G2GAWAY’s Posts

on 6/20/16 12:29 pm, edited 6/20/16 5:50 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYers?

So I am in a training class for two days with food challenges galore here. I had fruit and half a bagel for breakfast. No protein available. They had Trix yogurt.  Seriously? I can't even imagine the nutrition info on that. Lunch option was a bit better. Salad with bay shrimp to add on, so that was good. Some Asian beef thing so a little protein there too. I get to go out for dinner so that is a bit easier. Salmon or steak are the two options at the hotel restaurant. I have to stay away from the brownies and cookies they just brought ito the room. Oh well, it is only 2 days. I will survive. I have beef jerky in my room.

So many places I would love to visit. Hogwarts for sure and I will be going to Universal sometime. Willy Wonka is kind of scary and psychedelic so probably not. Narnia...maybe. what about somewhere in Game of Thrones? Hard to decide, but regardless you probably wouldn't live very long there. 



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/19/16 11:07 am
Topic: RE: What's on your Sunday menu, RNYers?

Happy Father's Day all. We celebrated last night with one daughter and hubby. Went to a restaurant we had never been to before and it was fancy. Had a delicious meal and they had a light prix-fixe option which started with some salmon as an appetizer (I shared it because it was meal size), a salad, petite fliet, and berries for dessert. My husband had bison, which I meant to try, but never did and he ate it all.  My daughter had braised beef ribs (not my cup of tea).  My Dad lives in Oregon so I don't get to see him.

Today's menu is uncertain. I have to fly to Oakland for work this afternoon, so I will be eating dinner at the hotel restaurant. I had salmon there once before. I'm sure there will be something appropriate to order. Dreading the next 2 days of sitting in meetings where they have pastries in the back, with no protein choices. Lunch last time was a wrap and some salads.

Favorite kids movie....hard to decide. I love Princess Bride.  But for animated, I think Pagemaster was one of my favorites.  Toy Story was the first movie I took my kids to when they were 2 or 3 years old, so that holds a special place in my heart too.

Have a great day with whoever you are spending it with.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/17/16 10:21 am
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Couldn't agree more about today being Friday. Love the WHBM dress and the kitty pic.  I might have shopped there on Saturday and spent way too much money, even with all of my coupons.  Now I have to find some shoes to go with one of the outfits so I can wear it.  I think my feet finally shrunk and I need shoes, but size 11s are not the easiest to find cute shoes.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/17/16 10:19 am
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

You look great!  Cute outfit too!  I am also worried about the heat in So Cal this weekend.  We have air conditioning, but live in the Inland Empire where it gets HOT HOT HOT.  And I have that stupid SCE Cycling program where they can turn it off remotely if usage is high, which will likely happen.  Uggh.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/17/16 10:17 am
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

I agree with Daisy....I don't know how you are surviving without your phone.  I couldn't function without it.  It is my computer, calendar, phone book, connection to the world.  While it seems like sports activities, etc. overwhelm your life with kids, you will (kind of) miss it when it is over, so enjoy it while you can.  What a cool gift basket you put together. 

My first concert was Journey in the summer of 1979 (Thin Lizzy opened for them).  I just googled their concert history and apparently it was the Evolution tour at the Long Beach Arena. I would have just finished my junior year of high school.  I have been to many concerts since.  I remember one day long "Hawaiian jam" with Blue Oyster Cult, Boston, and REO Speedwagon probably in 1981....those were the days.  My concerts now tend to be less focused on rock and more focused on country music.  Sugarland was one of our favorite shows.  This picture is from Wango Tango in 2014.  This is an all-day music fest with all kinds of artists.  Maroon 5, One Republic, Shakira, Ed Sheeran, and Ariana Grande were just a few of the performers.  As heavy as I was, I stood up (because that is what everyone does) for almost 9 hours.  That sure would be a lot easier to do now.

My more local daughter is coming home tonight so we can celebrate Father's Day with my hubby tomorrow since I have to fly to Oakland on Sunday for training on Monday and Tuesday.  The last flight out is at 5 pm.  I hate giving up my weekend afternoon for work.  The other daughter got a pass since we just saw her two weekends ago.  My Dad lives in Oregon now so I don't get to see him and he just started dialysis, so that makes me worry. My other picture is one that showed up in my facebook memories from 4 years ago when I went up there to visit and help him after his wife passed away.

Have a great weekend everyone.

B:  Premier Protein

L:  Grilled Shrimp, vegies, salad

D:  Up in the air-dinner with daughter somewhere-protein focused

S:  Laughing cow cheese, 6 saltines

Let us know how the scampi and zoodles works out.  Share the recipe if it is good!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/16/16 10:50 pm
Topic: RE: 1 Year Surgiversary!!! Picture!

You look great!  


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/16/16 10:47 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

I hope things work out for your trip. Sounds like a great time with graduation and all the things ahead. This transition is tough as they grow up and spread their wings. After the kids went to college we missed all of the kids hanging around, back to school nights, and all of those sporting events and activities with the kids.  Eventually you get used to it and just spend your time together differently.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/16/16 10:41 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

It was quite the adventure. So glad we did it.  Maybe my husband and I can do something similar when we retire (many years from now).


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/16/16 11:07 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

It has been a busy week, so I have barely been able to skim through the posts.  The budget was adopted by the Board on Tuesday, after we sat in the chambers until 3 pm with no lunch break and no drinks allowed (since 10 am).  Needless to say, very thirsty and starving. They had pizza waiting for us when we got done (which I ate), but I have only had pizza twice in the past year or so.  Happy to say that it doesn't hit the spot anymore.  Not satisfying or filling in any way.  That is good news for me.  Now we move on to year-end stuff and preparing the adopted budgets.  Budget is a year-long process.  Good thing I love my job. I saw 42nd Street at the Pantages last night, so it was rough getting up this morning for work.  It was an amazing show!!!!!

B:  Premier Protein

L:  Shrimp tostada

D:  Grilled chicken nuggets (chick-fil-a And I order 6 of them in the kids meal-I can't believe they sell just one!), small fruit cup

S:  Laughing Cow cheese wedge, 6 saltines - maybe a yogurt tube later tonight if I still need a little something

QOTD:  Favorite summertime activity.  I love to do everything!!! I was very active even when I weighed 140+ pounds more.  Love to camp, but don't do it as much any more now that the kids are grown. Hiking is fun.  The beach (or sitting around a pool) is lovely.  We used to do a 2 week trip to the Sierras in August and it was cool enough that we could ride our ATVs there (even in the summer).  One year I pulled a trailer and took my daughters on a 2 month camping trip through the Western US.  We visited 10 states and 11 national parks, lots of state parks, and anything that caught our fancy.  My husband joined us for 2 different weeks out of the trip.  That was an adventure.  

Have a great day.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/16/16 11:02 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

Me too.  I love the beach (especially with my kindle).  I could just sit there all day long.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/15/16 10:36 am
Topic: RE: What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

I am learning that I just might be controlling about everything. Because my husband just doesn't do it right! Haha.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/13/16 8:31 pm
Topic: RE: Low energy level

It took about 6-1/2 weeks for me to feel my energy return. You had major surgery and are adjusting to a different menu. Be patient, take naps, and take care of yourself. I took a nap every day after work for a month or so. You will get through it and then you will have more energy than ever as you lose weight and start to feel healthier.  Good luck.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/13/16 12:29 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYers?

You look awesome. I hope the play was wonderful. It is one of my favorites.


PS. Snark is such a perfect description. I missed it too!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/10/16 1:57 pm
Topic: RE: What is on your (PHOTO) Friday Menu RNYers?

Thank goodness it is Friday. I have flown 4 days out of the last 6 (2 for pleasure and 2 for business) and I am one tired puppy.  Plus the budget is being presented to the Board on Tuesday, which means last minute scrambling to answer questions and we are approaching the fiscal year end which also means lots of deadlines and last minute requests to get things in for year end. 

Well, I have learned a lot this past year.  I had big plans to post something on my year surgiversary, but that came and went last month. Although not the profound things you are probably asking about, the two things I learned on this last trip were that I CAN now fit in the One Size Fits All robes in hotel rooms and I am no longer the person that other passengers avoid on a Southwest flight when they need to sit in the middle seat next to me.  I guess the other thing of more substance that I have learned is that it is important to take care of me, sometimes to the exclusion of others.  This is not easy.

Weekend plans...I hope to go to the chiropractor on the way home, get threaded to clean up my eyebrows, then go home and go through the mail and do laundry and all those things that haven't happened in the past week. Tomorrow we have a plumber coming to try to fix the shower in the kids bathroom (although they no longer live here, I want to keep them out of mine when they come visit), a much needed haircut, and then going to dinner and a play with a friend.  Sunday-nothing, nada-maybe some shopping...I need clothes that fit.

I love seeing everybody's pictures. Photo Friday is fun.  Happy birthday to Grim. I want to go to Martha's Vineyard someday.  Hope you all have a great weekend.

This is a picture at one of our favorite wineries in Napa, Pride Mountain Vineyard. 


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/10/16 11:35 am
Topic: RE: What is on your (PHOTO) Friday Menu RNYers?

I read on one of these posts some time ago that we gain weight proximally and lose weight distally.  I have definitely found that to be true and probably one of the reasons that people ask the question.  People could tell I lost weight in my arms early on and I was thinking, "WTH, that is not where I want to lose it from," but it is just part of the process.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/10/16 11:33 am
Topic: RE: What is on your (PHOTO) Friday Menu RNYers?

I love Phantom.  Enjoy!!!!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/9/16 10:21 pm
Topic: RE: What is on your Thursday Menu RNYers?

You look great!  Love the outfit. I do exactly the same thing with magazines. But, I do try to stay off Pinterest because it CAN be a time sucker.  I love Love LOVE White House Black Market.  I just wi**** were a *****eaper.  I have a pair of black pants (among other things) that I absolutely love how they fit.  They are starting to get big in the legs, but still snug in the waist so I can't go down a size. I do have a couple of coupons so I plan to buy a thing or two next week before they expire. 

Amazon Prime is the best thing ever!



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/6/16 12:09 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYers?

Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law.  That sucks. My weekend in Napa was beautiful weather, some great tasting experiences, and fine dining.  Even better, the girls finally have some value (just kidding), because the tastings are all comped since they are in the industry.  That saves us a lot of money.  The only sucky thing about the weekend was when my dear daughters, who are typically great kids, got into a fight on Saturday night, and it really puts me in a predicament.  I don't think I should be solving their problem as they are adults (22 years old) now, but they both get upset with me when I don't engage.  It is definitely a no-win situation. Everyone managed to get along and have fun on Sunday and they were still copying each other on group texts today, so maybe things will blow over.  I am typically pretty upbeat, but this situation really can get me in a downer mood.  So I am moving on for the week and trying to shake this funk.  Our flight home was delayed an hour and half last night, and I have to fly back up to Oakland tomorrow afternoon for a Wednesday training class, so I get to go to the gym tonight, then go home and unpack and repack. Not to mention all the pre-training homework ready I have to do prior to the class.  Fortunately, my Monday menu is pretty typical, so I can stay on track.  Thank goodness I have an appointment with the trainer, so I won't bail out on my workout.  I'm pretty sure I will have to keep a trainer to keep me on track.

B:  Premier Protein

L:  Grilled shrimp, vegies, salad

D:  Grilled chicken, fruit (from Chick-fil-a)

S:  Laughing Cow Cheese wedge, 6 saltines



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/6/16 11:52 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYers?

I love Dress Barn. I always find cute things there. I am almost ready to try their dresses.  They definitely are relatively inexpensive for nice work dresses and are very cute.  Of course, they do sell online too if you don't have one nearby.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/3/16 1:27 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Thank you.  We are very blessed.  Sad that the kids have left the nest, but great that they are only 22 years old and have graduated college, have full time jobs, and are self-supporting (well, for the most part).


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/3/16 1:26 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Thank you. Looking forward to it.  They are great kids.  We are very blessed.  Sad that they have left the nest, but great that they are only 22 years old and have graduated college, have full time jobs, and are self-supporting (well, for the most part).


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/3/16 12:14 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Your pictures are so tiny and mine always load in so huge (I don't know what causes them to be so big)!  Bring on the weekend!  I am taking off early and blowing this popsicle stand in less than 2 hours and heading to the airport to meet up with my husband (pre-flight), one daughter (at the airport at the other end of the flight) and my other daughter who is driving to the airport to pick us up and then we are going to spend almost two days in Napa hanging out, drinking wine, and eating fabulous food. So excited for the weekend.  Nice to spend a couple of days together with no TV to distract, just visiting and catching up.

B:  Premier Protein

L:  Grilled chicken and fruit

D:  Unknown-probably some sort of fish or seafood in Napa

S:  Beef jerky, Babybel cheese

Here is a picture of the family from last month's shenanigans (It looks like they loaded in reverse order-so this one is at the end).  And some pictures from my hikes in Malibu last weekend.  

Have a great weekend whatever you do (even if it attempting to summit Mt. Laundry).



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/2/16 9:17 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

Nevermind....I just saw that you had posted the recipe.  Thank you :)


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/2/16 9:14 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

I need to go shopping too!  I haven't quite replenished enough and left 3 tops hanging in my daughter's closet this past weekend. I will get them soon enough. I want to try to get to Nordstrom. Maybe next weekend?  But I think the sale is over by then. Grrrr...

Please share your recipe.  It sounds delicious.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/2/16 9:11 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

I agree.  I miss fruit. I just ate my fruit cup from my chick fil a kids meal and it is such a treat.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



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