G2GAWAY’s Posts

on 11/1/15 12:47 am
Topic: RE: To Tell or Not to Tell

I chose not to tell people at work (with the exception of 2 close friends at work-who I trusted would not talk). I told my family and close friends. The initial reason I didn't tell people at work was that I did not want people telling me all of the reasons I shouldn't have the surgery. I figured I would eventually tell them, but over time decided to keep it private. When they finally noticed I was losing weight (1 person noticed at 40 pounds, but most didn't until about 60 pounds were gone), I simply told them that I had been working hard. When they noticed I was eating differently, I simply said that I was eating high protein, low sugar, low fat, low carb in order to reduce my glucose level which was climbing into the diabetes danger zone. All true. Now I have started working out with a trainer too, so continuing to lose weight is a natural progression. I am glad that I kept it under wraps at work. One thing I would do differently...not say how much I have lost so far. I am going to answer that with a vague response in the future. Don't be embarrassed about having the RNY. Your health is important and this is a tool that will help you improve your health. I always thought I could lose the weight and keep it off myself, but I could not. I wish I had done this years ago. I have only lost a little over half my excess weight so far, but I am confident that having the surgery will allow me to reach my goal. Good luck.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/21/15 11:41 pm
Topic: RE: Re-Post

I agree with you on the protein shakes, but I drink them in the morning for ease as well and to get a good amount of protein in my day. I also didn't get the no hunger experience and feel hunger, well, actually it is more like an empty feeling in my stomach sometimes. I was also worried about eating too much, so I talked to my doctor at two different visits, and his advice was to eat when I was hunger, and stop when I felt satisfied (note: not full....satisfied). I was worried about weighing,measuring, and tracking, and he assured me that it was not necessary if I followed this method. So far it is working well. I do measure from time to time just to get a feel for the number of ounces of protein I am eating. This has worked for me because one of the reasons I gained weight, is my all or nothing philosophy. So, this new approach is not easy for me, but seems to be helping me stay on course.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/21/15 11:19 pm
Topic: RE: No energy

Mine came back at about 6 weeks too. Focus on water and protein (when your doctor allows). Take naps. It's OK, you need to recover.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/21/15 11:09 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

After nursing twins 22 years ago, and losing 80 pounds so far, even though they are still DDD, I always say I have to roll them up to put them in my bra...Excited about eventually having surgery to fix things, but that is quite a ways off.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/21/15 11:01 pm
Topic: RE: NSV-First.Victoria's.Secret.Bra.Ever!!!

I got the Body by Victoria Perfect Coverage Bra. They come in Full and Demi, I opted for the Full, because when I tried the demi on in the store everything just spilled out the top. It is soft and comfortable. I wore it today and loved it!!!! It doesn't have any push up in it, but they may have that style too. My cup already overflows, but I may need a push up eventually to fill things out. Don't be afraid to go in the store. They didn't make me feel strange at all. I just found a girl with a tape measure and said that I had recently lost some weight and wondered what my size was and if I could fit into their bras yet. They measured me and made suggestions of the types that might work.

I will check out the sports bra you mentioned. Thanks.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/20/15 10:27 pm
Topic: RE: NSV-First.Victoria's.Secret.Bra.Ever!!!

After losing 80+ pounds so far, I was in desperate need of a new bra. I found some very inexpensive ones on sale at JC Penney's, and bought them so I had something to wear for the past month or so, but they still weren't a perfect fit. I went to VS and the largest size they sell in store is 38DDD. Well, I need 40DDD, which they sell online only. I tried on a 38DDD in the store with an extender...definitely was not going to work. So, I had $20 in coupons and free shipping, and I went ahead and ordered it. Well, it came today...and it fit great! It was so exciting! Now, to find a sports bra that works. I have tried Walmart, but they don't have those sizes and I don't want to spend a fortune. Does anyone have a suggestion for where to find a good sports bra in this size?


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/12/15 9:49 pm
Topic: RE: surgery in a few weeks ? RNY

I had my surgery nearly 5 months ago. I have not had any negative side effects to speak of. I haven't dumped, but I have followed the rules. I haven't eaten fried or high sugar foods, and have followed the stages as recommended by my doctor. The first couple of weeks were rough just because of lack of energy, recovering from anesthesia, and just in general, limited nutrition, and changing bowel habits. But that passes quickly. I took only one week off of work, worked from home week 2, and then returned to work, but came home and napped every night for a couple of weeks. It is completely worth it. I wish I had done it years ago. Good luck.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/12/15 8:16 pm
Topic: RE: Last supper of sorts?

I had thought I would have several last suppers as I always had before I went on a diet in the past. But I realized this was a complete lifestyle change, so I sort of tried to take the focus off food in the weeks leading up to my surgery. On top of it all, my surgery date was scheduled fairly quickly once I met with the surgeon (after I had done the psych testing, appointments, nutritionist, etc.). I was trying to find the perfect time for the surgery to fit into my life and when the surgeon said he could do it on a Saturday in a couple of weeks (from my appointment), I jumped at it and didn't look back. I had hoped to go to the movies and eat popcorn, but it didn't fit into the schedule. I imagine I will get to eat it again sometime. No regrets and I only wish I had the surgery years ago. Eventually, I imagine I will get to have small portions of just about anything. 80 pounds down so far and no looking back. Good luck.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/8/15 11:09 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

I am in the same boat. I have 2 pants to wear and lots of baggy tops. I have been using coupons at Dress Barn and Avenue to buy one item at a time so I don't overbuy and waste money. I am anxious to be able to shop at regular stores, but there is a spread between women's sizes and regular sizes that seems tough to find clothes that fit.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/8/15 11:04 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

My daughter just started working as a supervisor at Macy's. I'm so looking forward to using her discount soon to replenish the closet. I will have to take it easy because I keep losing (not complaining at all) and don't get to wear things for very long.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/5/15 10:43 pm
Topic: RE: Hit the halfway mark!

Congratulations! I understand just how you feel. My surgery was 5/16 and I have lost 78 pounds so far and hope to lose 77 more, so I guess I am at my halfway point too. It is amazing. I was just telling my family the other day how I wish I had done this years ago!!!

Keep up the good work!

Cory (eventually I will figure out how to upload a profile picture and get my weight loss ticker in the signature to work properly.

(Started at 305, currently 227, GW: 150)


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 10/3/15 10:20 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

Love the triple berry Oikos. My favorite!!!

on 9/28/15 10:01 pm
Topic: RE: Let's talk pain..

I did not have much pain at all.  I remembered the awful gas pains I had when I had my twins C-Section, so I was very afraid of that.  I was fortunate and did not have gas pains at all.  I used the pump pain med one time and that was it. I think one of the things that helped me was I moved alot.  I changed position in bed as many times as I could throughout the first night and next day. And walked the halls with my iv pole as much as possible.  They ended up pulling the pump and sending me home a day early.  I slept in my daughter's bed (she moved away recently), so I wouldn't disturb my husband moving around in the middle of the night. I used a wedge pillow (I had been using that for a while to help with snoring/apnea) and that helped to elevate my head/shoulders on my back or side. They sent me home with Tylenol 3, which they insisted I had to take to keep blood pressure down, so I took it a few days, but didn't like how it made me feel.  It can also be very constipating.  

So, as others have said, everyone's pain is different. I feel I was very fortunate, but also feel that movement and activity helped me get through it quickly. I spent one week off work, worked the 2nd week from home (very tired, but manageable), then returned to work after 2 weeks. That is a bit early and I was very tired. I ended up taking an hour of sick time at the end of the day each day for a week, then napping for a couple of hours when I got home. When I said something to the doctor about it, he said, "I told you that you could go back to work, but I didn't say you wouldn't be tired."  In hindsight, I could have used another week off, but it worked out OK for me.  

Good luck.

on 9/28/15 9:46 pm
Topic: RE: Crossing legs question

I am down 70 pounds and just had the same experience.  It was quite a surprise when I realized that they were crossing.  And I definitely have one leg that is easier than the other (same as you-left over right).  Congratulations!

on 9/9/15 11:02 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

If any of you are Costco members, you can order Premier protein online and they ship it for free.  It comes in a box of 18 for $24.99.  I order 2 cases at a time and they arrive on my doorstop, which prevents me from buying other unnecessary items.

on 9/3/15 11:33 pm
Topic: RE: Happy Hour

It is true, people don't pay that much attention to what you are eating or drinking, unless you make a big deal about it.

on 9/3/15 11:32 pm
Topic: RE: Happy Hour

I have not told anyone at work that I have had the surgery (I am 3-1/2 months out now). And they are people that I used to have ****tails with whenever we went out or traveled for work.  I have simply told people that my sugar levels had been climbing and I was getting closer to diabetes, so I was watching the sugar that I take in and focusing on protein for a while.  It seems to have worked and kept people from pestering me about it. You don't have to have alcohol in the glass to have fun. Just sip on something, even water, and socialize.  Good luck.

on 9/3/15 10:41 pm
Topic: RE: shampoo advice

I am using Nioxin as recommended by my hairdresser. It is a 3 part series of shampoo, conditioner in the shower, and then leave in conditioner after the shower.  And taking hair, skin, and nails 3 times a day.  I am only 3-1/2 months out, but so far no hair loss.  Went to the doctor's today and they said that these things should help.  My hairdresser has had many clients who have had bypass surgery and feels the shampoo helps.  So, far, so good. No hair loss at all yet.

on 8/16/15 10:55 pm
Topic: RE: A little Help with my return to work?

I told 2 close friends at work (who have not told anyone), but kept it secret from everyone else. I am normally very open and straightforward, so I told them I was okay, but had to have some surgery.  I think they probably assumed it was female related.  It took a while for anyone to comment about the weight loss, but they did notice when I went out to lunch or to events where I would normally have had a glass of wine or margarita.  I simply told people that my blood sugar levels had been climbing and I decided to focus on high protein, low carbs, and low sugar so I didn't have to go on insulin. This was actually pretty close to the truth.  It seems to have satisfied them. Most people seem to be a bit nervous to even say anything about the weight loss, but I just keep it short and sweet and thank them for noticing.  It is a personal decision to tell or not to tell, but I opted not to tell because I didn't want people to tell me all the reasons I shouldn't have the surgery or be under a microscope when I returned.  Good luck!

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