G2GAWAY’s Posts

on 1/27/16 10:01 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

Hi everyone.  My name is Cory. I love this thread every day and I appreciate today's question.  I have felt like everyone else knows each other, so am excited to learn a bit about everyone.  I am 53 years old, married 32 years, with fraternal twin daughters who just turned 22. I was an average weight until my early 20's (shortly after I was married I suppose).  I gained weight and lost 77 pounds to get to my goal weight on Weigh****chers, which lasted about 1 hot minute and then I eventually gained it all back, and another 78 or so over the next 20 years. I only wish I had made the decision to have this surgery years ago. It has been life changing. I have lost 110 pounds since May, and have 40-50 pounds more to go, but am confident that I will get there.

I was born and raised in Southern California (so I am on Pacific time and get on here usually after most of you are done for the day), love to travel (just returned from 2 weeks in Thailand with my husband and kids to celebrate that they both graduated from college last year), love musical theater and any other form of live entertainment (saw the Harlem Globetrotters about 5 years ago just because I felt I needed to see them once), and I love my job working as a Finance Analyst for the County of San Bernardino.

I don't log my food in an attempt not to be overly compulsive about this since I tend to be all or nothing. So far it is working. I'm not opposed to it, but tend to go over the top sometimes.  But I do enjoy reviewing everyone's menus. I typically have half a Premier Protein shake (30 grams of protein) every morning and fini**** up at the end of the work day on my way home. I have some type of dense protein for lunch, typically chicken or shrimp with some salad or vegetables. Today I had a scallop skewer and salad.  Tonight I am not feeling like eating much, so had a greek yogurt (15 grams of protein). Usually I have more protein for dinner and a babybel cheese for snack (7 grams of protein).  

Anyway, thanks for sharing and all of the help you provide to people who lurk and don't post.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 1/26/16 11:27 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Tuesday Menu, RNYers?

New bras make such a difference, even if they are sort of just "poured" into them. LOL.  I was so excited to buy my first Victoria's Secret bra...it made me feel so good.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 1/23/16 10:21 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

I don't know if I could survive without the internet for all that time. We were without it for over 24 hours in Bejing..and no Facebook!



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 1/23/16 10:16 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Couldn't agree more...text or email.  I especially hate when people leave me voice mails and am contemplating deleting my voice mail on my phone.  However, I do have a rotation of a few people I call once a week while driving home to keep in touch (who don't like to text).  

I have to echo the post I saw on here thanking this group. I have been in Thailand the last 2 weeks and just arrived home today, but the one thing I did login and look at every day was this forum, so I appreciate it keeping me focused. It was a challenge to eat in Thailand (especially since I don't like Thai or spicy food), but I did the best I could and still lost a few pounds, even with as carb heavy as it seemed to end up. I missed my protein shakes which I like to have in the morning, but brought turkey jerky and protein bars to supplement when needed.  Had pizza for the first time in 8 months at the airport today after being stuck overnight in Bejing on our travels home. Desperate times....Although I had no problem physically with it, I am going to stay away from that for a while longer because it could be a slippery slope. Happy to be back in the good ol' USA and to get back to my normal routine.

Thanks everyone for sharing your ideas every day. It has definitely helped with my success thus far.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 1/23/16 10:02 pm
Topic: RE: Eating out post op

I ate out frequently after surgery (and still do).  I primarily stuck with shrimp and/or scallops.  I opted not to look at the menu when I arrived, and instead asked for what I wanted to see if they could do it.  I simply ask for a side of shrimp or scallops without all of the side dishes.  I'm not sure where you live, but BJ's will give you a side of shrimp for about $5.  I had to go to an italian restaurant which is difficult, but they usually have seafood, so I just asked for a side of scallops. Scrambled eggs are also a good choice.  I also always carry a a protein bar with me (good tip is to keep it in an eyeglasses case to keep it in tact in your purse) and beef (or turkey) jerky.  Ordering a kids meal is a good choice too.  You can do it, just ask for what you want. My surgeon gave me a card that you can show to a restaurant to get smaller portions or kids meals, but I never needed to use it. 


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 12/29/15 11:25 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Tuesday Menu, RNYers?

I just busted out laughing. Had to pause the TV and read this to my daughter.  Tonight I had her give me opinions on a bunch of tops as to whether I should get rid of them or consider altering for the short term. She noticed how my 38DDD boobs just sort of "sit" in my bra now. When she commented on it, I reminded her that I have told her they are like empty tube socks now. She just replied, "Well, you will get surgery to fix that one day."  I better start saving my pennies.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 12/29/15 11:12 pm
Topic: RE: When did you start to feel "good"?

I did not have any complications after my surgery, but I was very tired until about 6-1/2 weeks out.  Then, all of a sudden, I realized I felt better. You will get there. You had major surgery and are adjusting to a lot of things. One thing that really helped me was nibbling on small pieces of beef (or turkey) jerky throughout the day.  Really helped with protein and energy. Just chew it up until it is practically a paste. I have lost over 100 pounds since my surgery in May and only wish I had done this years ago.  You will feel better slowly but surely. My daughter even said to me the other day that I move a lot quicker...it just sneaks up on you gradually and before you know it you are a better version of your old self.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 12/17/15 8:22 pm
Topic: RE: Did you tell your co-workers and friends you had surgery?

I agree with everything you have said. I have stuck to the high protein, low carb answer with a focus on low fat, low sugar.  Also, when they ask how much I have lost (a few have), I used to say, but now I just say "a lot, with more to go."  The number kind of leads to more questions (102 pounds in 7 months).  


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 12/16/15 11:11 pm
Topic: RE: Did you tell your co-workers and friends you had surgery?

I opted not to share my decision with co-workers. I told family and close friends and 2 of my close friends at work who have kept my secret.  I took one week off work and worked from home on week 2. Left an hour early each day during week 3.  I made it through the day, but was tired when I got home and took an hour plus nap. I do not regret my decision to keep it a secret. I am normally very forthright, but decided I didn't want to have them tell me horror stories, try to convince me to just eat less and exercise (which ultimately is what happens, but the surgery is the key), or monitor my habits after the surgery.  I have lost over 100 pounds now (ticker is wrong below) in 7 months.  They are really noticing now, but when asked I just let them know that I have been working on it since the beginning of the year (sort of a stretch, but they can't really recall exactly).  It took about 50 pounds before they even noticed and I explain that they are noticing more now because I am wearing new clothes and I have been going to the gym for several months. I have explained that I decided to change my habits due to health issues (in my case, the glucose levels were rising and my brother is on an insulin pump).

I thought that I might eventually tell them, but over time, I decided not to and am very happy with my decision to have the surgery and maintain my privacy.  I imagine some may have speculated, but if they haven't been around someone who has had the surgery, then they won't even give it a second thought.  Good luck on your journey.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 12/15/15 11:55 pm
Topic: RE: What to pack for the hospital?

BTW I see that you were originally planning on the sleeve, but the doctor said RNY was the way to go.  I had thought I wanted the sleeve too, and the doctor assured me that although he performed many sleeve operations, the RNY was the best choice for me and my long-term success.  I  trusted him and am so glad I did. No regrets.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 12/15/15 11:52 pm
Topic: RE: What to pack for the hospital?

Honestly, I packed an iPad and a book and didn't use either of them, but I suppose I would have been mad if I didn't have them and wanted them. I did have my cell phone which had plenty of entertainment for me.  I wore sweats with an elastic waist band to the surgery and used those to come home.  I also brought (put in the car that my daughter was using to drive me home) a pillow to use in the car on the way home (over my stomach).  That was worthwhile. I did wear slippers the day of surgery and to head home, but I can't remember if I used slippers or not for walking (again handy to have).  I am pretty sure I just used the socks with the rubber treads on them.  I was only there for 2 nights, so didn't use much while there. Between getting up to walk, having vitals checked, sleeping in between, and working on sipping (day 2), I didn't have much time to do anything else. I was originally supposed to stay 3 nights, but they thought I was doing so great they sent me home once I could shower on my own and had the catheter removed.  I was very worried about gas pains as I recalled them from my c-section years ago. Movement really seemed to help. Between walking the halls and then changing position in the bed (moving from side to side), it really seemed to help eliminate/prevent the gas pains.

You can always have someone bring you anything you might need once you are there and see how you feel. My surgery was 7 months ago and I only wish I had done this years ago.   Good luck on your journey. 


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 12/13/15 5:56 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

I can relate to this. I can't listen to Susan Boyle's Christmas CD anymore (although she sings beautifully) because we played it in my Mom's hospital room in the weeks before she died. The holidays are tough. My Mom died on 12/23, my Grandma died on 12/19, and my brother on 12/31 (not all in the same year.) But, it does make the holidays quite difficult sometimes. My twin daughters' birthdays are on 12/22, so I work hard to be up for that day.  I wonder why it affects us differently each year.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 12/10/15 12:10 am
Topic: RE: What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

My Mom made handmade ornaments with jewels, sequins, and crystals when I was a kid and always had a white aluminum tree with the color wheels (that would fall off and melt on the light bulb sometimes).  It was so pretty.  We still have those ornaments and many years later she began making more ornaments of a similar style.  She died from cancer 5 years ago and when we found out (and believed she only had days/weeks to live), one of the first things we did was have an ornament party with my brother, his wife, my niece and nephew, and my husband and kids.  We went through each of the ornaments and took turns dividing them up.  Of course, we each had our favorites and I even let my brother have first pick.  Anyway, I purchased a beautiful flocked white tree because they look so much prettier on a white tree.  I have been out of town 3 weeks out of the last four (vacation in Loreto, Mexico, camping at Lake Skinner, and Napa for a conference and fun weekend), so the tree is set up, but the ornaments have not been hung.  I have to do it in the next 2 days because one of my daughters is graduating from college on Saturday and we are having family and friends over for a party afterwards and then celebrating Christmas with the in-laws at the same time.  She lived longer than we had expected, but died on December 23rd, so that makes the holidays tough for me...

On a positive note, I have lost 100 pounds as of today and saw my doctor today (almost 7 months out). He is very pleased with my progress (and so am I).  I had hoped to lose 100 by the end of the year, but didn't really dream it was possible.  Best thing I have done for myself and I only wish I had done it years ago.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 12/10/15 12:00 am
Topic: RE: What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

We spent many years camping the week after Christmas.  We have burned many trees on New Year's Eve and they go up so fast!  And put out so much heat.  Good argument for artificial trees.



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 11/23/15 11:46 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYers?

I have a nice two day workweek this week!  Excited to be going camping with friends (although I wi**** was the desert and quad riding, but they don't know how to dry camp well enough so we have to have hookups).  Not a huge fan of Thanksgiving food, so this should be okay for me.  We are sharing meals during the weekend and I was asked to make my chili for dinner one night. It is made with ground turkey and pretty healthy. I have made it this way for over 10 years and my friend asked me if I could make it with ground beef. Ummm.  No. This is my recipe and we already have beef on the menu for 3 other meals.  

I was complaining today that I have to try everything on before I can pack clothes (things I don't normally wear like my thermals and long sleeve shirts-since there hasn't been a need for these things in California).  Haha...Tough problems to have, I know.  Basically I have to choose the least baggy of my jeans and long sleeve shirts because I am not buying any new ones right now. My focus has been on replacing work clothes so I don't look like a hobo at work.  Camping isn't a fashion contest, so I will get by.

Hope you all have a great holiday and spend time with family and friends.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 11/23/15 11:39 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYers?

My daughter just told me tonight that she loves talking to this older gentleman at work because he makes her look at things in a different way and she learns from it. Yesterday he mentioned an Aesop's Fable that she was unfamiliar with so she came home and read about it last night and went back in today and discussed it further. Everyone should strive to keep on learning.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 11/23/15 11:35 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYers?

I'm with you on the Thanksgiving and Christmas thing.  My (adult-22 year old) kids aren't happy that I have gone grinch too. I am not a fan of Thanksgiving dinner in general and would rather be out riding my quad in the desert and camping.  I keep trying to encourage the family to take a trip at Christmastime, but can't win that battle.  I will be out of town a lot between now and Christmas and have one daughter graduating on 12/12 so I don't even want to decorate for the holidays.  


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 11/19/15 10:41 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

I don't usually post on the daily "What's on your menu?" post, but have enjoyed reading it regularly while waiting for my surgery date and since my surgery (6 months ago). 

It was a beautiful day in Southern California today. Yes, I drink soda on occasion. It doesn't seem to bother my pouch, but I can't drink much because it makes me feel full. I too drank a ****ton before (Diet Coke). I love iced tea as well, but try to focus on water. However, I really have to have Diet Coke with lime if I am eating mexican food. (Since I am not having margaritas just yet.)  I used to have many refills, but now I stick to less than one glass.  My doctor said that soda is best over ice because it helps reduce some of the carbonation, so I have given up drinking from the can. It is a nice treat, but I don't plan to drink it regularly. I have two nicknames, Corabelle (reminds me of a cow) and my husband of 32 years calls me Muffin (I call him the same).  I don't even remember how either of the nicknames came about, but they have stuck for years.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 11/19/15 10:21 pm
Topic: RE: Fatigue

I agree with what everyone else is posting. I took only one week off of work, worked from home the 2nd week, then back to work. I was exhausted. I barely made it through the day and then came home and took a nap. But it gets better.  I really started feeling much better at about 6-1/2 weeks. It takes quite a while to build up to getting in all of your protein, but you will get there. I started the day with a Premier Protein shake (still do), but just drink what I can and drink the rest later in the afternoon.  At first I couldn't drink much at a time, but gradually increases. That is 30 grams right there if you can finish by the end of the day.  The other thing that saved me was beef jerky. I would nibble on it throughout the day and it helped me with my energy levels and didn't bother my stomach at all.  Look for a brand that is low in sugar.  I like Jack Links and turkey jerky the best.

It's easy to be impatient, but you won't get faster results than what you will see after the RNY.  Good luck!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 11/11/15 8:29 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

My Dad and two stepbrothers served in the Navy and my brother was in the Coast Guard. My great uncle landed on Normandy years ago and I got chills when he told me stories a while back. 

I'm definitely thinking plastics are in my future. My boobs were already a mess after nursing twins 22 years ago and having only gotten worse gaining and losing weight over the yeara. My stomach will also need some work. 90 pounds down and about 65 more to go so I will need something at the end of this journey. I'm a bit nervous about it, but I imagine I can get through that if I think about the end result. Arms and thighs are still up in the air. Hoping the gym helps with that a bit so that I don't need surgery on them.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 11/10/15 9:14 pm
Topic: RE: Idiot that i am...

I am all an all inclusive vacation myself. I have just asked for what I know I can eat and they have accommodated every request even though they have buffet dinners and many things that would not be good choices. Just decide to eat the things you know will work for you. I have had awesome dishes that are not in the menu. I don't feel like I am missing out and I feel great! Good luck.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 11/4/15 10:09 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

Me either. My doctor advised me to eat when I'm hungry and stop when I am satisfied. It is working very well for me. I have previously lost (and regained, plus more) weight on Weigh****chers where I was obsessive about weighing and measuring. Definitely not sustainable. Although I have weighed a few things of protein just to get a feel for it over the past few months.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 11/1/15 9:37 pm
Topic: RE: NSV - Clothes Shopping!!!!

I have been shopping in my closet as I have multiple sizes to choose from (all plus sizes), but am getting to the bottom of the barrel for work clothes. Went and did a little shopping with my daughter just to see where I was, and I still CANNOT wrap my mind around the fact that I can fit in XLs in regular stores! It is a bit overwhelming because now there are so many stores to choose from. So exciting though!!!!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 11/1/15 1:15 am
Topic: RE: To the working RNYs

I had RNY on a Saturday and took the first week off. I worked from home week 2 (computer/emails/etc.) I rested a lot in between. Went back to work for week 3, and took one hour of sick time each day so I could leave a little early. I was so tired. Came home and napped every day for a few weeks. My doctor recommended 4-6 weeks off, but left it up to me. When I said something to the doctor about how tired I was in the beginning at my 2 month check up, he said that although he said I could go back to work, he didn't say I wouldn't be tired. Haha. I was glad I didn't take a lot of time off because it kept me moving more than I might have if I had stayed home. You just have to pace yourself and let your body be your guide.

Also, I originally thought I wanted the sleeve (before I had talked to the surgeon). Based on my starting weight (which is the same as yours), the doctor recommended RNY because of the amount of weight I wanted to lose.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 11/1/15 12:54 am
Topic: RE: Is it "normal" that some body parts lose faster?

Someone posted a while back that you lose weight distally and gain weight proximally. That has definitely been my experience. In the early weeks my face and arms showed the loss first. I remember someone saying to me that my arms were thinner. And I was thinking...geez...that is the last place I need to lose it. But now, I've had to get rid of suit jackets because they are two big in the shoulders and arms, so I know I wouldn't fit in smaller sizes if I had not lost in my arms. Also, I have lost weight in my legs, hips, and butt, but the weight is staying in my abdomen, which makes it tough to find pants that fit well. I, too, am still a bit unbalanced (bigger on top). I figure it will all sort of redistribute over time. For now I am just happy to be losing, regardless of where I'm losing it from.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



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