G2GAWAY’s Posts

on 4/6/16 10:00 pm
Topic: RE: Partially broken and somewhat terrified...

Hopefully you saw my reply in the thread. I wanted the sleeve and the doctor recommended RNY based on the amount I had to lose. I am so glad I listened to the professional. Very successful thus far. I plan to lose 100% of my excess weight, so I am glad I chose the RNY.  Good luck on your decision.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 4/5/16 11:44 pm
Topic: RE: One Week Post-Surgery, need some support!

It is rough in the beginning. Although my husband was supportive of my surgery, he would come home and eat fast food right in front of me. He got annoyed when I asked him if he could eat it in another room and told me he didn't realize it was going to affect his life so much. I told him to get over it, it wasn't forever, and he should have some empathy about how it was affecting me.  

Just know that in time you will get to enjoy eating out and other activities too. I was trying to find the "perfect" time to schedule my surgery and realized that there would never be a perfect time, so I just scheduled it and made it work. One of my daughters graduated from college 3 weeks after my surgery. We had to go out of town for the weekend to attend, had out of town visitors (which required lots of meals out in restaurants), and a 7 hour drive to move her to her new home.  I packed protein powder, vitamins, lots of water and made it work. I went out with the family every meal because it was important for me to spend time with everyone. The doctor said I was ready to try some food at that point (actual food), so I just told the restaurant what I needed (even though it wasn't on the menu). They made a scallop skewer for me one place and it seemed to be pretty easy to eat. I found fish very easy to digest early on too. Beef jerky also worked for me at this point.  I would nibble on a couple of pieces to keep my energy up and satisfy the chewing urge. 

Later on in my journey, I would just order an appetizer of shrimp or something along those lines. Just tell the restaurant what you want and they will make it for you. Eating out is important in our family, so I wanted to make it work and not feel like I gave up everything. Now, one of my daughters will usually split a meal with me, so that works great (and still is too much food), but the leftovers go to my husband.

It will get better. This was lifechanging for me and I hope it is for you. You can do it, be successful, and still feel like you a part of the family. Just get through the early stages and it will get better.

Good luck on your journey.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 4/5/16 11:25 pm
Topic: RE: Partially broken and somewhat terrified...

When I started investigating surgery as an option for me, I was sure I wanted the sleeve. After consultation with my surgeon, he said he would perform that surgery; however, based on my situation and what I had to lose, he recommended the RNY for me to have good results. I decided that he was the professional and he knew best. I had the RNY surgery and have lost 130 pounds so far and am not even at my one year surgiversary. I, too, was worried about dumping and bathroom issues. In fact, I bought adult diapers so that I could wear them on my drive to work and feared that I would need them while at work too. All these worries were for nothing. I had no complications, have had no dumping (never wore a diaper), and although I had diarrhea in the first 2 weeks, and a couple of constipation issues, I couldn't be happier with the RNY. I believe that following the proper eating plan helps prevent some of the complications I read about others having, so I agree with what Iloveravens posted as far as that goes. 

This surgery is not a cure all as it requires you to do the work, but I know that I would never have been this successful on my own (as proven by the past 30 years of battle of the bulge). This amazing tool has made it possible for me to be successful at last. I have continued to focus on protein first, some vegies (later in the process****asional fruit. I didn't deviate (I'm not perfect by any means, but figure I could eventually have all these foods sometime in the future and it was not worth sabotaging my success or risking problems) from the plan given to me by the doctor's office. I didn't try to have too much too soon. I have read about people eating pizza or steak very early on and I think that can only lead to problems. I watch the sugar counts in everything and my doctor's recommendation was to keep it less than 5 grams per serving (my greek yogurt is 7 grams, but early on I could only eat 1/2 a serving, so it was fine).  

So, no dumping ever, but I haven't tested it with too much sugar (yes I have had a bite of someone else's dessert-but one bite only). Really little challenges with the bathroom issues (but I understand your worries).

My only wish is that I had opted for surgery years ago. Good luck on your journey.



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 4/3/16 9:14 pm
Topic: RE: Post op fatigue ????

Completely normal. I did much the same. Took one week off, worked from home week 2.  I worked the first day back, but struggled, and decided to leave an hour early each day for week 3.  I came home and took a nap every day for a few weeks after returning to work. I didn't really start to feel rested/"normal" until about 6-1/2 weeks out. Just keep doing what you are doing and all of a sudden you will feel so much better. I told the doctor that I was so surprised at how tired I was especially since he said I could go back to work. He told me, "I said you could go back to work.  I didn't say you wouldn't be tired!"  

It will get better, so much better. 


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 4/3/16 12:53 am
Topic: RE: What's on your Saturday Menu, RNYers?

I'm a cat person, but I dogsit my neighbors pomeranian sometimes. We are not home enough to have a dog.

Today we helped my daughter that was still living at home move into an apartment about an hour and a half away as she is starting a new job on Monday. So, now it will just be my husband and I with our two cats. My other daughter has essentially been gone since college started almost 5 years ago and now lives about 6 hours away.  My hubby and I had 3 months without kids this summer when moved to Alaska for a summer job, so we know we will survive (and kind of liked it).

One of these was a foster kitty that we kept (thank goodness we only kept one of the 13 we fostered over a couple of years). We call her Miss Kitty. The other one, Sassy, is very regal, but getting older, so dreading the day we lose her. Had to have the other cat we got at the same time put to sleep this summer and that was rough. I feel like I will always have a cat.  That is the one thing my other daughter has missed the most since she moved out for college and I know it will be the same for my other daughter. Cats are always so comforting in my opinion, especially when you aren't feeling great.




5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/30/16 10:57 pm
Topic: RE: telling others about your surgery

I am typically a very open and transparent person. I opted to tell my family and close friends, but kept it a secret from co-workers (except for 2 close friends at work who have maintained silence). I initially figured I would tell them eventually, but as time went on, I didn't. I first kept it quiet because I didn't want to hear horror stories or all the reasons I shouldn't have the surgery. I had made up my mind after years of consideration and didn't want others getting in my head. There were even a couple of friends who said, well if you can do the liquid diet that you are doing pre-op, couldn't you just continue it.  What? Really?  People just don't understand, especially those who have never had a weight problem. I have simply responded that I am eating high protein, low carb, low fat, low sugar, and am working out with a personal trainer.  All true. I also presented it as a response to rising glucose levels that had me worried about diabetes, as my brother is on an insulin pump. Also true. 

I have had a couple of people reach out and ask me privately how I was losing weight and I replied honestly to them. These people have weight issues, so it seemed appropriate to disclose. One person told me she had the surgery years ago and still had not reached her goal (although she had lost 200 pounds) and another said she didn't think surgery was a good idea. I will likely continue to respond in this way as it seems to have worked well. Maybe some people have figured it out or speculated that I had surgery since I have lost 130 pounds in 10 months, but that is OK.  

I also didn't want the scrutiny of people watching what I was doing, eating, etc, so it seemed easier for it just to happen. I still go out to lunch with my co-workers and they have just noticed that I gave up the french fries, order protein dishes with no bread, and never finish what I order/take leftovers home.

Good luck in your journey.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/30/16 1:16 am
Topic: RE: Food issues Help!

I found that I was able to tolerate shrimp, scallops, fish, and chicken early on. I didn't introduce vegies or fruit for quite a while  and only very little after eating the protein. O would recommend staying away from carbs and bread as much as possiblr. The focus should be on protein. Yogurt was a good option if my stomach wasn't feeling great, but be sure it is low sugar. Sugar counts can be very high in some. I like Oikos Triple Zero Greek yogurt in mixed berry.  Good luck.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/28/16 9:07 pm
Topic: RE: I did it!

Hope all goes well for you.  The future is bright.  I only wish I had my surgery years ago.  Good luck on the journey.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/28/16 12:25 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Monday Menu RNYers? Meat Week Begins!

I am getting close to a year out and will likely keep the shake in the morning too. I commute as well, am not a huge breakfast fan anyway. I usually save a bit of it for the drive home as it takes the edge off until dinnertime. 30 grams of protein with low fat and low sugar is a good thing in my mind. I don't always have them on the weekend though, but it works well for weekday mornings.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/26/16 12:00 am
Topic: RE: What's on your menu Photo Friday RNYers?

It was a beautiful day in Southern California today, even though I was at work. I wish I could read and post earlier in the day, but it just won't happen using my phone. Anyway, there are so many beautiful places in the world, but we went to ****et and Bangkok, Thailand in January and this picture makes me happy. It was spectacularly beautiful and the people were so warm and welcoming. 


Enjoy the weekend.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/25/16 11:45 pm
Topic: RE: Confused clothes shopping...

I definitely had a hard time at first. In the past, I only had a few stores that I could easily shop in. As I lost weight, I didn't even know what stores to shop in because it had been so long.  My advice is to buy very few things as you will go through them more quickly the more you lose. At first it took 40 pounds or so before a size changed.  Now, it takes 10 pounds and things are baggy.  I still would like to lose 25 pounds or so, but have really had to replace my entire wardrobe, especially for work. I have survived by buying 2 pairs of black pants in each size for work and then some basic shells with any nice blazers/jackets that I could find on sale or had a coupon to use. I tried having a few things altered, but found that it was not worth the money. My advice to you is to shop at discount stores, use coupons, and buy very little at a time.  I found that Walmart was a good option for a pair of stretch jeans and shorts when I needed them for a vacation. It will get easier with time.  Now, it is so exciting to buy clothes because there are so many more choices and things fit so much better.  


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/23/16 11:48 pm
Topic: RE: My NSV turned out to be a real bummer

Wow.  Thanks for sharing this information. I find that I do this all the time now.  I will try to stop the habit.  I hope the physical therapy helps.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/21/16 7:10 am
Topic: RE: Flying and post RNY

No liquids in carry on. You can only take liquids you buy after security. I haven't seen protein drinks for sale at the airport. But you can take protein powner and buy water after security.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/20/16 11:11 pm
Topic: RE: Flying and post RNY

You can definitely take food on the plan.  I recommend Protein Bars and Beef or Turkey Jerky.  You can take dry protein poder, but no liquid protein drinks. You will love travelling post-RNY. Seat belts are a non-issue. I have traveled many times, no issue with blood clots. Good luck.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/17/16 10:51 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

Costco sells premier protein and you can also order it online and have it shipped to your house for free.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/14/16 11:49 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYer?

I totally enjoy reading this thread at the end of the day, even though most everyone who posts here is already snug in their beds. It provides motivation, inspiration, and some chuckles.  So many things to respond to (and since I am on my laptop, I can actually post a reply without accidentally deleting everything before I post).

  • I agree with Life Mirrors Art--- AV's QOTD are truly inspired. I think she should write a book, something like a journaling prompt book.
  • Although I did not have a girl scout encounter, I too had a weekend with a few bad choices that might have involved the Ghirardelli shop in San Francisco. Fortunately, the good outweighed the bad.
  • Collections-They say you spend the first 40 years of your life collecting things, and the next 40 (if you are lucky) getting rid of them. I have many collections (Lizzie High, Laura's Attic, Hummels, David Winter cottages, Amish Heritage quilters, Boyd's Bears Swarovski crystal figurines, and other tchotchkes, and way too many CDs, DVDs, and books). Slowly but surely, I have been eliminating them from my life, with no guilt. I am much more interested in travel, experiences, and memories, and these things just require my time and energy to maintain them.  I think the one collection I will keep and possibly expand is my globe collection. I recently bought a purple one (my favorite color) and I love it. 
  • Apparently, I missed the boat and should be collecting yarn.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/11/16 2:21 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

So, I had decided that I would need to start using my phone to reply to this thread during the day since you all are on a much later time zone.  I had written an eloquent response and then it disappeared when I was trying to upload my photo.  I will try to recreate it, but I am typically never able to match the original inspiration when writing and trying to recapture my previous thoughts...LOL.

I did not go to the prom even though I was asked and he offered to pay for my dress and everything. I can't really say I have any regrets in life; instead, I would say there are things I wish I had done differently.  This is one of those things. I had moved out during my senior year and was supporting myself (hence the financial contribution suggestion).  It was a very good friend of mine, but he had romantic feelings towards me that I did not reciprocate, and I didn't think it was fair of me to go to the dance with him just to go to the dance (oh so noble)---even though that is exactly what happened when he went with another girl.

And, my daughters repeatedly reminded me that it is "Prom," not "the Prom."  How ridiculous we old folks are.  BTW, I think it was more than 5 years ago, because my girls graduated in 2011 and went to Prom their junior and senior years.

Here is a picture from one of those extravagant weddings that was held at a private estate in Napa. I liked this picture, but wished that I had my jacket on so the arms weren't so visible. It's a good before shot, although that dress ended up being a bit tight before my surgery.

I have a fast paced weekend planned. One of my daughters and I are flying to San Francisco early tomorrow morning, spending the day touring (rain or shine) and then going to Alcatraz and Angel Island on Sunday before we fly home. Whirlwind trip, but should be fun.  Have a great weekend everyone.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/11/16 1:11 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Me too. I am sitting in my car at lunch reading the posts and now I'm all teary eyed about this one.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/7/16 10:40 pm
Topic: RE: Eat something?

I can relate.  I am by no means at my goal. I would still like to lose 30 pounds and that will only put me in the middle of the "normal" range, but for the last couple of weeks people have been saying that I am getting so thin and should stop losing weight. None of these people know I had surgery. Somehow I managed to keep it a secret from everyone at work, even my bosses. So, when they say something, I reply, that yes, I am thin relative to what I was, but I am by no means at my goal.  I was 25 pounds less than now when I got to my goal before, and did not appear emaciated.  I have explained that I am working out with a trainer and my body is changing and that things will even out. It's flattering that they think I look thin, but it does make it difficult when I feel there is work ahead.  I haven't really noticed that they are saying it in a snide manner, but truly wonder why they think they should tell me what I should weigh. I think they are honestly surprised at how much I have lost and it is very dramatic now that I am buying and wearing new clothes that fit. I don't look sickly in the least. I look and feel better than I have in 20 plus years. I guess I will have to develop a more succinct response that will stop the conversation. 

Enjoy the "compliments" and keep doing what you are doing.  You know your body and that you are doing what you need to do.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/2/16 10:56 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

Great ideas.  I like the messages. Yes, I was referring to voice mail on my personal cell phone.  My other comments on email were related to work. I had voice mail at my office for about a minute.  No need for that, plus I have two office locations and I wasn't going to deal with calling the other office to check the voice mail.

Now I just have to figure out how to rerecord my greeting and get rid of the voice mail app I have on my phone.  Hence this is why I still have people leaving me voice mail. This is a project that I am going to complete very soon.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/2/16 9:09 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

First pet and street name....Fluffy San Gabriel.  Current pet and street name....Sassy Alhambra or Miss Kitty Alhambra.  All good possibilities; however, I will need plastic surgery to repair the sagginess before I change careers.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/2/16 9:05 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

I couldn't agree more with all of your thoughts on texting, emailing, etc.  I also email because I want a reply in writing. I have voice mail on my phone and have been contemplating deleting it completely or seeing if I can just put an outgoing message that says, "If you have reached this message, please send me a text or email.  If you choose to leave a voice mail, I may not get it for weeks.  Have a good day."


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/2/16 9:00 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

Beef jerky quite possibly saved my life in the early stages (well not literally).  It helped satisfy the chewing sensation and gave me quick protein when needed to tide me over. I always carry a package in my purse.  Seldom use it now, but it was life changing early on. I had to eat it for dinner recently when we didn't have time to eat before attending a musical due to traffic.  I bought one ounce packages of turkey jerky at Walmart too, which is very handy.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/2/16 8:55 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

Yes, I had them pretty early on. I checked with my surgeon and he said fine.  No problems at all.  I go weekly.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/2/16 8:50 pm
Topic: RE: Will I hurt my new stomach if I move on to soft foods too fast?

Although those items were on my list during the soft foods stage, you shouldn't continue eating them as you move through the stages. Once you are further along, your focus should be on protein, protein, protein.



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



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