G2GAWAY’s Posts

on 11/19/16 11:29 am
Topic: RE: What's on your Menu Today (PHOTO FRIDAY) RNYers?

I definitely had lots of pain in my tailbone. I even bought one of those pillows to sit on. And then all of a sudden, it didn't hurt anymore. I also had a lot of numbness in my legs from crossing them. I tried to stop, but I still do it and now the numbness is gone. It is funny how things change throughout the process.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 11/19/16 11:01 am
Topic: RE: What's on your Saturday menu RNYers?

Hi everyone. I have missed you all, but I have been able to read some of the posts late at night. Life has been full and busy. Today is our 33rd wedding anniversary and we are away in Palm Desert for the weekend to enjoy ourselves. Had a lovely dinner out last night and are celebrating officially tonight. I am off to the pool in a moment, but thought I would post this lovely view from our room.  The weather is gorgeous.  I have been solidly maintaining and actually gone down a pound or too. I was unsure if this was where I should stop as I still have a thick middle section, but went to a plastic surgeon yesterday and he assured me it was all skin.  He even told me that there was no need for liposuction as everything that is hanging on me is skin, not fat.  Now maybe I will listen to the family who have told me I shouldn't lose more weight. More on the plastic surgery later. I will just continue with the protein forward plan I have followed all along. Who would have thought that this carb-loving person could love protein and miss it when not eating the necessary protein. Last night I had Butterfish at Roy's, which I love and don't get often. Tonight will be at a Steakhouse, so some delicious steak and probably lobster.  Protein shake for breakfast and we are eating lunch hear at the timeshare/resort restaurant and I have no idea what they have, but I will make a good choice.  And, there will definitely be wine tonight. We are bringing one of our favorite reserve bottles of cabernet to the restaurant.  A real treat.  Have a great weekend everyone. 

Oh yeah: QOTD...we decorate a lot. I have toned it down as the kids are now 23. Everytime I threaten not to decorate, they get very upset.  We usually decorate after Thanksgiving, but I had one daughter and her boyfriend home last weekend, so I enlisted their help since we were going to be gone the next two weekends. The boyfriend had to help Randy put up the outside lights, which I told them could not be turned on until after Thanksgiving.  And my daughter and I strung the garland (we put up about 200 feet-upper and lower rails of a spiral staircase and railing around the upstairs bonus room). I covered the garland on the staircase with the fall garland (which I have done in the past).  It looks lovely and then I just pull down the fall stuff and voila...ready for Christmas. I still have to put up my Christmas village and the tree, but that will be in December. I have both kids and boyfriends spending Christmas weekend with us, so it will be festive.  We actually entered a City decorating contest one year and won 2nd place. Those days are over. LOL.



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 11/16/16 10:52 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Menu Today (Tuesday) RNYers?

Thanks. I understand that everyone is different, but I was trying to get a relative picture of what constituted no/little body fat for your PS.  I will see what the Dr. says on Friday.  Glad things went so well for you.




5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 11/15/16 10:50 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Menu Today (Tuesday) RNYers?

I saw it this weekend. It was great.  Just curious...how tall are you?  I'm trying to figure out maintenance right now too.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 11/15/16 10:23 pm
Topic: RE: 3 year post RNY Surgiversay - where does the time go?

You are amazing. Such an inspiration.  You are so caring and giving to all of us on the boards (even though I don't get to post much, I do read just about every day).  Keep up the awesome work. 


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 11/8/16 9:57 pm
Topic: RE: I just hate eating

I definitely relate.  You forgot the appetizers!  Yes, I had a couple of clams from my husband's appetizer (straight protein), NO salad, and NO dessert. I truly do NOT miss that overstuffed feeling. I like to eat until I am satisfied now and am happy feeling light and not bloated after eating. I try to focus on the experience of being out with people vs. gorging on everything. It is such a change, but I am happy with my new normal and wish I had done this years ago.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 11/7/16 8:39 pm
Topic: RE: Exciting NSV's

It is great to hear what people who don't know our history say. They have no idea of the struggles we have endured in the past. It is so amazing when the one size fits all robe fits and people refer to you as a thin, active person, which is exactly what you are now!  Congratulations.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 11/7/16 8:38 pm
Topic: RE: Exciting NSV's

It is amazing!  I love to travel and do it often. I used to always sit between my two thin daughters so I had room. I can even cross my legs in my seat now.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 11/7/16 8:37 pm
Topic: RE: I just hate eating

Definitely enjoy it while it lasts and use this to gain momentum and lose the weight. Although it is difficult when nothing sits right (I still have that from time to time), things change eventually and you will be wishing for these days again.  My husband and I went out to dinner the other night and I ordered fish, and he commented that I almost ate a normal portion. I reminded him that I do not aspire to go back to my old ways. I didn't even eat the whole piece of fish and it doesn't really come with any sides (a little relish and rice-which I left on the plate), so I was fine with what I ordered, but do not want to start eating how I did before.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 11/7/16 11:29 am
Topic: RE: NSV!!!

That is so exciting. I wore an old pair of tall boots with leggings and they were way too big too. I told my husband that I had to go shopping for new boots. Yay.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 11/6/16 10:06 pm
Topic: RE: visible fat in the toilet ... really?

I have had it occasionally (rarely) and the doctor told me it just meant that the malabsorption was working. 


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/28/16 8:38 am
Topic: RE: What's on your Menu today (CROCK POT RECIPE & PHOTO FRIDAY) RNYers/VSGers?

So I had my post all typed up and then it disappeared...Have to rush to a training class, but here are my pictures.  One I was 2 months away from having the girls and the other one is at the pumpkin patch when they were 10 months old. I will be meeting up with my daughter and her boyfriend because I am already up in Sacramento for work and then we are spending my birthday tomorrow in Sonoma, so there will be wine tasting involved.  I am doing my best with food while away from home. This seems to be my new normal. Looking forward to a few weeks of routine at home.   Sorry I am on my iPad and it won't let me resize the pictures.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/26/16 7:16 am
Topic: RE: What's on the Menu today (Wednesday) RNYers?

Come on, admit it, you are here for the bacon porn..lol


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/25/16 10:57 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your menu today (Tuesday) RNYers?

That is awesome!!!  Hope everything goes well for you and you recover quickly.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/25/16 6:51 am
Topic: RE: What's on your menu today (Tuesday) RNYers?

The scarf looKS great. Good luck on the interview. 


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/24/16 9:43 pm
Topic: RE: This is it folks!

Wishing you great success on your journey. I have no regrets and wish I had done this sooner. It is a great tool that can help you get to your goal. 


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/24/16 6:53 am
Topic: RE: What's on your Menu today (Monday) RNYers?

So cute! You guys are adorable. 


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/22/16 8:51 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Menu today (PHOTO FRIDAY) RNYers?

I am sure it was meant to express how amazing your transformation has been, but I know what you mean.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/22/16 3:35 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Menu today (PHOTO FRIDAY) RNYers?

Amazing transformation. I hope everything works out with the job change.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/22/16 3:28 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Menu today (PHOTO FRIDAY) RNYers?

I don't think I have ever seen your before picture. Amazing transformation.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/22/16 3:27 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Menu today (PHOTO FRIDAY) RNYers?

Wow. Surgery is coming soon. I need to get started on the consult. I have missed posts the last 2 weeks. What exactly are you having done?  I am very interested in how it goes.  Hoping it brings you the results you want.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/22/16 3:23 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Menu today (PHOTO FRIDAY) RNYers?

Thanks. I lost half of me, but the equivalent of a whole person.  It is crazy that I was carrying that around. I can't imagine carrying a person around with me all day.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/22/16 3:21 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Menu today (PHOTO FRIDAY) RNYers?

Thanks. It has been life changing. What a journey!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/22/16 3:20 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Menu today (PHOTO FRIDAY) RNYers?

Thanks. It's hard to believe that I had my surgery a year and a half ago. Wish I had done it sooner.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/22/16 3:19 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Menu today (PHOTO FRIDAY) RNYers?

Thank you. I feel fantastic too!  


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



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