Cheese wedge and crackers.

Have a great day everyone.  I will have to continue reading later.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/20/16 9:48 am
Topic: RE: What is on your Tuesday Menu RNYers?

I think there were two articles posted that day and I loved them!!!  Hit the nail right on the head.  My husband used to always be surprised that I gained weight with what I ate (and I wasn't eating in secret), but it is just simple math.  I was eating too many calories.  Plain and simple.  Like now, although I am at my original goal and could be satisfied here, I would like to lose more; however, I am basically maintaining, which means I am eating too many calories to lose weight right now.  If I want to lose more, I will have to make a few more changes.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/20/16 9:45 am
Topic: RE: What is on your Tuesday Menu RNYers?

I have had moon cheese once before, but just ordered Mr. Cheese Os this weekend, so they should be arriving soon. I'm hoping it will seem like a treat (at least for a little while).


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/18/16 12:37 pm, edited 9/18/16 5:37 am
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

It isn't one where you can stay onsite (as in camping), but we are as close as we can be at the Luxor right across from where the event is, so we can easily walk back and forth. Although, there are so many great acts, I cannot imagine leaving and going back to the room for any reason.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/18/16 12:30 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Not sure when, but hopefully in the next couple of years. I have too many other trips planned!  And it is so far away from the West Coast.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



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