G2GAWAY’s Posts

on 5/19/16 10:20 am
Topic: RE: What's on your Thursday menu RNYers?

I had a rough food day the other day...work stress as well.  We are in crunch mode to finalize the annual budget, whi*****ludes bags of M & Ms, skittles, donuts, ice cream, etc. around the office.  So easy to grab a handful of M & Ms (at least I opted for the peanut ones).  Fortunately, I skipped the donuts and ice cream, so it wasn't all bad.  I really want to be sure I don't fall into those old habits of mindlessly grabbing food, that isn't even all that enjoyable.  Hope you have a better day today.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/17/16 8:57 pm
Topic: RE: stagnant

Aside from all of the other good advice you have received, I have found that it is sort of a stair step approach to weight loss.  I lose for a bit,. then sort of settle for a week or two or three.  Then all of a sudden, the efforts pay off, and I lose again. I feel that the body has some memories of the past and some places where it just needs to stabilize a bit.  Be patient. Do the right stuff.  It will happen.



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/17/16 8:52 pm
Topic: RE: If you have some doubt....

You are recovering from major surgery. You will be tired.  Don't worry, it will get better each day.  At around 6-1/2 weeks from surgery, I suddenly had energy again.  Up until that point, I barely made it through work and took a nap when I got home. Then had no problem going to sleep at night. You will get through it. Don't rush the food. Do what the doctor has advised.  The one thing that did help me with energy and protein was beef jerky.  The doctor suggested it in the mushy food stage because I was so tired. I ate little pieces and chewed it into almost a paste.  Only a little at a time, but it made a huge difference.  IT WILL GET BETTER.  I only wish I had done this years ago!



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/17/16 8:43 pm
Topic: RE: Southern CA peeps possible meet up.....

I'm in!  Either day works for me.  I can't get there until probably 6:30 or so. Let me know what the plan is.




5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/16/16 11:17 pm
Topic: RE: Made it!

Having had a C-section before and experiencing the gas, I was really worried about the gas.  I moved around a lot in the bed (shifted from side to side) and walking the halls, when they allowed it.  I think it definitely helped to minimize the gas pains.  Best wishes for an easy recovery.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/16/16 11:03 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Yes, I do love to travel.  Work gets in the way, but it is a means to an end. Haha. Heading to Napa for a quick weekend in June and South Africa in October. Mountainscape in the sunglasses was Yosemite in May.  There was so much water.  The waterfalls were flowing, we had beautiful weather.  It was spectacular.  Kayaking was actually in Thailand.  We kayaked into some caves and grottos.  We had guides for that part because you had to time it with the water level so you could get in and out. Pictures did not do it justice.  If I ever get to your neck of the woods, I would love to see it.  One of my favorite hikes (about 9 years ago) was in Zion in the water. Would love to do it again with more time to do the whole trek.  We had limited time to get back through the tunnel before 8 pm because I was in a dually truck and escorts stopped at 8.  Made it at 7:59 pm.  Someday I will go back.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/15/16 2:53 pm
Topic: RE: What is on your Sunday Menu RNYers?

My doctor said that pouring soda over ice helps reduce the carbonation. Occasionally it is a nice treat, but it makes me too full with the bubbles. I am working with a personal trainer, so plan to continue that.  I didn't think I would be doing it for this many months, but I know that I get a far better workout in 30 minutes with him than I would ever do on my own, so I am going to continue to invest in that. My hope is to do some short day hikes this summer, but my weekends are already getting so filled up with fun stuff!  I am going to see my daughter in No. Hollywood on Memorial weekend and we are planning a new hike somewhere.  The one I wanted to do is currently closed, so we will see what plan B brings us.

Had to work today...mandatory weekend for budget book prep.  It was supposed to be yesterday, but my daughters were here for a belated Mother's Day so I begged to move my day to today. Now off to meet my great niece who is not even 2 weeks old yet and see my nephew who is in the military in Oklahoma and came home for a quick visit.  Excited to see all of them.  Unfortunately, the dinner menu is pizza and I have not had more than 2 bites of pizza in the last year.  I'm hoping to find something else on the menu that I can just buy myself.  And, there might have been peanut M & Ms at work that tempted me....Ugh.  Started the day with Premier Protein shake for breakfast, and shrimp for lunch. Rough food day, but not all bad, I suppose.

Have fun with the wedding and family visits. That is what it is all about!



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/15/16 2:45 pm
Topic: RE: International travel

I was able to eat beef jerky early on.  I was struggling with energy and protein and the doctor said I could try it.  I took very little pieces and chewed it practically into a paste. I think it literally saved me during that time.  Maybe that will work for you.  Easy to transport and great source of protein.  I used Jack Links brand.  Seemed to have the best numbers that I could find.  Walmart also sells Jack Links Turkey jerky, which may be a bit softer and they are in packs of less than an ounce.  I just chewed a few pieces initially, never ate the whole pack at one sitting.  Good luck.



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/13/16 10:12 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

The turtles were in Maui.  There were actually 3 of them hanging out in those grasses, so I just stayed with them and watched them for a very long time. It was awesome!  



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/13/16 9:12 pm
Topic: RE: Why your spouse is the best? time to sing the praises

I've been married to my husband for 32 years.  He supports me in all that I do. He still drives me crazy lots of the time, because let's face it, he is a man after all. He is always my biggest cheerleader and excited for my success for my sake, not because he wanted me to lose weight or anything. Eventually I will get plastics and while he feels surgery is a risk (wasn't a fan of my RNY surgery because of the risk, but supported me any way), he is supportive of me doing it if it will make me feel better.  We have fraternal twin daughters who are 22 years old, have graduated from college, and have full time jobs. The last one just left the next and moved an hour and a half away, and the other one is about 7 hours away, so it's a good thing I like my hubby.

On another note, I see some of you are coming to Anaheim for the conference. I will not be able to make it because I have tickets to the Route 91 Country Weekend/Concerts in Las Vegas with my family.  However, if you are arriving earlier in the week or staying any extra days, maybe we can plan to meet up and say hello.  I am about an hour away from Anaheim. It may be a challenge because I am also leaving on a 2 week trip right after that weekend, but I'm willing to try to make it happen.  Let me know.



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/13/16 1:48 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

I love snorkeling and scuba diving, hiking, and I just tried kayaking now that I have lost weight.  Here are a few pictures.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/12/16 10:17 pm
Topic: RE: I need advice

I tried some at 6 months out and had a rough time. Haven't tried it since. It seems a bit early for something like that. Just wait awhile and try again, maybe at home.



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/11/16 10:56 pm
Topic: RE: New here and surgery in less than 1 week!

Tuesday will be here before you know it. I was 52 when I had my surgery last year.  I only wish I had done it at your age. Follow your doctor's plan and take care of yourself following the surgery. Good luck in your journey.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/11/16 12:11 am
Topic: RE: Question about eating

I took a nap every day after wor****il about 6 weeks.  You will be tired. You had major surgery and you are eating less food than you have ever eaten in your life. When I complained to my surgeon about how tired I was, he said, "I told you that you could go back to work, I didn't say you wouldn't be tired."  This is all normal.  I could barely make it through the grocery store without feeling I was ready to collapse at first. It will get better each and every day (well you might have a few days where you doubt this).  Eventually, you will realize, hey I'm not as tired as I was and I am actually feeling kind of energized. Pretty soon you will have a glide in your stride and pep in your step and realize that you feel so much better than before.  You are early on.  Be patient. It will get better.



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/9/16 12:31 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYers?

I am very interested in al of your surgery results because at some point (after I reach my goal and sort of stabilize) I plan to pursue that as well. Hoping for a speedy recovery for you.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/6/16 11:13 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Such a beautiful sweater.  You are talented!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/6/16 2:06 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Happy Friday.  QOTD:  My first car was when I was 16 years old in 1978, a 2-door 1969 Toyota Corona.  My Dad bought it for $190 (they were asking $200, but he talked them down).  It had a blown engine and needed body work.  He repaired the engine, bondo'd (is that a word?) it up, and threw on an Earl Scheib paint job ($49.95) and gave it to me.  I promptly hit a curb head on and busted the tie rod and a-frame on the first weekend with the car.  It's a long story, but I had several friends in the car (exceeding the number of seat belts) and a chicken.  They all had to walk home.  I was towed and had to wake up my Dad to pay the tow truck driver.  The next morning he made me go to the ecology center with him to pull what we needed off some vehicles for a total cost of $18 and then help him fix my car. 

B:  Premier Protein

L:  Chicken fajitas, part of a tortilla, salad

D:  Not sure, one of my daughters will be coming home tonight, not sure what time, so I am leaving it open.

S:  Undecided.  Maybe cheese and crackers.  Maybe an apple.  Maybe yogurt.

We went to the Improv last Saturday and saw Craig Shoemaker aka the Lovemaster and had the best time ever.  We got to meet him and take a picture afterwards.  My daughter wanted to see the guy that is playing there this weekend, so we are going this Saturday to see Chris D'Elia.  Good standup is good for the soul.  Have a great weekend.



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/5/16 3:23 pm
Topic: RE: Irrational fear

Follow your surgeon's and nutritionist's rules and guidelines and you will be just fine.  I think  we all worry a bit that we will mess it up, especially if we feel a twinge of pain or something.  You will do just fine, I'm sure.


The people that have problems are the ones who do not follow the rules.  Some people do the craziest things.  I saw this story after I had my surgery...I wasn't seeking it, but it somehow showed up on facebook or in my news alerts.  Insane.  Why would you have surgery and then do this?  Why do people eat pizza soon after or pick up fast food on the way home from the hospital?  



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/5/16 3:12 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

AV-Coming up with the QOTD each and every day is truly and art form...and you are an artist!

I have to wear suits/jackets often so on the rare days that I don't have meetings I get to be more casual. I am wearing black dress pants (I always wear black pants to work, with the rare exception of navy) and a super cute top I picked up at Costco on one of their road shows.  It is a white eyelet/lace tank top with black scallop stripes integrated into the eyelet.  And I have on a black long sleeve sweater/jacket type thing so my arms don't show.  And black flats, always black flats.  I will have to change the shoes up eventually, but it is a challenge to find fierce 11 wide shoes for work.

Over the years I have begun to subscribe to this theory that "Successful People Are Choosing to Wear the Same Thing Every Day" to minimize decision fatigue, waste less time and energy, etc.  http://www.becomingminimalist.com/wear-one/  so I keep my pants simple. I love bright colors too, so I wear blouses and jackets that are purple (my favorite), turquoise, pink, etc. 

I have gotten rid of just about everything I owned pre-WLS (although I shopped in my closet for a long time as I had a variety of sizes in there).  I must admit it is kind of nice to have less things hanging in my closet.  But I find that I have to stop myself from buying too many things until I get to my goal.  Because, let's admit it, it sure is fun to buy clothes in smaller sizes and so much easier to find things that are in our size and fit.


B: Premier Protein

L: Scallops and salad at Red Lobster (OK-I had one of their amazing biscuits, but only 1!)

D: Grilled chicken and fruit

S: Laughing Cow Cheese and crackers

Gym tonight with the trainer.  I would probably just go home tonight and relax if I didn't have an appointment, so I am glad I have the appointment scheduled.  It has been that kind of day/week.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/4/16 9:59 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

I'm nearby in the Inland Empire (under an hour depending on traffic).  Tuesday or Wednesday night might work out.  Let me know...we can choose the date depending on if there are others in the area that can meet up too. 


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/4/16 9:50 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

I think they screw up on purpose. I have learned two things through the years about my husband.  If he goes to the store, we end up with random, unnecessary things that we will never use (because it is an adventure and he sees all of these new shiny things).  And, when I left him with the kids when they were young, as long as the house was still standing and the kids were alive, then he had done his job.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/3/16 11:02 pm
Topic: RE: Losers bench today

The more you move, the faster the gas will pass. Be prepared to be tired in the weeks ahead.  But just do what you need to, drink your fluids, follow your doctor's instructions, take naps when you need them, and you will gradually gain your energy back each day.  It is all worth it. 


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/1/16 7:46 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Thank you. I'm feeling great too. I will deal with the octopus looking skin in exchange for better health, no question about it.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/1/16 7:45 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Thank you. 


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 5/1/16 12:39 pm
Topic: RE: Foot shrinkage?

I was an 11 WW, I have gone down to an 11 W, but they are still hard to find.  I also hate shoe shopping. I can never find anything that I like. One of my friends said, after you've lost all the weight, we are going to find you some heels instead of loafers.  I had to explain how difficult that is.  People just don't get it if they don't wear wide shoes.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



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