G2GAWAY’s Posts

on 2/21/17 8:59 pm
Topic: RE: How will I stop?

My doctor said that there is a "levelling effect" and the body knows where it wants to be.  Having said that I am lower than I expected I would ever get. I had hoped to get to 150-155.  I am now at 140 (I lost 5 pounds of skin with plastics a few weeks ago). I am still well within what is considered "normal" weight, so I am trying to increase my protein a bit and am adding more fruits and vegetables to my meals.

So, I would say, I think you need to let your body dictate where you stop as long as you are eating protein forward.  What does your doctor say?


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 2/14/17 11:15 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Menu Today (Tuesday) RNYers?

It is tough when people start telling you what you should or shouldn't weight. Interestingly, my surgeon said that the body has sort of an automatic leveling effect and that you will typically stop losing where you body is most comfortable. Every time I think I am done losing, I stabilize a while, then lose some more. I think I am about where I should be now, but my body may continue to lose. I never imagined I would get this low. But truly, it is your decision, not other peoples. Just make sure that you are getting enough nutrition and protein along the way. Have a great vacation!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 2/14/17 11:04 pm
Topic: RE: How come you chose RNY?

I went in to see the surgeon sure that I wanted the sleeve.  After discussing with the doctor, he was happy to do that surgery if it was what I wanted, but felt that the RNY was the best choice for me based on the amount of weight I had to lose and my ever increasing glucose levels (that had just crept into the diabetic range, and I have a brother on an insulin pump).  I am very pleased with my choice of RNY.  I have gotten well below the goal I had only dreamed of and it has worked very well for me.  Good luck in your decision.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 2/14/17 12:05 am
Topic: RE: What's on your Menu Today (Monday) RNYers?

I found that a few months after the surgery I started getting very very dry.  The doctor said I needed to have fat in my diet and not go fat free on everything. It took a while, but it got better. I also try to be very diligent about putting lotion on immediately after my shower.  I like Aveeno (which several people mentioned) and use Body Butters from the Body Shop a few times a week as well.  I also take Hair, Skin, and Nails (Gelcaps) from Costco. This was something the surgeon advised me to take in the initial months and then he recommended I continue it because he said there is other good stuff in there that is good for me.  The regular dose is 4 pills a day, and I did take that many in the early months, but now I just take one a day along with my other supplements.  

I also use Estee Lauder face creams...Advanced Night Repair and Lightweight Renutriv (among other free samples I get).  I wasn't allowed any moisturizer of any kind (face or body) the night before my plastic surgery and it was pure torture. I felt dry as a bone.

We had horses for many years and I had one with a very dry coat.  The vet had us treat her with corn oil mixed in with grain. Maybe that would work for us too.    I think the thought is that it is best treated from the inside vs. the outside.  I believe a two-pronged approach (lotion and fats) probaby works best.  


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 2/13/17 11:47 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Menu Today (Monday) RNYers?

Good luck.  I hope all goes well for you.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 2/12/17 9:12 pm
Topic: RE: Unhappy pouch day

It seems you are not very far out.  I didn't even begin to attempt to eat that sort of food until a month or two later.  I started with very soft fish first (scallops, fish fillets).  I ate deli meats and cheese early out as that seemed to digest well. Chicken and meats came much later. I did eat beef jerky at about 4-5 weeks and chewed it to pieces before swallowing.  That helped me get protein in and I could eat a little bit at a time throughout the day.  Good luck at finding what works. Don't rush the process.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 2/11/17 1:45 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your menu today (PHOTO FRIDAY) RNYers?

He does do the fleur-de-lis.  I have seen someone's he did and the scar was so faint. It was amazing.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 2/11/17 1:24 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your menu today (PHOTO FRIDAY) RNYers?

I think I had a similar shape to you. I am pretty straight and boxy now without much of a waist, but I can live with that.  Anyway, my surgeon was Dr. Joseph Ku in Riverside, CA.  I was referred by my bariatric surgeon and had seen some of his work on some people that I met at the bariatric surgeon's office. I will definitely have him do any future plastic surgery.  I met him and liked him right away, so I didn't even shop around, I booked my surgery on the day of my consult.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 2/10/17 12:48 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your menu today (PHOTO FRIDAY) RNYers?

I was also worried about the recovery time.  I had a very limited window to take off work and I had already been off on about 4 vacations since October, so I was pushing it, but didn't want to wait until July/August.

DC Girl went back to work (from home) after a few days.  Cynthia (NY Mom) was on a plane a couple of weeks out and she had even more done at one time.  I think you just have to pace yourself.And honestly, I could have worked some even sooner, but I definitely was taking pain pills and didn't think I should be working while under the influence. This week, I have worked all day (8:30-5:30), took a lunch break during the day (obviously working from home is flexible), and then took a pain pill around 7 pm and settled in for the night.  I borrowed my neighbor's electric recliner that lifts you up, had my daughter with me for the surgery day and the next 4 days, and was solo after that (husband home in the evenings). I gave the chair back a few days ago and started sleeping in the bed. I'm just using my regular recliner in the evenings now.  I would say it was a bit easier than the RNY surgery because it is only skin, no internal organs.  He did do muscle repair on the ab muscles and they spasm occasionally, but not bad. I would highly recommend the surgery. I feel so much better about my weight loss now.  Legs, boobs, and arms are still in need of work, but I plan to do the boobs and arms in late summer.  He did as much as he could with the outside and back of my thighs through this lift, but definitely can't do all of it.  Not sure if I will do legs.  Maybe in a year or two.  Doesn't seem worth it.  I can just wear shorts that go to my knees.  Calves are fine.  The one funny thing I discovered is the amazing amount of things I drop on a daily basis.  I would just leave a trail around the house for someone to pick up later.  I also had a grabber claw thing and a back scratcher that I used to pick things up. Haha.



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 2/10/17 11:47 am
Topic: RE: What's on your menu today (PHOTO FRIDAY) RNYers?

Although I don't get to post much, I usually sit at my computer at about 10 pm (West Coast time) and read the posts.  I always enjoy reading them and learn a lot about maintenance, common issues we all face, everybody's lives, and just humanity in general. Thanks for sharing.  I love photo Fridays and so today I jumped on early because I have been working at home all week as I am recovering from my belt lipectomy.  Back to work on Monday because it is budget time with a vengeance.  I missed the first meeting today, but will be going nonstop in the next couple of months.  Surgery was on 1/25 and I took a full week and a half off with no work, worked from home this week, calling in for meetings and conference calls, and working remotely.  I wish I could do this all the time, but sadly cannot.  

Anyway, recovery has gone amazingly well.  I am very happy with the results. Hated that I had to pay out of pocket, but I really felt I needed this for my own mental well being. I couldn't be happier. Saw the doctor yesterday and he is very pleased with my healing, but if you can believe it, he begged me to please eat more (who would have thought).  I lost 5 pounds of skin from the surgery and then another 4 or 5 more on top of that. He said, please go eat a big fat juicy steak and anything else you can think of.  I don't know that I will do that but I did pick up steaks to barbeque tomorrow night.  One of my daughters got a promotion and has moved back home (how does that work out) yesterday. She will go back to LA on Sunday and stay with her boyfriend to finish her last week up then officially move in (her stuff is all here now).  She is going to stay here a couple/few months until she figures out where she wants to live in her new territory, her boyfriend gets a transfer, and they move out together somewhere.  So we will have her all week and they will trade off weekends with us and his family (although they like to be here more).  So, our empty nest won't be as empty as it was.  My husband and I will adjust, but we love our kids, so we are happy.

Random acts...I try to do things whenever I can.  A couple of weeks ago I took a friend to a play. She likes to go to them, but has 2 little kids and doesn't do that kind of stuff for herself much.  We had a great time.  I need to be more conscientious about intentionally doing things. Thanks for the reminder.

Here are my pictures.  Me and my hubby on our wedding day (1983) and one of me and my Mom (she has been gone 6 years now and I miss her every day. We were best friends.)  And one of my family from Mother's Day last year, because I love my family.  


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 2/10/17 11:22 am
Topic: RE: What's on your menu today (PHOTO FRIDAY) RNYers?

How awesome!  Have an amazing time.  I just love Maui.  Two favorite restaurants...Merriman's in Kapalua (need a reservation, but amazing views) and Pacific 'O in Lahaina (on the beach-farm to table), oh and one more, of course, Mama's Fishhouse.  


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 2/10/17 11:20 am
Topic: RE: What's on your menu today (PHOTO FRIDAY) RNYers?

The way I hear the story, he was shoveling, not snoozing.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 2/7/17 9:36 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Menu Today (Tuesday) RNYers?

I am so sorry to hear this news. It is sad and truly nothing can prepare you for this type of news, especially when it involves your Mom. My Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a mastectomy, and survived 25 years. There is so much that can be done. Be optimistic and positive (which I know you are). What is important now is to first remember to take care of yourself, because you can't help your Mom and Dad if you are running on empty. You are such a kind and generous spirit, please remember to fill your emotional tank.  You will be in my thoughts and prayers often. 


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 1/27/17 2:09 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your menu today (PHOTO FRIDAY) RNYers?

I don't think I had ever seen your before picture until now. You look fantastic.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 1/24/17 9:13 pm
Topic: RE: I really need to get this off my chest

I hear what you are saying and I get it. It is a fine line for people to walk and for us to experience. I honestly never felt I was treated differently as a fat person, but I am sure I was to some degree. The thing that I have noticed and pondered recently myself is that part of the reason we are treated differently now (as we have lost weight) is because we manifest differently than we did before as far as confidence and joy for life, etc. 

The other thing I noticed is that while we don't like to have attention paid to the change, it is also a little upsetting when people don't say anything.  Geez. I have lost 155 pounds, can't you tell? (I think to myself).  I have tried to put myself in their shoes and imagine what they are feeling. It is awkward for them too, but it is nice that these people wanted to tell you how great you look, because you do look great now.  And, while you were cute and charming before, you have changed and you probably sparkle just a bit more than you did before because you feel better and are happier with yourself.  

Hopefully, time helped you get through today's feelings and appreciate it for what it was. In the end, it is their problem, not yours. You are just fine and should be very happy and pleased with how things are going for you.  

Take care.



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 1/23/17 10:52 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Menu today (Monday) RNYers?

That would be my perfect schedule!  Damn work for getting in the way.  I was on a cruise ship for a week without a scale (never even went to the gym scale).  I like being able to keep tabs on things so I get it.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 1/23/17 10:45 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Sunday Menu, RNYers?

I'm sure there were many prices, but we bought a package with a hotel room, so the ticket itself was $75 and we were in the 8th row center. It was great!!!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 1/23/17 10:44 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Sunday Menu, RNYers?

Yes, I went for my consult in November to see how much weight I should lose first and what he recommended and he told me it was all skin, and there wasn't even anything he could lipo. I really liked the doctor and felt pretty good about everything, so I booked my surgery date that day. It came quickly. Good luck on your consult. I think this will really help complete things for me. Except that I still want to do a breast lift, etc along with an arm lift.  I may do that in the fall. My husband will take me for the surgery and my daughter is taking 2 days off and will stay with me through Sunday, so I have some good support.  I also borrowed an electric lift out recliner from a friend. I'll keep y'all posted.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 1/22/17 1:49 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Sunday Menu, RNYers?

It is the BEST.SHOW.EVER!!!!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 1/22/17 1:45 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Sunday Menu, RNYers?

This weekend was a busy one. I went to the Styx concert at a casino last night with a friend and we stayed overnight. It was such an awesome show and so much fun. Heading to see Matilda with my friend from work who has been filling in for me during my vacations.  I feel I owe her since I have been on quite a few vacations since October.

I've been doing well with maintenance and am very excited to be having a lower body lift on Wednesday (so off work again-hence me treating her to the show).  I am a bit apprehensive about the pain and recovery, but not nervous about the surgery. I know this will help to really complete the process for me. 

QOTD: Always lap blankets. We have a huge collection. In fact, my kids grew up having their own blankets and thought it was weird if they were at a friends house and they didn't have them. I agree, that it is also the weight of it. I like the pulling them out of the dryer idea. I will have to remember that.



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 1/20/17 12:39 am
Topic: RE: SALAD difficulty...anyone?

I don't think I ate salads that soon, but I worked up to it by ordering things like a shrimp or chicken salad at places like El Pollo Loco or Baja Fresh and then eating the protein and avocado or egg with a few bites of lettuce. I still don't eat too much salad because it does fill me up too much for protein, but that was my approach. 


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 1/16/17 10:47 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Menu today (PHOTO FRIDAY) RNYers?

Sorry for the delayed response, but I didn't pay for the full internet package on the cruise. We were on Carnival. Sadly, we didn't get to stop at 2 of our 4 ports due to wind and waves.  So, it was a bit of a bummer, but they gave everyone 25% off a future cruise.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 1/16/17 9:57 pm
Topic: RE: Intro and Food Question

Another way to keep protein bars from becoming a pile of mush is store them in a hard sided eyeglass case. I always get a case with my prescription glasses and they work perfectly.  I would imagine you could also buy one at Walmart pretty inexpensively.  It fits the protein bar perfectly and helps it hold up for when you do need it.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 1/15/17 9:46 am
Topic: RE: Intro and Food Question

Wendy's will also sell you just the chicken breast at a lower price.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 1/11/17 10:23 am
Topic: RE: Fun with dolphins...

I totally get what you are saying. So exciting. Great pictures. We are on a cruise and went scuba diving yesterday and the guy said, "I'm going to put her in a small." It made me so happy. I typically was worried if I would be able to fit in a men's XL. It is awesome. I wish I had the surgery years ago.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



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